• C#中的PropertyGrid绑定对象,通过改变某一值而动态设置部分属性的特性

    问题:如下,我定义了一个对象,默认设置属性WindowSize ,WindowSize 为不可见,通过改变SaveOnClose的值,动态的改变不可见的属性的显示和隐藏。

         public class AppSettings{  
              private bool saveOnClose = false;  
              private Size windowSize = new Size(100,100);  
              private Font windowFont = new Font("宋体", 9, FontStyle.Regular);  
              public bool SaveOnClose  
                  get { return saveOnClose; }  
                  set { saveOnClose = value;}  
              public Size WindowSize   
                  get { return windowSize; }  
                  set { windowSize = value;}  
              public Font WindowFont   
                  get {return windowFont; }  
                  set { windowFont = value;}  


           void SetPropertyVisibility(object obj, string propertyName, bool visible)
                Type type = typeof(BrowsableAttribute);
                PropertyDescriptorCollection props = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(obj);
                AttributeCollection attrs = props[propertyName].Attributes;
                FieldInfo fld = type.GetField("browsable", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
                fld.SetValue(attrs[type], visible);
            void SetPropertyReadOnly(object obj, string propertyName, bool readOnly)
                Type type = typeof(System.ComponentModel.ReadOnlyAttribute);
                PropertyDescriptorCollection props = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(obj);
                AttributeCollection attrs = props[propertyName].Attributes;
                FieldInfo fld = type.GetField("isReadOnly", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.CreateInstance);
                fld.SetValue(attrs[type], readOnly);


    private void propertyGrid1_PropertyValueChanged(object s, PropertyValueChangedEventArgs e)
                var item = propertyGrid1.SelectedObject;
                bool b = (bool)e.ChangedItem.Value;
                if (b)
                    SetPropertyVisibility(item, "WindowSize", b);//WindowSize必须是自定义属性中的属性名,如下也是
                    SetPropertyVisibility(item, "WindowFont", b);
                    //SetPropertyReadOnly(item, "WindowFont", b);
                    SetPropertyVisibility(item, "WindowSize", b);
                    SetPropertyVisibility(item, "WindowFont", b);
                    //SetPropertyReadOnly(item, "WindowFont", b);
                propertyGrid1.SelectedObject = item;  

    通过以上方法就可以达到效果了。 需要注意几点:


       2.上述方法调用完后,记得需要再次 propertyGrid1.SelectedObject = item; 否则,是没有效果的


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ysq0908/p/6736099.html
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