所谓死锁: 是指两个或两个以上的进程或线程在执行过程中,因争夺资源而造成的一种互相等待的现象,若无外力作用,它们都将无法推进下去。此时称系统处于死锁状态或系统产生了死锁,这些永远在互相等待的进程称为死锁进程,如下就是死锁。
from threading import Thread, Lock import time class MyRLock(Thread): mexty = Lock() mexty2 = Lock() def run(self): self.func() self.func2() def func(self): self.mexty.acquire() print('%s 拿到 A 锁' % self.name) self.mexty2.acquire() print('%s 拿到 B 锁' % self.name) self.mexty2.release() self.mexty.release() def func2(self): self.mexty2.acquire() print('%s 拿到 B 锁' % self.name) time.sleep(0.5) self.mexty.acquire() print('%s 拿到 A 锁' % self.name) self.mexty.release() self.mexty2.release() if __name__ == '__main__': for i in range(10): t = MyRLock() t.start()
# Thread-1 拿到 A 锁 # Thread-1 拿到 B 锁 # Thread-1 拿到 B 锁 # Thread-2 拿到 A 锁
递归锁可以连续 acquire 多次,每 acquire 一次计数器则 +1,只有计数为 0 时,才能被抢到 acquire。
from threading import Thread, RLock import time class MyRLock(Thread): mexty = mexty2 = RLock() def run(self): self.func() self.func2() def func(self): self.mexty.acquire() print('%s 拿到 A 锁' % self.name) self.mexty2.acquire() print('%s 拿到 B 锁' % self.name) self.mexty2.release() self.mexty.release() def func2(self): self.mexty2.acquire() print('%s 拿到 B 锁' % self.name) time.sleep(0.5) self.mexty.acquire() print('%s 拿到 A 锁' % self.name) self.mexty.release() self.mexty2.release() if __name__ == '__main__': for i in range(10): t = MyRLock() t.start()
# Semaphore管理一个内置的计数器, # 每当调用acquire()时内置计数器-1; # 调用release() 时内置计数器+1; # 计数器不能小于0;当计数器为0时,acquire()将阻塞线程直到其他线程调用release()。
from threading import Thread, Semaphore, currentThread import time import random sm = Semaphore(3) def func(): with sm: print('%s 正在座位上' % currentThread().getName()) time.sleep(random.randint(1, 3)) if __name__ == '__main__': for i in range(10): s = Thread(target=func,) s.start()
线程的一个关键特性是每个线程都是独立运行且状态不可预测。如果程序中的其 他线程需要通过判断某个线程的状态来确定自己下一步的操作,这时线程同步问题就会变得非常棘手。为了解决这些问题,我们需要使用threading库中的Event对象。 对象包含一个可由线程设置的信号标志,它允许线程等待某些事件的发生。在 初始情况下,Event对象中的信号标志被设置为假。如果有线程等待一个Event对象, 而这个Event对象的标志为假,那么这个线程将会被一直阻塞直至该标志为真。一个线程如果将一个Event对象的信号标志设置为真,它将唤醒所有等待这个Event对象的线程。如果一个线程等待一个已经被设置为真的Event对象,那么它将忽略这个事件, 继续执行
# from threading import Event # event.isSet():返回event的状态值; # event.wait():如果 event.isSet()==False将阻塞线程; # event.set(): 设置event的状态值为True,所有阻塞池的线程激活进入就绪状态, 等待操作系统调度; # event.clear():恢复event的状态值为False。
E.wait() 可以设置等待时间,即超过此时间为超时,不在等待。
from threading import Thread, Event import time E = Event() def student(name): print('%s 学生正在上课' % name) E.wait() # E.wait(1) print('%s 学生下课' % name) def teacher(name): print('%s 老师正在上课' % name) time.sleep(3) print('%s 老师正在下课' % name) E.set() if __name__ == '__main__': s = Thread(target=student, args=('stu',)) s2 = Thread(target=student, args=('stu2',)) s3 = Thread(target=student, args=('stu3',)) t = Thread(target=teacher, args=('ysg',)) lis = [s, s2, s3, t] for i in lis: i.start()
# E.wait() # stu 学生正在上课 # stu2 学生正在上课 # stu3 学生正在上课 # ysg 老师正在上课 # ysg 老师正在下课 # stu2 学生下课 # stu3 学生下课 # stu 学生下课 # E.wait(1) # stu 学生正在上课 # stu2 学生正在上课 # stu3 学生正在上课 # ysg 老师正在上课 # stu 学生下课 # stu2 学生下课 # stu3 学生下课 # ysg 老师正在下课
from threading import Thread, Event, currentThread import time E = Event() def client(): n = 0 while not E.is_set(): print('%s 正在连接' % currentThread().getName()) E.wait(0.5) n += 1 if n == 3: print('重试次数超限') return print('连接成功') def check(): # 检测服务端是否运行 print('%s 正在检测' % currentThread().getName()) time.sleep(5) E.set() print('检测完成') if __name__ == '__main__': for i in range(3): c = Thread(target=client, ) c.start()
from threading import Timer def func(name): print('hello %s' % name) if __name__ == '__main__': t = Timer(2, func, args=('ysg',)) t.start()
from threading import Timer import random class Timers: def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.myTimer() def myTimer(self): self.info = self.make_timer() print(self.info) self.t = Timer(5, self.myTimer) self.t.start() def make_timer(self, num=6): lis = '' for i in range(num): s1 = str(random.randint(0, 9)) s2 = chr(random.randint(65, 90)) lis += random.choice([s1, s2]) return lis def run(self): while True: res = input('>>>').strip() if res == self.info: print('验证成功') self.t.cancel() break t = Timers() t.run()
queue is especially useful in threaded programming when information must be exchanged safely between multiple threads.
