• Interesting Evolutions of Advanced Topics in Computer Vision

    A list of topics for advanced computer vision from 2003 to 2010, interestingly, if you make a comparison.

    2003 (Link)

    Texture synthesis
    Image completion
    Separating style from content
    Semantics of words and pictures
    Multi-scale Stochastic Modeling and Estimation
    Space-Time Stereo
    Subspace methods for rigid and non-rigid motions
    Animating human motion
    Fast detection and matching
    Rendering and reconstruction under complex BRDFs
    Kernel methods
    Classification by multiple decision trees

    2004 (Link)

    Visual Imitation: Linking Vision and Action
    Matching with Invariant Features
    Object Recognition and Classification
    A Bayesian Approach to Recognition
    Approximate Nearest Neighbor (Local Sensitive Hashing) - Theory
    Approximate Nearest Neighbor - Applications to Vision and Matching
    Action Recognition
    Mean Shift
    Information Bottleneck - Theory and Applications
    Information Bottleneck vs. Maximum Likelihood
    The "Gist" of a Scene

    2006 (Link)

    Estimating scene geometry and discovering objects using a soup of segments.
    Level set segmentation
    Video Visualization
    Combining Detection, Recognition and Segmentation
    Video Object Segmentation
    Background cut
    Hashing, kNN in High Dimensions
    Recent Progress in Optical Flow Computation
    Learning Optical Flow

    2007 (Link)

    From Local to Global Visual Similarity in Space and in Time
    Fast Image Search.Sound and motion, in harmony
    Standard Brain Model for Vision
    Multiclass SVM and Applications
    CRF/DRF and Application to Human Pose
    Direct visibility of point sets
    Color Image Understanding
    Globally Optimal Estimates for Geometric Reconstruction Problems
    Image Parsing
    Integral Shape Matching, Inner Distance, Diffusion Distance
    Motion Blur

    2009 (Link)

    Sequence to sequence alignment
    Human vision
    Lightfield and natural image matting
    Visibility constraints on features of 3D objects
    Image and video descriptors -- slides
    Image Descriptors
    Efficient search in large image databases
    Exploiting wealth of huge image libraries
    Dictionaries for sparse representation modeling
    Statistics of natural images
    Blind deconvolution
    Action recognition
    Graph cuts

    2010 (Link)

    Compressed Sensing
    Super-Resolution (in images)
    Shape from Illumination
    Deep Learning
    Random forests
    Pascal Grand Challenge

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/youth0826/p/2572308.html
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