• OpenStack之Neutron分配VIP提供给两台虚拟机做高可用

    一. 简单介绍

    在openstack私有云平台的应用场景中,涉及多台虚拟机实例进行高可用的绑定,这里我们需要在云平台中提供一个IP给高可用场景切换,这里介绍keepalived + allow_address_pairs实现虚拟机的高可用


    [root@openstack01 ~]# neutron net-list
    | id                                   | name        | tenant_id                        | subnets                                              |
    | 0fbab9a2-9838-43f9-b1a3-0302ee53eb70 | virtual-net | c1f5a356a4f549bb90234c05d60e0a35 | d09ba832-6734-42e7-b127-00114bbbbe83     |
    | f2cbbf07-bb60-4ef8-acdd-bee4a793b51b | public1     | c1f5a356a4f549bb90234c05d60e0a35 | b5614524-96c2-4f5f-9507-a95a1627ac4d |

    这里找出virtual-net对应的id号( 0fbab9a2-9838-43f9-b1a3-0302ee53eb70)

    [root@openstack01 ~]# neutron port-create --fixed-ip ip_address= 0fbab9a2-9838-43f9-b1a3-0302ee53eb70
    neutron CLI is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Use openstack CLI instead.
    Created a new port:
    | Field                 | Value                                                                             |
    | admin_state_up        | True                                                                              |
    | allowed_address_pairs |                                                                                   |
    | binding:host_id       |                                                                                   |
    | binding:profile       | {}                                                                                |
    | binding:vif_details   | {}                                                                                |
    | binding:vif_type      | unbound                                                                           |
    | binding:vnic_type     | normal                                                                            |
    | created_at            | 2018-09-28T01:15:18Z                                                              |
    | description           |                                                                                   |
    | device_id             |                                                                                   |
    | device_owner          |                                                                                   |
    | extra_dhcp_opts       |                                                                                   |
    | fixed_ips             | {"subnet_id": "d09ba832-6734-42e7-b127-00114bbbbe83", "ip_address": ""} |
    | id                    | 715d39e9-8341-4124-a8e4-3a4e2700ee36                                              |
    | mac_address           | fa:16:3e:f0:2b:85                                                                 |
    | name                  |                                                                                   |
    | network_id            | 0fbab9a2-9838-43f9-b1a3-0302ee53eb70                                              |
    | port_security_enabled | True                                                                              |
    | project_id            | c1f5a356a4f549bb90234c05d60e0a35                                                  |
    | revision_number       | 6                                                                                 |
    | security_groups       | 8da47344-9c63-4229-b89a-b653afad65b6                                              |
    | status                | DOWN                                                                              |
    | tags                  |                                                                                   |
    | tenant_id             | c1f5a356a4f549bb90234c05d60e0a35                                                  |
    | updated_at            | 2018-09-28T01:15:19Z                                                              |


    三. 更新端口信息到对应的实例


    [root@openstack01 ~]# neutron port-list
    neutron CLI is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Use openstack CLI instead.
    | id                                   | name   | tenant_id                        | mac_address       | fixed_ips                                                                            |
    | 35d83ee9-e574-45a3-9193-bdd746102807 |        | c1f5a356a4f549bb90234c05d60e0a35 | fa:16:3e:e2:42:ad | {"subnet_id": "d09ba832-6734-42e7-b127-00114bbbbe83", "ip_address": ""}      |
    | 468bf092-324e-4c0d-a7f7-603f19b388fc |        |                                  | fa:16:3e:b3:19:92 | {"subnet_id": "b5614524-96c2-4f5f-9507-a95a1627ac4d", "ip_address": ""} |
    | 52da60be-e2d1-47b6-8d84-8634bd3a18f8 |        | c1f5a356a4f549bb90234c05d60e0a35 | fa:16:3e:0c:50:55 | {"subnet_id": "d09ba832-6734-42e7-b127-00114bbbbe83", "ip_address": ""}      |
    | 715d39e9-8341-4124-a8e4-3a4e2700ee36 |        | c1f5a356a4f549bb90234c05d60e0a35 | fa:16:3e:f0:2b:85 | {"subnet_id": "d09ba832-6734-42e7-b127-00114bbbbe83", "ip_address": ""}    |
    | a6632ddd-588c-46f2-ad98-edb4a3b5dda3 |        | c1f5a356a4f549bb90234c05d60e0a35 | fa:16:3e:fe:e2:67 | {"subnet_id": "d09ba832-6734-42e7-b127-00114bbbbe83", "ip_address": ""}      |
    | a9629c47-cf80-40d3-864f-f3ce9c7fe7ca |        | c1f5a356a4f549bb90234c05d60e0a35 | fa:16:3e:ff:90:81 | {"subnet_id": "d09ba832-6734-42e7-b127-00114bbbbe83", "ip_address": ""}     |
    | da2afbf5-33c4-48ca-8ab3-136d48628631 |        |                                  | fa:16:3e:08:af:07 | {"subnet_id": "b5614524-96c2-4f5f-9507-a95a1627ac4d", "ip_address": ""} |
    | dc993931-499b-440e-9980-4f8e7ceb6cb4 |        |                                  | fa:16:3e:87:32:bf | {"subnet_id": "d09ba832-6734-42e7-b127-00114bbbbe83", "ip_address": ""}      |
    | e97c25fe-f08b-4230-9ccf-e34f0a2e5d4b |        |                                  | fa:16:3e:d0:d5:85 | {"subnet_id": "b5614524-96c2-4f5f-9507-a95a1627ac4d", "ip_address": ""} |
    | e9841b66-17d4-4a7d-8f74-e27b33d24d6d |        |                                  | fa:16:3e:da:c0:96 | {"subnet_id": "b5614524-96c2-4f5f-9507-a95a1627ac4d", "ip_address": ""} |
    | f33564a2-37b2-4df8-a14f-ce2c31402f25 | port-1 | c1f5a356a4f549bb90234c05d60e0a35 | fa:16:3e:dc:1c:d3 | {"subnet_id": "d09ba832-6734-42e7-b127-00114bbbbe83", "ip_address": ""}     |