class queue.Queue(maxsize=0) # 队列:先进先出
import queue q = queue.Queue(3) q.put('hello') q.put(123) q.put([1, 2, 3]) # q.put(456,block=False) # 队列长度为 3,再继续放,报错:queue.Full print(q.get()) print(q.get()) print(q.get()) # print(q.get(block=False)) # 队列中数据已全部取走,再继续取,报错:queue.Empty # 输出结果 先进先出 # hello # 123 # [1, 2, 3]
class queue.LifoQueue(maxsize=0) #堆栈:last in fisrt out
import queue q = queue.LifoQueue(3) q.put('hello') q.put(123) q.put([1, 2, 3]) print(q.get()) print(q.get()) print(q.get()) # 输出结果 先进先出 # [1, 2, 3] # 123 # hello
class queue.PriorityQueue(maxsize=0) #优先级队列:存储数据时可设置优先级的队列
import queue q = queue.PriorityQueue(3) q.put((10, 'hello')) q.put((50, 123)) q.put((45, [1, 2, 3])) print(q.get()) print(q.get()) print(q.get()) # 执行结果 按照优先级取出 # (10, 'hello') # (45, [1, 2, 3]) # (50, 123)
注意:ProcessPoolExecutor 与 ThreadPoolExecutor,用法全部相同。
# 官网:https://docs.python.org/dev/library/concurrent.futures.html # concurrent.futures模块提供了高度封装的异步调用接口 # ThreadPoolExecutor:线程池,提供异步调用 # ProcessPoolExecutor: 进程池,提供异步调用 # Both implement the same interface, which is defined by the abstract Executor class. # 两者都实现相同的接口,该接口由抽象执行器类定义。
1、submit(fn, *args, **kwargs)
2、map(func, *iterables, timeout=None, chunksize=1)
# The ProcessPoolExecutor class is an Executor subclass that uses a pool of processes to execute calls asynchronously. ProcessPoolExecutor uses the multiprocessing module, which allows it to side-step the Global Interpreter Lock but also means that only picklable objects can be executed and returned. # class concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=None, mp_context=None) # An Executor subclass that executes calls asynchronously using a pool of at most max_workers processes. If max_workers is None or not given, it will default to the number of processors on the machine. If max_workers is lower or equal to 0, then a ValueError will be raised.
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor, ThreadPoolExecutor import os import time import random def func(): print('进程 is run,pid:%s' % os.getpid()) time.sleep(random.randint(1, 3)) if __name__ == '__main__': p = ProcessPoolExecutor(5) for i in range(10): p.submit(func,) p.shutdown() # 相当于进程池的pool.close()+pool.join()操作 print('主')
执行结果:可以看出 pid 只使用了 5 个。
# 进程 is run,pid:14440 # 进程 is run,pid:16928 # 进程 is run,pid:14056 # 进程 is run,pid:1788 # 进程 is run,pid:23436 # # 进程 is run,pid:14440 # 进程 is run,pid:16928 # # 进程 is run,pid:14056 # 进程 is run,pid:1788 # 进程 is run,pid:23436 # # 主
# ThreadPoolExecutor is an Executor subclass that uses a pool of threads to execute calls asynchronously. # class concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=None, thread_name_prefix='') # An Executor subclass that uses a pool of at most max_workers threads to execute calls asynchronously. # Changed in version 3.5: If max_workers is None or not given, it will default to the number of processors on the machine, multiplied by 5, assuming that ThreadPoolExecutor is often used to overlap I/O instead of CPU work and the number of workers should be higher than the number of workers for ProcessPoolExecutor. # New in version 3.6: The thread_name_prefix argument was added to allow users to control the threading.Thread names for worker threads created by the pool for easier debugging.
