• 无人驾驶书籍推荐

    1 Autonomous Vehicles for Safer Driving Ronald K.jurgen English 6/30/2013 SAE international

    2 Autonomous Guided Vehicles:methods and Models for optimal path planning Hamed Fazlollahtabar English 2/2/2015 Springer International Publishing

    3 Introduction to intelligent systems in Traffic and Transportation Ana L.C. Bazzan English 5/1/2014 Morgan&Claypool

    4 The Car in 2035: Mobility Planning for the near future Kati Rubinyi English 4/20/2013 ActarD Inc

    5 无人驾驶汽车概论 陈慧岩 中文 4/1/2014 北京理工大学出版社

    6 无人驾驶车辆模型预测控制 龚建伟 中文 4/1/2014 北京理工大学出版社

    7 汽车安全辅助驾驶技术 郭烈 中文 4/1/2014 北京大学出版社

    8 The DARPA Urban Challenge: Autonomous Vehicles in City TrafficMartin Buehler English 3/14/2012 Springer

    9 Experience from the DARPA Urban ChallengeChristopher Rouff English 11/29/2013 Springer

    10 Green, Safe, & Connected: The Future of MobilityAndrew Brown, Jr. English 10/24/2011 SAE International

    11 Driverless: Intelligent Cars and the Road AheadHod Lipson English 4/10/2016 MIT Press

    12 Articles on Unmanned Ground Vehicles, Including: Hephaestus Books English 28/09/2011 Hephaestus Books

    13 Articles on Automotive Technologies, Including: Hephaestus Books English 31/08/2011 Hephaestus Books

    14 Future Ride: 99 Ways the Self-Driving Peter C. Wayner English 14/04/2015 Createspace

    15 Autonomous Driving: Technical, Legal and Social Aspects Markus Maurer English 31/05/2016 Springer

    16 My Car, My Robot: The Advent and Future of the Driverless Car Beatriz Scaglia English 9/6/2011 Webster's Digital Services

    17 Autonomous Control Systems and Vehicles: Intelligent Unmanned Systems Kenzo Nonami English 11/5/2016 Springer

    18 Modeling Dynamic Transportation Networks: An Intelligent Transportation System Oriented Approach Bin Ran English 10/12/2011 Butterworth-Heinemann

    19 On-Road Intelligent Vehicles: Motion Planning for Intelligent Transportation SystemsRahul Kala English 1/10/2016 Butterworth-Heinemann

    20 Driverless Car Revolution: Buy Mobility, Not Metal(EBOOK)Rutt Bridges English 5/10/2015 Amzon

    21 摄像模组概论 姚维煊 中文 9/1/2014 东北大学出版社

    22 智能化未来 无人驾驶将如何改变我们的生活 泉田良辅 中文 1/11/2015 浙江大学出版社

    23 机器视觉技术在安全辅助驾驶中的应用 泉田良辅 中文 1/11/2015 浙江大学出版社 

    24 《汽车智能化技术原理》 张秀彬 中文 3/1/2011 上海交通大学出版社



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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/yrm1160029237/p/11185248.html
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