    [root@openstack01 ~]# neutron port-update a9629c47-cf80-40d3-864f-f3ce9c7fe7ca --allowed_address_pairs list=true type=dict ip_address= 
    neutron CLI is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Use openstack CLI instead.
    Updated port: a9629c47-cf80-40d3-864f-f3ce9c7fe7ca


    [root@openstack01 ~]# neutron port-update 52da60be-e2d1-47b6-8d84-8634bd3a18f8 --allowed_address_pairs list=true type=dict ip_address= 
    neutron CLI is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Use openstack CLI instead.
    Updated port: 52da60be-e2d1-47b6-8d84-8634bd3a18f8


    [root@openstack01 ~]# neutron port-show a9629c47-cf80-40d3-864f-f3ce9c7fe7ca
    neutron CLI is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Use openstack CLI instead.
    | Field                 | Value                                                                            |
    | admin_state_up        | True                                                                             |
    | allowed_address_pairs | {"ip_address": "", "mac_address": "fa:16:3e:ff:90:81"}                 |
    | binding:host_id       | openstack01                                                                      |
    | binding:profile       | {}                                                                               |
    | binding:vif_details   | {"port_filter": true, "datapath_type": "system", "ovs_hybrid_plug": true}        |
    | binding:vif_type      | ovs                                                                              |
    | binding:vnic_type     | normal                                                                           |
    | created_at            | 2018-09-28T01:18:09Z                                                             |
    | description           |                                                                                  |
    | device_id             | 59cdecdd-2e42-48cc-b76f-29d8fee78183                                             |
    | device_owner          | compute:nova                                                                     |
    | extra_dhcp_opts       |                                                                                  |
    | fixed_ips             | {"subnet_id": "d09ba832-6734-42e7-b127-00114bbbbe83", "ip_address": ""} |
    | id                    | a9629c47-cf80-40d3-864f-f3ce9c7fe7ca                                             |
    | mac_address           | fa:16:3e:ff:90:81                                                                |
    | name                  |                                                                                  |
    | network_id            | 0fbab9a2-9838-43f9-b1a3-0302ee53eb70                                             |
    | port_security_enabled | True                                                                             |
    | project_id            | c1f5a356a4f549bb90234c05d60e0a35                                                 |
    | revision_number       | 12                                                                               |
    | security_groups       | 8da47344-9c63-4229-b89a-b653afad65b6                                             |
    | status                | ACTIVE                                                                           |
    | tags                  |                                                                                  |
    | tenant_id             | c1f5a356a4f549bb90234c05d60e0a35                                                 |
    | updated_at            | 2018-09-28T01:27:54Z                                                             |


    四. 绑定浮动IP

    • 在实际的应用场景中,我们需要将虚拟机绑定一个浮动IP来提供给外部的业务访问,这里需要将浮动IP绑定到keepalived 的VIP对应的端口上

    • 将分配的浮动IP绑定到keepalived的vip端口上:

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/yuhaohao/p/9716754.html
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