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor,ThreadPoolExecutor from threading import currentThread import os import time import random def func(): print('%s is run,pid:%s'%(currentThread().getName(),os.getpid())) time.sleep(random.randint(1,3)) if __name__ == '__main__': t = ThreadPoolExecutor(5) for i in range(10): t.submit(func,) t.shutdown() print('主')
执行结果:可以看出线程的名称只使用了 5 个。
# ThreadPoolExecutor-0_0 is run,pid:16976 # ThreadPoolExecutor-0_1 is run,pid:16976 # ThreadPoolExecutor-0_2 is run,pid:16976 # ThreadPoolExecutor-0_3 is run,pid:16976 # ThreadPoolExecutor-0_4 is run,pid:16976 # # ThreadPoolExecutor-0_2 is run,pid:16976 # ThreadPoolExecutor-0_1 is run,pid:16976 # ThreadPoolExecutor-0_0 is run,pid:16976 # # ThreadPoolExecutor-0_4 is run,pid:16976 # ThreadPoolExecutor-0_1 is run,pid:16976 # 主
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, ProcessPoolExecutor from threading import currentThread import time import random def func(n): print('%s is run' % currentThread().getName()) time.sleep(random.randint(1, 3)) return n ** 2 if __name__ == '__main__': p = ThreadPoolExecutor(5) # for i in range(10): # p.submit(func, i) p.map(func, range(1, 10)) # #map取代了for+submit print('主')
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, ProcessPoolExecutor from threading import currentThread import time import random def guahao(): print('%s 第一步量体温' % currentThread().getName()) time.sleep(random.randint(1, 3)) res = random.randint(36, 42) return {'Name': currentThread().getName(), 'tiwen': res} def wenzhen(info): name = info['Name'] tiwen = info['tiwen'] print('%s 的体温为 %s' % (name, tiwen)) if __name__ == '__main__': t = ThreadPoolExecutor(10) for i in range(10): res = t.submit(guahao,).result() wenzhen(res) print('主')
# 执行结果 # ThreadPoolExecutor-0_0 第一步量体温 # ThreadPoolExecutor-0_0 的体温为 39 # ThreadPoolExecutor-0_0 第一步量体温 # ThreadPoolExecutor-0_0 的体温为 40 # ThreadPoolExecutor-0_1 第一步量体温 # ThreadPoolExecutor-0_1 的体温为 36 # ThreadPoolExecutor-0_0 第一步量体温 # ThreadPoolExecutor-0_0 的体温为 42 # ThreadPoolExecutor-0_2 第一步量体温 # ThreadPoolExecutor-0_2 的体温为 40 # ThreadPoolExecutor-0_1 第一步量体温 # ThreadPoolExecutor-0_1 的体温为 40 # ThreadPoolExecutor-0_3 第一步量体温 # ThreadPoolExecutor-0_3 的体温为 41 # ThreadPoolExecutor-0_0 第一步量体温 # ThreadPoolExecutor-0_0 的体温为 39 # ThreadPoolExecutor-0_4 第一步量体温 # ThreadPoolExecutor-0_4 的体温为 37 # ThreadPoolExecutor-0_2 第一步量体温 # ThreadPoolExecutor-0_2 的体温为 39 # 主
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, ProcessPoolExecutor from threading import currentThread import time import random def guahao(): print('%s 第一步量体温' % currentThread().getName()) time.sleep(random.randint(1, 3)) res = random.randint(36, 42) return {'Name': currentThread().getName(), 'tiwen': res} def wenzhen(res): info = res.result() name = info['Name'] tiwen = info['tiwen'] print('%s 的体温为 %s' % (name, tiwen)) if __name__ == '__main__': t = ThreadPoolExecutor(10) for i in range(10): t.submit(guahao,).add_done_callback(wenzhen) print('主')
# ThreadPoolExecutor-0_0 第一步量体温 # ThreadPoolExecutor-0_1 第一步量体温 # ThreadPoolExecutor-0_2 第一步量体温 # ThreadPoolExecutor-0_3 第一步量体温 # ThreadPoolExecutor-0_4 第一步量体温 # ThreadPoolExecutor-0_5 第一步量体温 # ThreadPoolExecutor-0_6 第一步量体温 # ThreadPoolExecutor-0_7 第一步量体温 # ThreadPoolExecutor-0_8 第一步量体温 # ThreadPoolExecutor-0_9 第一步量体温 # 主 # ThreadPoolExecutor-0_0 的体温为 36 # ThreadPoolExecutor-0_2 的体温为 39 # ThreadPoolExecutor-0_5 的体温为 36 # ThreadPoolExecutor-0_6 的体温为 41 # ThreadPoolExecutor-0_9 的体温为 41 # ThreadPoolExecutor-0_3 的体温为 42 # ThreadPoolExecutor-0_4 的体温为 38 # ThreadPoolExecutor-0_8 的体温为 38 # ThreadPoolExecutor-0_1 的体温为 40 # ThreadPoolExecutor-0_7 的体温为 38