• 精通javascript:ajax使用





    // A simple object holding key/value pairs
        name: "John",
        last: "Resig",
        city: "Cambridge",
        zip: 02140
    // Serialized form
    // Another set of data, with multiple values
        { name: "name", value: "John" },
        { name: "last", value: "Resig" },
        { name: "lang", value: "JavaScript" },
        { name: "lang", value: "Perl" },
        { name: "lang", value: "Java" }
    // And the serialized form of that data
    // Finally, lets find some input elements (using the id() method that
    // we made in the DOM chapter)
        id( "name" ),
        id( "last" ),
        id( "username" ),
        id( "password" )
    // And serialize them into a data string


    // Serialize a set of data. It can take two different types of objects:
    //  - An array of input elements.
    //  - A hash of key/value pairs
    // The function returns a serialized string
    function serialize(a) {
        // The set of serialize results
        var s = [];
        // If an array was passed in, assume that it is an array
        // of form elements
        if ( a.constructor == Array ) {
            // Serialize the form elements
            for ( var i = 0; i < a.length; i++ )
                s.push( a[i].name + "=" + encodeURIComponent( a[i].value ) );
        // Otherwise, assume that it's an object of key/value pairs
        } else {
            // Serialize the key/values
            for ( var j in a )
                s.push( j + "=" + encodeURIComponent( a[j] ) );
        // Return the resulting serialization
        return s.join("&");

    未修改响应码:Not modified 304
    如果文档自上次请求(或者通过浏览器明确发送一个if modified since首部,指定上次修改过的时间给服务器)未曾修改过,safari返回的状态码会是undefined。这是一个比较怪异的情形,也让人难以调试。
    // Check to see if an XMLHttpRequest object has a 'Success' state, or not.
    // The function takes one argument, the XMLHttpRequest object
    function httpSuccess(r) {
        try {
            // If no server status is provided, and we're actually 
            // requesting a local file, then it was successful
            return !r.status && location.protocol == "file:" ||
                // Any status in the 200 range is good
                ( r.status >= 200 && r.status < 300 ) ||
                // Successful if the document has not been modified
                r.status == 304 ||
                // Safari returns an empty status if the file has not been modified
                navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Safari") >= 0 && typeof r.status == "undefined";
        } catch(e){}
        // If checking the status failed, then assume that the request failed too
        return false;






    // Create the request object
    var xml = new XMLHttpRequest();
    // Open the asynchronous POST request
    xml.open("GET", "/some/url.cgi", true);
    // We're going to wait for a request for 5 seconds, before giving up
    var timeoutLength = 5000;
    // Keep track of when the request has been succesfully completed
    var requestDone = false;
    // Initalize a callback which will fire 5 seconds from now, cancelling
    // the request (if it has not already occurred).
        requestDone = true;
    }, timeoutLength);
    // Watch for when the state of the document gets updated
    xml.onreadystatechange = function(){
        // Wait until the data is fully loaded,
        // and make sure that the request hasn't already timed out
        if ( xml.readyState == 4 && !requestDone ) {
            // xml.responseXML contains the XML Document (if one was returned)
            // xml.responseText contains the response text (if no XML document was provided)
            // Clean up after ourselves, to avoid memory leaks
            xml = null;
    // Establish the connection to the server


     responseXML,如果服务器返回的是xml温度,必须明确指定其内容首部(content header)是‘Content-type:text/xml",这一点才起作用

    // A function for extracting data from an HTTP reponse
    // It takes two arguments, the XMLHttpRequest object and
    // An optional argument – the type of data that you're expecting from the server
    // Correct values include: xml, script, text, or html – the default is "", which
    // determines what the data type is based upon the content-type header
    function httpData(r, type) {
        // Get the content-type header
        var ct = r.getResponseHeader("content-type");
        // If no default type was provided, determine if some
        // form of XML was returned from the server
        var data = !type && ct && ct.indexOf("xml") >= 0;
        // Get the XML Document object if XML was returned from
        // the server, otherwise return the text contents returned by the server
        data = type == "xml" || data ? r.responseXML : r.responseText;
        // If the specified type is "script", execute the returned text
        // response as if it was JavaScript
        if ( type == "script" )
            eval.call( window, data );
        // Return the response data (either an XML Document or a text string)
        return data;


    // A generic function for performming AJAX requests
    // It takes one argument, which is an object that contains a set of options
    // All of which are outline in the comments, below
    function ajax( options ) {
        // Load the options object with defaults, if no
        // values were provided by the user
        options = {
            // The type of HTTP Request
            type: options.type || "POST",
            // The URL the request will be made to
            url: options.url || "",
            // How long to wait before considering the request to be a timeout
            timeout: options.timeout || 5000,
            // Functions to call when the request fails, succeeds,
            // or completes (either fail or succeed)
            onComplete: options.onComplete || function(){},
            onError: options.onError || function(){},
            onSuccess: options.onSuccess || function(){},
            // The data type that'll be returned from the server
            // the default is simply to determine what data was returned from the
            // and act accordingly.
            data: options.data || ""
        // Create the request object
        var xml = new XMLHttpRequest();
        // Open the asynchronous POST request
        xml.open("GET", "/some/url.cgi", true);
        // We're going to wait for a request for 5 seconds, before giving up
        var timeoutLength = 5000;
        // Keep track of when the request has been succesfully completed
        var requestDone = false;
        // Initalize a callback which will fire 5 seconds from now, cancelling
        // the request (if it has not already occurred).
             requestDone = true;
        }, timeoutLength);
        // Watch for when the state of the document gets updated
        xml.onreadystatechange = function(){
            // Wait until the data is fully loaded,
            // and make sure that the request hasn't already timed out
            if ( xml.readyState == 4 && !requestDone ) {
                // Check to see if the request was successful
                if ( httpSuccess( xml ) ) {
                    // Execute the success callback with the data returned from the server
                    options.onSuccess( httpData( xml, options.type ) );//我们把返回的data传给了函数的参数
                // Otherwise, an error occurred, so execute the error callback
                } else {
                // Call the completion callback
                // Clean up after ourselves, to avoid memory leaks
                xml = null;
        // Establish the connection to the server
        // Determine the success of the HTTP response
        function httpSuccess(r) {
            try {
                // If no server status is provided, and we're actually 
                // requesting a local file, then it was successful
                return !r.status && location.protocol == "file:" ||
                    // Any status in the 200 range is good
                    ( r.status >= 200 && r.status < 300 ) ||
                    // Successful if the document has not been modified
                    r.status == 304 ||
                    // Safari returns an empty status if the file has not been modified
                    navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Safari") >= 0 && typeof r.status == "undefined";
            } catch(e){}
            // If checking the status failed, then assume that the request failed too
            return false;
        // Extract the correct data from the HTTP response
        function httpData(r,type) {
            // Get the content-type header
            var ct = r.getResponseHeader("content-type");
            // If no default type was provided, determine if some
            // form of XML was returned from the server
            var data = !type && ct && ct.indexOf("xml") >= 0;
            // Get the XML Document object if XML was returned from
            // the server, otherwise return the text contents returned by the server
            data = type == "xml" || data ? r.responseXML : r.responseText;
            // If the specified type is "script", execute the returned text
            // response as if it was JavaScript
            if ( type == "script" )
                eval.call( window, data );
            // Return the response data (either an XML Document or a text string)
            return data;

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/youxin/p/2741849.html
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