• laravel Authentication and Security

    Creating the user model
    First of all, we need to define the model that is going to be used to represent the
    users of our application. Laravel already provides you with sensible defaults inside
    app/config/auth.php, where you change the model or table that is used to store
    your user accounts.

    It also comes with an existing User model inside app/models/User.php. For the
    purposes of this application, we are going to simplify it slightly, remove certain
    class variables, and add new methods so that it can interact with the Cat model:

    use IlluminateAuthUserInterface;
    class User extends Eloquent implements UserInterface {
    public function getAuthIdentifier() {
    return $this->getKey();
    public function getAuthPassword() {
    return $this->password;
    public function cats(){
    return $this->hasMany('Cat');
    public function owns(Cat $cat){
    return $this->id == $cat->owner;
    public function canEdit(Cat $cat){
    return $this->is_admin or $this->owns($cat);

    Remember that an interface does not give any implementation details. It is nothing
    more than a contract that specifies the names of the methods that a class should
    define when it implements the interface, in this case, getAuthIdentifier()
    and getAuthPassword(). These methods are used internally by Laravel when
    authenticating a user. The next method, cats(), simply defines the has many
    relationship with the Cat model. The last two methods will be used to check
    whether a given Cat instance is owned or editable by the current User instance.

    Creating the necessary database schema
    Now that we have defined a User model, we need to create the database schema
    for it and alter the existing cats table to add information about the owner. Start by
    creating a new migration:

    $ php artisan migrate:make create_users
    And then define the up method with the necessary database columns:

    Authentication routes and views
    Let's now look at the new routes and views. We will start by making some amends to
    the master layout (app/views/master.blade.php) to display the login link to guests
    and the logout link to users who are logged in. To check whether a visitor is logged
    in, we use the Auth::check() method:

    <div class="container">
    <div class="page-header">
    <div class="text-right">
    Logged in as
    {{link_to('logout', 'Log Out')}}
    {{link_to('login', 'Log In')}}
    <div class="alert alert-success">
    <div class="alert alert-warning">

    This code replaces the contents of the <body> tag in our previous template file.
    A section for any error messages was also included below the header.
    The route to display this login form could not be easier:
    Route::get('login', function(){
    return View::make('login');
    If you were curious as to where and why Laravel uses the make methods
    in various places, it is only there to maintain PHP 5.3 compatibility, which
    does not support class member access on instantiation, and therefore, does
    not let you write return new View('login');.

    The route that handles login attempts will simply pass the username and password
    input values to the Auth::attempt method. When this method returns true, we
    simply redirect the visitor to the intended location. If this fails, we redirect the user
    back to where he came from with Redirect::back() with the input values and an
    error message.
    Route::post('login', function(){
    if(Auth::attempt(Input::only('username', 'password'))) {
    return Redirect::intended('/');
    } else {
    return Redirect::back()
    ->with('error', "Invalid credentials");

    But how does Laravel know what our intended location was? If you open
    app/filters.php and look at the auth filter, you will see that it redirects guests
    to the login route with the Redirect::guest() method. This method stores the
    requested path in a session variable, which is then used by the intended() method.
    The parameter passed to this method is the fallback route to which users should be
    redirected if there is no request path in the session information.
    Note also that there is a filter called guest that does the opposite of
    auth; you could use it on the login route if you wanted to prevent
    logged-in users from accessing it. With this filter in place, logged-in users
    will be redirected to the home page instead. You can change this behavior
    inside app/filters.php.

  • 相关阅读:
    python 可调用对象之类实例
    flask 跨域请求
    flask登录插件 flask-login
    flask 更新数据库
    Django signals 信号作用及用法说明
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/youxin/p/3905776.html
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