1.openBluetoothAdapter 获取手机蓝牙的状态(是否已打开蓝牙,手机是否支持蓝牙功能)
2.startBluetoothDevicesDiscovery 开始搜索蓝牙设备
3.getBluetoothDevices 已获取的蓝牙设备列表
4.connectBLEDevice 开始匹配连接设备
5.getBLEDeviceServices 获取设备services服务列表
6.getBLEDeviceCharacteristics 获取蓝牙设备characteristics特征值列表
7.notifyBLECharacteristicValueChange 开启设备notify功能
8.onBLECharacteristicValueChange 监听回调变化获取设备返回数据
9.writeBLECharacteristicValue 想蓝牙设备写入数据
import apiUrl from '../../utils/utils'; Page({ data: { list: [], }, onReady() { var that = this; //获取本机蓝牙开关状态 my.openBluetoothAdapter({ success: (res) => { if (!res.isSupportBLE) { my.alert({ content: '抱歉,您的手机蓝牙暂不可用' }); return; }else{ //开始搜寻附近的蓝牙外围设备 my.startBluetoothDevicesDiscovery({ allowDuplicatesKey: false, success: (res) => { //获取搜索设备 setTimeout(function () { my.getBluetoothDevices({ success: (res) => { let devices = res.devices; let len = devices.length; that.setData({ list: devices, }) if (len == 0) { //未收到设备处理 my.hideLoading(); my.alert({ title: '获取搜索设备为空', content: "周边无设备", buttonText: "确定", success: () => { }, }); } else { that.open(res.devices); } my.stopBluetoothDevicesDiscovery({ success: (res) => { console.log(res) }, fail:(res) => { }, }); }, fail:(res) => { //获取设备 my.alert({ title: '获取搜索设备列表', content: JSON.stringify(res), buttonText: '我知道了', }); my.stopBluetoothDevicesDiscovery({ success: (res) => { console.log(res) }, fail:(res) => { }, }); } }); }, 1000); }, fail:(res) => { //开始搜索附近蓝牙 my.alert({ title: '开始搜索附近蓝牙', content: JSON.stringify(res), buttonText: '我知道了', }); }, }); } }, fail:(res) => { //本机蓝牙开关状态 my.alert({ title: '本机蓝牙开关状态', content: JSON.stringify(res), buttonText: '我知道了', }); }, }); }, open(arr){ var that = this; var target = false; for (let x = 0; x < arr.length; x++) { if(arr[x].name == 'XXXXXXXXXXXXX'){ target = true; useAsyncAwait(); async function useAsyncAwait(){ await that.deviceIdOpen(arr[x].deviceId) } } } if(target == false){ my.alert({ title: '未获取到对应设备', content: '请重试', buttonText: '我知道了', }); } }, deviceIdOpen(connectedDeviceId){ var that = this; console.log('zyy open' + connectedDeviceId) //开始匹配连接设备 my.connectBLEDevice({ deviceId: connectedDeviceId, success: (res) => { console.log('zyy connectBLEDevice'+connectedDeviceId) // 获取设备uuid(服务列表) my.getBLEDeviceServices({ deviceId: connectedDeviceId, success: (res) => { console.log('zyy getBLEDeviceServices'+connectedDeviceId) var services = res.services; for (var y = 0; y < services.length; y++) { var serviceId = services[y].serviceId; if(serviceId == 'XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX'){ //获取蓝牙设备特征值 my.getBLEDeviceCharacteristics({ deviceId: connectedDeviceId, serviceId: serviceId, success: (res) => { var characteristic = res.characteristics; for (var z = 0; z < characteristic.length; z++) { var characteristicId = characteristic[z].characteristicId; if(characteristicId == 'XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX'){ // 启用低功耗蓝牙设备特征值变化时的 notify 功能 my.notifyBLECharacteristicValueChange({ state: true, // 启用 notify 功能 deviceId: connectedDeviceId, serviceId: serviceId, characteristicId: characteristicId, success: (res) => { //向低功耗蓝牙设备特征值中写入数据 setTimeout(function () { my.writeBLECharacteristicValue({ deviceId: connectedDeviceId, serviceId: serviceId, characteristicId: characteristicId, value: 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX', success: (resa) => { //读取蓝牙返回数据 my.alert({ title: '写入数据成功', content: JSON.stringify(res), buttonText: '我知道了', });
// my.onBLECharacteristicValueChange(that.getdata) }, fail:(res) => { //向低功耗蓝牙设备特征值中写入数据 my.alert({ title: '写入数据失败', content: JSON.stringify(res), buttonText: '我知道了', }); }, complete: (res)=>{ my.alert({ title: 'connectedDeviceId', content: connectedDeviceId, buttonText: '我知道了', }); } }); }, 500); my.onBLECharacteristicValueChange(that.getdata); }, fail:(res) => { // 启用低功耗蓝牙设备特征值变化时的 notify 功能 my.alert({ title: 'notify 功能开启', content: res, buttonText: '我知道了', }); }, }); } } }, fail:(res) => { //获取设备特征值 my.alert({ title: '获取特征值失败', content: JSON.stringify(res), buttonText: '我知道了', }); }, complete: (res)=>{ } }); } } }, fail:(res) => { // 获取设备uuid(服务列表) my.alert({ title: 'services服务列表获取失败', content: JSON.stringify(res), buttonText: '我知道了', }); }, }); }, fail:(res) => { //开始连接设备 my.alert({ title: '开始连接设备', content: JSON.stringify(res), buttonText: '我知道了', }); }, }); }, getdata(res){ //将change事件移除避免出现多个返回值监听 my.offBLECharacteristicValueChange(); setTimeout(function () { //断开蓝牙 my.disconnectBLEDevice({ deviceId:res.deviceId, success: (res) => { } }); }, 300); my.alert({ title: '获取蓝牙返回值', content: JSON.stringify(res), buttonText: '我知道了', }); }, });