• 怎么用 javascript 实现拖拽


    怎么用 javascript 实现拖拽 – 示例1


    开始我们需要获取鼠标的坐标.我们添加一个document.onmousemove 就可以达到此目的:

    document.onmousemove = mouseMove;
    function mouseMove(ev){
    	ev           = ev || window.event;
    	var mousePos = mouseCoords(ev);
    function mouseCoords(ev){
    	if(ev.pageX || ev.pageY){
    		return {x:ev.pageX, y:ev.pageY};
    	return {
    		x:ev.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft - document.body.clientLeft,
    		y:ev.clientY + document.body.scrollTop  - document.body.clientTop

    怎么用 javascript 实现拖拽 – 示例2

    我们首先要声明一个 evnet 对象,无论移动、点击、按键等,都会激活一个 evnet ,在 Internet Explorer 里, event 是全局变量,会被存储在 window.event 里. 在 firefox 或者其他浏览器,event 会被相应的函数获取.当我们将mouseMove函数赋值于document.onmousemove,mouseMove 会获取鼠标移动事件。

    为了让 ev 在所有浏览器下获取了 event 事件,在Firefox下"||window.event"将不起作用,因为ev已经有了赋值。在 MSIE 中 ev 为空,所以得到 window.event 。

    因为在这篇文章中我们需要多次获取鼠标位置,所以我们设计了一个 mouseCoords 函数,它包含一个参数 : event 。

    因为我们要在 MSIE 和其他浏览器下运行,Firefox 和其他浏览器用 event.pageX 和 event.pageY 来表示鼠标相对于文档的位置,如果你有一个 500*500 的窗口并且你的鼠标在绝对中间,那么 pageX 和 pageY 的值都是 250,如果你向下滚动 500, 那么 pageY 将变成 750。

    MSIE 正好相反,它使用 event.clientX 和 event.clientY 表示鼠标相当于窗口的位置,而不是文档。在同样的例子中,如果你向下滚动500,clientY 依然是 250,因此,我们需要添加 scrollLeft 和 scrollTop 这两个相对于文档的属性。最后,MSIE 中文档并不是从 0,0 开始,而是通常有一个小的边框(通常是 2 象素),边框的大小定义在 document.body.clientLeft 和 clientTop 中,我们也把这些加进去。

    很幸运,我们现在已经用 mouseCoords 函数解决了坐标问题,不需为此费心了。



    这里有两个函数帮助我们:onmousedown 和 onmouseup ,我们预先设置一个函数获取 document.onmousedown 和 document.onmouseup,这样看起来我们已经能够获取 document.onmousedown 和 document.onmouseup,但是,当我们获取了 document.onmousedown ,同时也激活了点击属性,如:text, images, tables 等,但是我们只想取得那些能够拖动得属性,所有我们设置函数来获取我们想要移动的对象。

    document.onmouseup = mouseUp;
    var dragObject     = null;
    function makeClickable(object){
    	object.onmousedown = function(){
    		dragObject = this;
    function mouseUp(ev){
    	dragObject = null;

    我们现在有了一个可定义的 dragObject,它获取你点击的任意元素,如果你释放鼠标按钮, dragObject 被清空,所以如果 dragObject != null ,我们就知道我们可能在拖动着什么。

    怎么用 javascript 实现拖拽 – 示例3


    首先,要明确我们想要拖动的位置,将 position 设置为 “absolute” 意味着当你设置 style.top 或 style.left ,这个尺度是从页面的 top-left 开始算的,这样我们就可以继续了。

