LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'System.Collections.Generic.List`1[xxx] ToList[xxx](System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[xxx])' method, and this method cannot be translated into a store expression.
ToList 就是把LINQ查询结果放在内存中,想到这里就明白了,下一个Linq要使用上一个Linq的查询结果,如果select new 后面什么都没有,是使用的匿名类,那你尽可放心地使用。如果new后面是一个类,这就得注意了,下一个Linq在使用上一个Linq的结果时需要把查询结果放在内存中再使用,否则就会报错。至于为啥要放进去,估计原因就是内存中堆栈神马的。具体原因有待探究。贴点代码做个示例就结束随笔了:
var examscore = query1.FirstOrDefault(); if (examscore == null) return new ExamScorePrintModel(); var query2 = from si in _examScoreItemRepository.Table join sc in _examScoreCourseRepository.Table on si.Id equals sc.ExamScoreItemId let course = sc.ExamCourse where si.ExamScoreId == examscore.ExamScoreId select new RecordItem { ExamScoreItemId = si.Id, DeductedScores = sc.DeductedScores, Remark = sc.Remark, CourseName = course.CourseName, };
var items = query2.ToList(); var query3 = from q in items group q by q.ExamScoreItemId into grouping select new ExamRecord { ExamScoreItemId = grouping.Key, RecordItems = grouping.ToList(), }; examscore.ExamRecords = query3.ToList();