• 调试器扩展SOSEX


    0:000> .load sosex.dll
    0:000> !sosex.help
    SOSEX - Copyright 2007-2012 by Steve Johnson - http://www.stevestechspot.com/
    To report bugs or offer feedback about SOSEX, please email sjjohnson@pobox.com
    Quick Ref:
    bhi       [filename]                                     BuildHeapIndex - Builds
     an index file for heap objects.
    bpsc      (Deprecated.  Use !mbp instead)
    chi                                                      ClearHeapIndex - Frees
    all resources used by the heap index and removes it from memory.
    dlk       [-d]                                           Displays deadlocks betw
    een SyncBlocks and/or ReaderWriterLocks
    dumpgen   [-free] [-stat] [-type ]   Dumps the contents of t
    he specified generation
    finq      [GenNum] [-stat]                               Displays objects in the
     finalization queue
    frq       [-stat]                                        Displays objects in the
     Freachable queue
    gcgen                                       Displays the GC generat
    ion of the specified object
    gch       [HandleType]...                                Lists all GCHandles, op
    tionally filtered by specified handle types
    help      [CommandName]                                  Display this screen or
    details about the specified command
    lhi       [filename]                                     LoadHeapIndex - load th
    e heap index into memory.
    mbc                            Clears the specified or
     all managed breakpoints
    mbd                            Disables the specified
    or all managed breakpoints
    mbe                            Enables the specified o
    r all managed breakpoints
    mbl       [SOSEX breakpoint ID]                          Prints the specified or
     all managed breakpoints
    mbm       [ILOffset] [Options]       Sets a managed breakpoi
    nt on methods matching the specified filter
    mbp       [ColNum] [Options]     Sets a managed breakpoi
    nt at the specified source code location
    mdso      [Options]                                      Dumps object references
     on the stack and in CPU registers in the current context
    mdt       [TypeName | VarName | MT] [ADDR] [Options]     Displays the fields of
    an object or type, optionally recursively
    mdv       [nFrameNum]                                    Displays arguments and
    locals for a managed frame
    mfrag     [-stat] [-mt:]                             Reports free blocks, th
    e type of object following the free block, and fragmentation statistics
    mframe    [nFrameNum]                                    Displays or sets the cu
    rrent managed frame for the !mdt and !mdv commands
    mgu       // TODO: Document
    mk        [FrameCount] [-l] [-p] [-a]                    Prints a stack trace of
     managed and unmanaged frames
    mln       [expression]                                   Displays the type of ma
    naged data located at the specified address or the current instruction pointer
    mlocks    [-d]                                           Lists all managed lock
    objects and CriticalSections and their owning threads
    mroot     [-all]                            Displays GC roots for t
    he specified object
    mt        (no parameters)                                Steps into the managed
    method at the current position
    mu        [address] [-s] [-il] [-n]                      Displays a disassembly
    around the current instruction with interleaved source, IL and asm code
    muf       [MD Address | Code Address] [-s] [-il] [-n]    Displays a disassembly
    with interleaved source, IL and asm code
    mwaits    [-d]                                           Lists all waiting threa
    ds and, if known, the locks they are waiting on
    mx                                        Displays managed type/f
    ield/method names matching the specified filter string
    refs       [-target|-source]                 Displays all references
     from and to the specified object
    rwlock    [ObjectAddr | -d]                              Displays all RWLocks or
    , if provided a RWLock address, details of the specified lock
    sosexhelp [CommandName]                                  Display this screen or
    details about the specified command
    strings   [ModuleAddress] [Options]                      Search the managed heap
     or a module for strings matching the specified criteria
    ListGcHandles - See gch
    Use !help or !sosexhelp for more details about each command.
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/yumianhu/p/3710754.html
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