    当我们设置 item.style.position=’absolute’,所有的需要做的就是改变 top 或 left 的值,这样就可以移动了。

    document.onmousemove = mouseMove;
    document.onmouseup   = mouseUp;
    var dragObject  = null;
    var mouseOffset = null;
    function getMouseOffset(target, ev){
    	ev = ev || window.event;
    	var docPos    = getPosition(target);
    	var mousePos  = mouseCoords(ev);
    	return {x:mousePos.x - docPos.x, y:mousePos.y - docPos.y};
    function getPosition(e){
    	var left = 0;
    	var top  = 0;
    	while (e.offsetParent){
    		left += e.offsetLeft;
    		top  += e.offsetTop;
    		e     = e.offsetParent;
    	left += e.offsetLeft;
    	top  += e.offsetTop;
    	return {x:left, y:top};
    function mouseMove(ev){
    	ev           = ev || window.event;
    	var mousePos = mouseCoords(ev);
    		dragObject.style.position = 'absolute';
    		dragObject.style.top      = mousePos.y - mouseOffset.y;
    		dragObject.style.left     = mousePos.x - mouseOffset.x;
    		return false;
    function mouseUp(){
    	dragObject = null;
    function makeDraggable(item){
    	if(!item) return;
    	item.onmousedown = function(ev){
    		dragObject  = this;
    		mouseOffset = getMouseOffset(this, ev);
    		return false;

    怎么用 javascript 实现拖拽 – 示例4


    当我们点击一个元素,我们还会获取其他变量,mouseOffset 定义着我们的鼠标位置,如果我们有一个 20*20 的图片,并且点击在它的中间,那么 mouseOffset 就是 {x:10, y:10},如果点击在图片的 top-left ,这个值就是 {x:0, y:0} 。我们用这些方法获取我们的鼠标和图片的信息,如果忽略这些,我们将永远处在相同的元素位置。

    我们的 mouseOffset 函数使用了另外的函数 getPosition,getPosition 的目的是返回元素相当于文档的位置,我们仅仅读取 item.offsetLeft 或 item.style.left ,将得到元素相对于其父元素的位置,而不是整个文档,所有的脚本都是相对于文档,这样就会好一些。

    为了完成 getPosition 的任务,必须循环取得此的父级,我们将得到元素的 left-top 的位置.我们可以管理想要的 top 与 left 列表.

    当我们有了这些信息,并且移动鼠标,mouseMove 将一直运行,首先,我们要确定元素的 style.position 是 absolute,接着我们拖拽元素到任何我们我们已经定义好的位置,当鼠标释放,dragObject 被重置, mouseMove 将不再做任何事情。



    很不幸,我们有一个很大的难题,当我们拖拽,item会在鼠标之下,比如mouseove,mousedown,mouseup或者其他mouse action.如果我们拖拽一个item到垃圾桶上,鼠标信息还在item上,不在垃圾桶上.




    All code from the previous example is needed with the exception
    of the mouseUp function which is replaced below
    var dropTargets = [];
    function addDropTarget(dropTarget){
    function mouseUp(ev){
    	ev           = ev || window.event;
    	var mousePos = mouseCoords(ev);
    	for(var i=0; i<dropTargets.length; i++){
    		var curTarget  = dropTargets[i];
    		var targPos    = getPosition(curTarget);
    		var targWidth  = parseInt(curTarget.offsetWidth);
    		var targHeight = parseInt(curTarget.offsetHeight);
    			(mousePos.x > targPos.x)                &&
    			(mousePos.x < (targPos.x + targWidth))  &&
    			(mousePos.y > targPos.y)                &&
    			(mousePos.y < (targPos.y + targHeight))){
    				// dragObject was dropped onto curTarget!
    	dragObject   = null;

    怎么用 javascript 实现拖拽 – 示例5

    鼠标释放时会去取是否有drop属性,如果存在,同时鼠标指针还在drop的范围内,执行drop操作.我们检查鼠标指针位置是否在目标范围是用(mousePos.x>targetPos.x),而且还要符合条件(mousePos.x<(targPos.x + targWidth)).如果所有的条件符合,说明指针确实在范围内,可以执行drop指令了.





