• mac下升级terminal/终端的subversion版本方法

    雖然現在程式碼管理已經以 Git 為主了,不過偶爾需要維護一些舊案子還是會用 SVN,懶得轉了

    Mac OS 本身有內建 SVN,不過卻是 1.6 版,最近修改一個舊案子就有碰到 project 已經升 1.7,Versions 和 SmartSVN 也用 1.7,唯獨 Terminal 下的 command line 卻是 1.6 的窘境。所以想說來更新一下好了,用最簡單的方法。

    先到 http://www.wandisco.com/subversion/download 下載 for Mac OS 的 SVN,目前最新的版本為 Subversion 1.7.16 for OSX 10.8.x。  接著依一般 App 安裝方式進行,預設安裝路徑為 /opt/subversion。

    接著在 Terminal 輸入 export PATH=/opt/subversion/bin:$PATH 來變更系統路徑。醬醬,完成。

    可以用 svn --version 來看版本號碼。

    Post-Installation Notes

    You have successfully installed the Subversion 1.9.4 universal binary for OS X El Capitan (10.11).  Please remember to prepend /opt/subversion/bin to your PATH environment variable.  This can be done a multitude of ways but an easy one is to add the following to the end of ~/.profile:


    export PATH=/opt/subversion/bin:$PATH


    If you plan on running an Apache-based Subversion server, you will also need to prepend the DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH variable in /usr/sbin/envvars with /opt/subversion/lib so that the Subversion libraries shipped with this binary are used instead of those supplied by the operating system.  Here is an example snippet of what /usr/sbin/envvars might look like after making these changes:






    You will also need to update the SSL portion of your httpd.conf if you're using SSL:


    SSLProtocol ALL -SSLv2 -TLSv1


    What this does is disable SSL v2 and TLS which would force SSLv3.  The reason for this is to work around a bug in the OpenSSL library shipped with OS X.


    These packages are provided by WANdisco (http://www.wandisco.com).  If you wish to get help or provided feedback, please email opensource@wandisco.com.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/yuanxiaoping_21cn_com/p/5606991.html
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