• opencv保存选择图像中的区域(二)

     1 /*
     2  * =====================================================================================
     3  *
     4  *       Filename:  resize.cpp
     5  *      Environment:    
     6  *    Description:  图像list为参数输入程序,resize后的图像在picture_resize下
     7  *
     8  *
     9  *        Version:  1.0
    10  *        Created:  2013/10/15 12:23:51
    11  *         Author:  yuliyang
    12 I*
    13  *             Mail:  wzyuliyang911@gmail.com
    14  *             Blog:  http://www.cnblogs.com/yuliyang
    15  *
    16  * =====================================================================================
    17  */
    19 #include "opencvcv.h"
    20 #include "opencvhighgui.h"
    21 #include <math.h>
    22 #include "windows.h"
    23 #include "fstream"
    24 #include <cstdlib>
    25 #include <string.h>
    26 using namespace std;
    27 static int n=0;
    28 static char savename_resize[50];
    29 int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    30 {
    32     /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    33      *  创建目标目录,保存resize图像
    34      *  DOS命令
    35      *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
    36     system("md .\picture_resize");
    37     IplImage *src = 0;            //源图像指针
    38     IplImage *dst = 0;            //目标图像指针
    39     CvSize dst_cvsize;            //目标图像尺寸
    40     dst_cvsize.width=64;
    41     dst_cvsize.height=128;
    42     string buf;    
    43     ifstream svm_data(argv[1]);//训练样本图片的路径都写在这个txt文件中,使用bat批处理文件可以得到这个txt文件   
    44     while (svm_data)
    45     {
    46         if (getline(svm_data,buf))
    47         {
    49              printf("processing %s...
    50              src = cvLoadImage(buf.c_str());
    51              dst = cvCreateImage( dst_cvsize, src->depth, src->nChannels);    //构造目标图象
    52              cvResize(src, dst, CV_INTER_LINEAR);    //缩放源图像到目标图像
    53              sprintf(savename_resize,".//picture_resize//resize%03dr.bmp",n);
    54              cvSaveImage(savename_resize,dst);
    55              n++;
    56              cvReleaseImage(&src);    //释放源图像占用的内存
    57              cvReleaseImage(&dst);    //释放目标图像占用的内存
    58         }
    59     }
    61     svm_data.close();
    63     /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    64      *  bat批处理:
    65      *
    66      * 在num.txt文件中的偶数行插入数字0,分类器的label
    67      *
    68      setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
    69      for /f "delims=  " %%a in (num.txt) do (
    70      set /a line =0
    71      echo %%a >>0.txt
    72      echo !line! >>0.txt
    73      )
    75      将目录下的所以文件名写入num.txt文件里
    76      dir /b/s/p/w *.bmp > num.txt
    78      将所有0.txt - 9.txt内的内容全部写入到hb.txt
    79      @echo off
    80      set d=d:
    81      pushd %d%
    82      del hb.tmp 2>nul
    83      for /f "tokens=*" %%i in ('dir/b/s *.txt') do type "%%i">>hb.txt
    84      ren hb.tmp hb.txt
    85      popd
    87      *  
    88      *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
    90     /* the first command line parameter must be image file name */
    91     // src = cvLoadImage(argv[1]);
    92     // dst_cvsize.width = src->width * scale;        //目标图像的宽为源图象宽的scale倍
    93     // dst_cvsize.height = src->height * scale;    //目标图像的高为源图象高的scale倍
    94     //
    96     return 0;
    97 }
      1 /*
      2  * =====================================================================================
      3  *
      4  *       Filename:  select2save.cpp
      5  *    Description:  获取感兴趣的选区,自动创建目录和resize大小
      6  *    环境:opencv2.4.4和vs2010
      7  *
      8  *
      9  *        Version:  2
     10  *        Created:  2013/10/14 19:52:09
     11  *         Author:  yuliyang
     12  *            Weibo:    @礼杨_HDU
     13  *             Mail:  wzyuliyang911@gmail.com
     14  *             Blog:  http://www.cnblogs.com/yuliyang
     15  *
     16  * =====================================================================================
     17  */
     18 #include "opencvcv.h"
     19 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     20  *  很奇怪的的是cvresize()在这个头文件里,加了它才有定义,否则编译会说函数未定义
     21  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
     22 #include "opencvhighgui.h"
     23 #include "opencv2/core/core.hpp"  
     24 #include "opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp"  
     25 #include "opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp"  
     26 #include <stdio.h>
     27 #include <math.h>
     28 using namespace cv;
     30 IplImage* org = 0;
     31 IplImage* img = 0; 
     32 IplImage* tmp = 0; 
     33 IplImage* dst = 0; 
     34 IplImage* dst_resize = 0; 
     35 static int n=0;
     36 static char savename[50];
     37 static char savename_resize[50];
     38 void on_mouse( int event, int x, int y, int flags, void* ustc)
     39 {
     40     static CvPoint pre_pt = {-1,-1};
     41     static CvPoint cur_pt = {-1,-1};
     42     CvFont font;
     43     cvInitFont(&font, CV_FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, 0.5, 0, 1, CV_AA);
     44     char temp[16];
     45     char lenth_and_height[30];
     47     if( event == CV_EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN )
     48     {
     49         cvCopy(org,img);
     50         sprintf(temp,"(%d,%d)",x,y);
     51         pre_pt = cvPoint(x,y);