    • 当document第一次载入时,创建dragHelper DIV.dragHelper将给移动的item加阴影.真实的item没有被dragged,只是用了insertBefor和appendChild来移动了,我们隐藏了dragHelper
    • 有了mouseDown与mouseUp函数.所有的操作会对应到当到iMouseDown的状态中,只有当mouse左键为按下时iMouseDown才为真,否则为假.
    • 我们创建了全局变量DragDrops与全局函数CreateDragContainer.DragDrops包含了一系列相对彼此的容器.任何参数(containers)将通过CreatedcragContainer进行重组与序列化,这样可以自由的移动.CreateDragContainer函数也将item进行绑定与设置属性.
    • 现在我们的代码知道每个item的加入,当我们移动处mouseMove,mouseMove函数首先会设置变量target,鼠标移动在上面的item,如果这个item在容器中(checked with getAttribute):
      • 运行一小段代码来改变目标的样式.创造rollover效果
      • 检查鼠标是否没有放开,如果没有
        • 设置curTarget代表当前item
        • 记录item的当前位置,如果需要的话,我们可以将它返回
        • 克隆当前的item到dragHelper中,我们可以移动带阴影效果的item.
        • item拷贝到dragHelper后,原有的item还在鼠标指针下,我们必须删除掉dragObj,这样脚本起作用,dragObj被包含在一个容器中.
        • 抓取容器中所有的item当前坐标,高度/宽度,这样只需要记录一次,当item被drag时,每随mouse移动,每移钟就会记录成千上万次.
      • 如果没有,不需要做任何事,因为这不是一个需要移动的item
    • 检查curTarget,它应该包含一个被移动的item,如果存在,进行下面操作
      • 开始移动带有阴影的item,这个item就是前文所创建的
      • 检查每个当前容器中的container,是否鼠标已经移动到这些范围内了
        • 我们检查看一下正在拖动的item是属于哪个container
        • 放置item在一个container的某一个item之前,或者整个container之后
        • 确认item是可见的
      • 如果鼠标不在container中,确认item是不可见了.
    • 剩下的事就是捕捉mouseUp的事件了
    // iMouseDown represents the current mouse button state: up or down
    lMouseState represents the previous mouse button state so that we can
    check for button clicks and button releases:
    if(iMouseDown && !lMouseState) // button just clicked!
    if(!iMouseDown && lMouseState) // button just released!
    var mouseOffset = null;
    var iMouseDown  = false;
    var lMouseState = false;
    var dragObject  = null;
    // Demo 0 variables
    var DragDrops   = [];
    var curTarget   = null;
    var lastTarget  = null;
    var dragHelper  = null;
    var tempDiv     = null;
    var rootParent  = null;
    var rootSibling = null;
    Number.prototype.NaN0=function(){return isNaN(this)?0:this;}
    function CreateDragContainer(){
    	Create a new "Container Instance" so that items from one "Set" can not
    	be dragged into items from another "Set"
    	var cDrag        = DragDrops.length;
    	DragDrops[cDrag] = [];
    	Each item passed to this function should be a "container".  Store each
    	of these items in our current container
    	for(var i=0; i<arguments.length; i++){
    		var cObj = arguments[i];
    		cObj.setAttribute('DropObj', cDrag);
    		Every top level item in these containers should be draggable.  Do this
    		by setting the DragObj attribute on each item and then later checking
    		this attribute in the mouseMove function
    		for(var j=0; j<cObj.childNodes.length; j++){
    			// Firefox puts in lots of #text nodes...skip these
    			if(cObj.childNodes[j].nodeName=='#text') continue;
    			cObj.childNodes[j].setAttribute('DragObj', cDrag);
    function mouseMove(ev){
    	ev         = ev || window.event;
    	We are setting target to whatever item the mouse is currently on
    	Firefox uses event.target here, MSIE uses event.srcElement
    	var target   = ev.target || ev.srcElement;
    	var mousePos = mouseCoords(ev);
    	// mouseOut event - fires if the item the mouse is on has changed
    	if(lastTarget && (target!==lastTarget)){
    		// reset the classname for the target element
    		var origClass = lastTarget.getAttribute('origClass');
    		if(origClass) lastTarget.className = origClass;
    	dragObj is the grouping our item is in (set from the createDragContainer function).
    	if the item is not in a grouping we ignore it since it can't be dragged with this
    	var dragObj = target.getAttribute('DragObj');
    	 // if the mouse was moved over an element that is draggable
    		// mouseOver event - Change the item's class if necessary
    			var oClass = target.getAttribute('overClass');
    				target.setAttribute('origClass', target.className);
    				target.className = oClass;
    		// if the user is just starting to drag the element
    		if(iMouseDown && !lMouseState){
    			// mouseDown target
    			curTarget     = target;
    			// Record the mouse x and y offset for the element
    			rootParent    = curTarget.parentNode;
    			rootSibling   = curTarget.nextSibling;
    			mouseOffset   = getMouseOffset(target, ev);
    			// We remove anything that is in our dragHelper DIV so we can put a new item in it.
    			for(var i=0; i<dragHelper.childNodes.length; i++) dragHelper.removeChild(dragHelper.childNodes[i]);
    			// Make a copy of the current item and put it in our drag helper.
    			dragHelper.style.display = 'block';
    			// set the class on our helper DIV if necessary
    			var dragClass = curTarget.getAttribute('dragClass');
    				dragHelper.firstChild.className = dragClass;
    			// disable dragging from our helper DIV (it's already being dragged)
    			Record the current position of all drag/drop targets related
    			to the element.  We do this here so that we do not have to do
    			it on the general mouse move event which fires when the mouse
    			moves even 1 pixel.  If we don't do this here the script
    			would run much slower.
    			var dragConts = DragDrops[dragObj];
    			first record the width/height of our drag item.  Then hide it since
    			it is going to (potentially) be moved out of its parent.
    			curTarget.setAttribute('startWidth',  parseInt(curTarget.offsetWidth));
    			curTarget.setAttribute('startHeight', parseInt(curTarget.offsetHeight));
    			curTarget.style.display  = 'none';
    			// loop through each possible drop container
    			for(var i=0; i<dragConts.length; i++){
    					var pos = getPosition(dragConts[i]);
    					save the width, height and position of each container.
    					Even though we are saving the width and height of each
    					container back to the container this is much faster because
    					we are saving the number and do not have to run through
    					any calculations again.  Also, offsetHeight and offsetWidth
    					are both fairly slow.  You would never normally notice any
    					performance hit from these two functions but our code is
    					going to be running hundreds of times each second so every
    					little bit helps!
    					Note that the biggest performance gain here, by far, comes
    					from not having to run through the getPosition function
    					hundreds of times.
    					setAttribute('startWidth',  parseInt(offsetWidth));
    					setAttribute('startHeight', parseInt(offsetHeight));
    					setAttribute('startLeft',   pos.x);
    					setAttribute('startTop',    pos.y);
    				// loop through each child element of each container
    				for(var j=0; j<dragConts[i].childNodes.length; j++){
    						if((nodeName=='#text') || (dragConts[i].childNodes[j]==curTarget)) continue;
    						var pos = getPosition(dragConts[i].childNodes[j]);
    						// save the width, height and position of each element
    						setAttribute('startWidth',  parseInt(offsetWidth));
    						setAttribute('startHeight', parseInt(offsetHeight));
    						setAttribute('startLeft',   pos.x);
    						setAttribute('startTop',    pos.y);
    	// If we get in here we are dragging something
    		// move our helper div to wherever the mouse is (adjusted by mouseOffset)
    		dragHelper.style.top  = mousePos.y - mouseOffset.y;
    		dragHelper.style.left = mousePos.x - mouseOffset.x;
    		var dragConts  = DragDrops[curTarget.getAttribute('DragObj')];
    		var activeCont = null;
    		var xPos = mousePos.x - mouseOffset.x + (parseInt(curTarget.getAttribute('startWidth')) /2);
    		var yPos = mousePos.y - mouseOffset.y + (parseInt(curTarget.getAttribute('startHeight'))/2);
    		// check each drop container to see if our target object is "inside" the container
    		for(var i=0; i<dragConts.length; i++){
    				if(((getAttribute('startLeft'))                               < xPos) &&
    					((getAttribute('startTop'))                                < yPos) &&
    					((getAttribute('startLeft') + getAttribute('startWidth'))  > xPos) &&
    					((getAttribute('startTop')  + getAttribute('startHeight')) > yPos)){
    						our target is inside of our container so save the container into
    						the activeCont variable and then exit the loop since we no longer
    						need to check the rest of the containers