     52         cvPutText(img,temp, pre_pt, &font, cvScalar(0,0, 0, 255));
     53         cvCircle( img, pre_pt, 3,cvScalar(255,0,0,0) ,CV_FILLED, CV_AA, 0 );
     54         cvShowImage( "img", img );
     55         cvCopy(img,tmp);
     56     }
     57     else if( event == CV_EVENT_MOUSEMOVE && !(flags & CV_EVENT_FLAG_LBUTTON))
     58     {
     59         cvCopy(tmp,img);
     60         sprintf(temp,"(%d,%d)",x,y);
     61         cur_pt = cvPoint(x,y);        
     62         cvPutText(img,temp, cur_pt, &font, cvScalar(0,0, 0, 255));
     63         cvShowImage( "img", img );
     64     }
     65     else if( event == CV_EVENT_MOUSEMOVE && (flags & CV_EVENT_FLAG_LBUTTON))
     66     {
     67         cvCopy(tmp,img);
     68         sprintf(temp,"(%d,%d)",x,y);
     69         cur_pt = cvPoint(x,y);        
     70         cvPutText(img,temp, cur_pt, &font, cvScalar(0,0, 0, 255));
     71         cvRectangle(img, pre_pt, cur_pt, cvScalar(0,255,0,0), 1, 8, 0 );
     72         sprintf(lenth_and_height,"(Width:%d,Height:%d)",abs(cur_pt.x-pre_pt.x),abs(cur_pt.y-pre_pt.y));
     73         /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     74          *
     75          *
     76          *  为了方便随时查看自己选区的宽度和高度,特意加了一个点,该点计算为取矩形窗左上点和右下点的中点
     77          *
     78          *
     79          *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
     80         CvPoint origin;
     81         origin.x=(pre_pt.x+cur_pt.x)/2;
     82         origin.y=(pre_pt.y+cur_pt.y)/2;
     83         cvPutText(img,lenth_and_height, origin, &font, cvScalar(0,0, 0, 255));
     84         cvShowImage( "img", img );
     85     }
     86     else if( event == CV_EVENT_LBUTTONUP )
     87     {
     88         cvCopy(tmp,img);
     89         sprintf(temp,"(%d,%d)",x,y);
     90         cur_pt = cvPoint(x,y);        
     91         cvPutText(img,temp, cur_pt, &font, cvScalar(0,0, 0, 255));
     92         cvCircle( img, cur_pt, 3,cvScalar(255,0,0,0) ,CV_FILLED, CV_AA, 0 );
     93         cvRectangle( img, pre_pt, cur_pt, cvScalar(0,255,0,0), 1, 8, 0 );
     94         cvShowImage( "img", img );
     95         cvCopy(img,tmp);
     96         int width=abs(pre_pt.x-cur_pt.x);
     97         int height=abs(pre_pt.y-cur_pt.y);
     98         if(width==0 || height==0)
     99         {
    100             cvDestroyWindow("dst");
    101             return;
    102         }
    103         dst=cvCreateImage(cvSize(width,height),org->depth,org->nChannels);
    104         CvRect rect;
    105         if(pre_pt.x<cur_pt.x && pre_pt.y<cur_pt.y)
    106         {
    107             rect=cvRect(pre_pt.x,pre_pt.y,width,height);
    108         }
    109         else if(pre_pt.x>cur_pt.x && pre_pt.y<cur_pt.y)
    110         {
    111             rect=cvRect(cur_pt.x,pre_pt.y,width,height);
    112         }
    113         else if(pre_pt.x>cur_pt.x && pre_pt.y>cur_pt.y)
    114         {
    115             rect=cvRect(cur_pt.x,cur_pt.y,width,height);
    116         }
    117         else if(pre_pt.x<cur_pt.x && pre_pt.y>cur_pt.y)
    118         {
    119             rect=cvRect(pre_pt.x,cur_pt.y,width,height);
    120         }
    121         cvSetImageROI(org,rect);
    122         cvCopy(org,dst);
    124         /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    125          *  定义保存图像的大小
    126          *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
    127         CvSize dst_cvsize;            
    128         dst_cvsize.width=64;
    129         dst_cvsize.height=128;
    130         dst_resize = cvCreateImage( dst_cvsize, org->depth, org->nChannels);
    131         cvResize(org, dst_resize, CV_INTER_LINEAR);
    133         cvResetImageROI(org);
    134         cvDestroyWindow("dst");
    135         //cvNamedWindow("dst",1);
    136         //cvShowImage("dst",dst);
    138         /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    139          *  保存未resize的图像
    140          *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
    141         sprintf(savename,".\picture\save%03d.bmp",n);
    142         /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    143          *  保存在resize文件夹下
    144          *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
    145         sprintf(savename_resize,".\picture_resize\save%03dr.bmp",n);
    147         cvSaveImage(savename,dst);
    148         cvSaveImage(savename_resize,dst_resize);
    149         n++;
    150     }
    151 }
    152 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    153 {
    155     /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    156      *  用DOS命令创建文件夹,用于分类resize和未resize的原图像
    157      *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
    158     system("md .\picture_resize");
    159     system("md .\picture");
    160     org=cvLoadImage(argv[1],1);
    161     img=cvCloneImage(org);
    162     tmp=cvCloneImage(org);
    163     cvNamedWindow("img",1);
    164     cvSetMouseCallback( "img", on_mouse, 0 );
    166     cvShowImage("img",img);
    167     cvWaitKey(0); 
    168     cvDestroyAllWindows();
    169     cvReleaseImage(&org);
    170     cvReleaseImage(&img);
    171     cvReleaseImage(&tmp);
    172     cvReleaseImage(&dst);
    173     return 0;
    174 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/yuliyang/p/3370002.html
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