    						activeCont = dragConts[i];
    						// exit the for loop
    		// Our target object is in one of our containers.  Check to see where our div belongs
    			// beforeNode will hold the first node AFTER where our div belongs
    			var beforeNode = null;
    			// loop through each child node (skipping text nodes).
    			for(var i=activeCont.childNodes.length-1; i>=0; i--){
    					if(nodeName=='#text') continue;
    					// if the current item is "After" the item being dragged
    						curTarget != activeCont.childNodes[i]                              &&
    						((getAttribute('startLeft') + getAttribute('startWidth'))  > xPos) &&
    						((getAttribute('startTop')  + getAttribute('startHeight')) > yPos)){
    							beforeNode = activeCont.childNodes[i];
    			// the item being dragged belongs before another item
    					activeCont.insertBefore(curTarget, beforeNode);
    			// the item being dragged belongs at the end of the current container
    			} else {
    				if((curTarget.nextSibling) || (curTarget.parentNode!=activeCont)){
    			// make our drag item visible
    				curTarget.style.display  = '';
    		} else {
    			// our drag item is not in a container, so hide it.
    				curTarget.style.display  = 'none';
    	// track the current mouse state so we can compare against it next time
    	lMouseState = iMouseDown;
    	// mouseMove target
    	lastTarget  = target;
    	// track the current mouse state so we can compare against it next time
    	lMouseState = iMouseDown;
    	// this helps prevent items on the page from being highlighted while dragging
    	return false;
    function mouseUp(ev){
    		// hide our helper object - it is no longer needed
    		dragHelper.style.display = 'none';
    		// if the drag item is invisible put it back where it was before moving it
    		if(curTarget.style.display == 'none'){
    				rootParent.insertBefore(curTarget, rootSibling);
    			} else {
    		// make sure the drag item is visible
    		curTarget.style.display = '';
    	curTarget  = null;
    	iMouseDown = false;
    function mouseDown(){
    	iMouseDown = true;
    		return false;
    document.onmousemove = mouseMove;
    document.onmousedown = mouseDown;
    document.onmouseup   = mouseUp;
    window.onload = function(){
    	// Create our helper object that will show the item while dragging
    	dragHelper = document.createElement('DIV');
    	dragHelper.style.cssText = 'position:absolute;display:none;';
    <!--the mouse over and dragging class are defined on each item-->
    <div class="DragContainer" id="DragContainer1">
    	<div class="DragBox" id="Item1"  overClass="OverDragBox" dragClass="DragDragBox">Item #1</div>
    	<div class="DragBox" id="Item2"  overClass="OverDragBox" dragClass="DragDragBox">Item #2</div>
    	<div class="DragBox" id="Item3"  overClass="OverDragBox" dragClass="DragDragBox">Item #3</div>
    	<div class="DragBox" id="Item4"  overClass="OverDragBox" dragClass="DragDragBox">Item #4</div>
    <div class="DragContainer" id="DragContainer2">
    	<div class="DragBox" id="Item5"  overClass="OverDragBox" dragClass="DragDragBox">Item #5</div>
    	<div class="DragBox" id="Item6"  overClass="OverDragBox" dragClass="DragDragBox">Item #6</div>
    	<div class="DragBox" id="Item7"  overClass="OverDragBox" dragClass="DragDragBox">Item #7</div>
    	<div class="DragBox" id="Item8"  overClass="OverDragBox" dragClass="DragDragBox">Item #8</div>
    <div class="DragContainer" id="DragContainer3">
    	<div class="DragBox" id="Item9"  overClass="OverDragBox" dragClass="DragDragBox">Item #9</div>
    	<div class="DragBox" id="Item10" overClass="OverDragBox" dragClass="DragDragBox">Item #10</div>
    	<div class="DragBox" id="Item11" overClass="OverDragBox" dragClass="DragDragBox">Item #11</div>
    	<div class="DragBox" id="Item12" overClass="OverDragBox" dragClass="DragDragBox">Item #12</div>



    怎么用 javascript 实现拖拽 – 示例6






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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/yonsy/p/2830854.html
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