• stl的string



      string a1 = "aaaaaa";
        string a2("bbbb");
        string a3 = a2;//调用string类的拷贝构造函数
        string a4(10, 'a'); // 十个a


    using namespace std;
    void main21()
        string a1 = "aaaaaa";
        string a2("bbbb");
        string a3 = a2;//调用string类的拷贝构造函数
        string a4(10, 'a'); // 十个a
        cout << "a1 = " << a1 << endl;
        cout << "a2 = " << a2 << endl;
        cout << "a3 = " << a3 << endl;
        cout << "a4 = " << a4 << endl;
    void main22()//字符串遍历
        string a1 = "abcdefg";
        for (int i = 0; i < a1.length(); i++)
            cout << a1[i] << " ";
        cout << endl;
        for (string::iterator it = a1.begin(); it != a1.end(); it++)
            cout << *it << " ";
        cout << endl;
        cout << "at之后" << endl;
            for (int i = 0; i < a1.length() + 3; i++)
                cout << a1.at(i) << " ";//at可以抛出异常
        catch (...)
            cout << "发生异常" << endl;
        //    for (int i = 0; i < a1.length() + 3; i++)
        //    {
        //        cout << a1[i] << " ";//数组方式不能捕捉异常,程序会出现错误
        //    }
        //catch (...)
        //    cout << "发生异常" << endl;
        cout << endl;
    int main()
        return 0;


        string s1 = "aaabbbb";
    ", s1.c_str());
        //s1的内容拷贝到 buf 中
        char buf1[128] = { 0 };
        s1.copy(buf1, 3, 0);//从第0个字符开始拷贝到第3个字符。最后没有加
        cout << "buf1 = " << buf1 << endl;

    string字符串连接  可以用重载的+和append

        string s1 = "aaa";
        string s2 = "bbb";
        s1 = s1 + s2;
        cout << "s1: " << s1 << endl;
        string s3 = "444";
        string s4 = "555";
        cout << "s3: " << s3 << endl;


    int find(char c,int pos = 0)const;//从pos开始查找字符c在当前字符串的位置
    int find(const char*s,int pos = 0)const;//从pos开始查找字符串s在当前字符串的位置
    int find(const string &s,int pos = 0)const;//从pos开始查找字符串s在当前字符串的位置,如果找不到就返回-1
    int rfind(char *c,int pos = npos)const;
    int rfind(const string &s,int pos = nopos)const

    1 string &replace(int pos,int n,const char *s)//删除从pos开始的n个字符,然后在pos处插入串s
    2 string &replace(int pos, int n, const string &s);//删除从pos开始的n个字符,然后在pos处插入串s
    3 void swap(string &s2)  //交换当前字符串与s2的值


        string s1 = "wbm hellow wbm 111 wbm 222 wbm 333";
        int index = s1.find("wbm", 0);//数组下标从零开始
        //cout << "index : " << index << endl;
        int offindex = s1.find("wbm", 0);
        while (offindex != string::npos)//string:npos是个特殊值,说明查找没有匹配
            cout << "offindex : " << offindex << endl;
            offindex = offindex + 1;
            offindex = s1.find("wbm", offindex);
        offindex = s1.find("wbm", 0);
        while (offindex != string::npos)
            cout << "offindex : " << offindex << endl;
            s1.replace(offindex, 3, "WBM");
            offindex = offindex + 1;
            offindex = s1.find("wbm", offindex);
        cout << "s1替换后的结果: " << s1 << endl;

    string的区间删除(截断  )和插入

    string &insert(int pos,const char *s);
    string &insert(int pos,const string &s);
    string &erase(int pos = 0,int n = pos);//删除pos开始的n个字符,返回修改后的字符串


     1         string s1 = "hello1 hello2 hello3";
     2     string::iterator it = find(s1.begin(), s1.end(), 'l');
     3     if (it != s1.end())
     4     {
     5         s1.erase(it);
     6     }
     7     cout << "删除l以后的结果" << s1 << endl;
     9     s1.erase(s1.begin(), s1.end());
    10     cout << "s1全部删除: " << s1 << endl;
    11     cout << "s1长度 " << s1.length() << endl;
    13     string s2 = "BBB";
    14     s2.insert(0, "AAA");
    15     s2.insert(s2.length(), "CCC");
    16     cout << s2 << endl;    


    string s1 = "AAAbbb";
        //1.函数的入口地址 2.函数对象 3.预定义的函数
        transform(s1.begin(), s1.end(), s1.begin(), toupper);//转换为大写
        cout << "s1 = " << s1 << endl;
        string s2 = "AAAbbb";
        transform(s2.begin(), s2.end(), s2.begin(), tolower);//后面要将转换入口放到字符串开头
        cout << "s2 = " << s2 << endl;


    using namespace std;
    void main21()
        string a1 = "aaaaaa";
        string a2("bbbb");
        string a3 = a2;//调用string类的拷贝构造函数
        string a4(10, 'a'); // 十个a
        cout << "a1 = " << a1 << endl;
        cout << "a2 = " << a2 << endl;
        cout << "a3 = " << a3 << endl;
        cout << "a4 = " << a4 << endl;
    void main22()//字符串遍历
        string a1 = "abcdefg";
        for (int i = 0; i < a1.length(); i++)
            cout << a1[i] << " ";
        cout << endl;
        for (string::iterator it = a1.begin(); it != a1.end(); it++)
            cout << *it << " ";
        cout << endl;
        cout << "at之后" << endl;
            for (int i = 0; i < a1.length() + 3; i++)
                cout << a1.at(i) << " ";//at可以抛出异常
        catch (...)
            cout << "发生异常" << endl;
        //    for (int i = 0; i < a1.length() + 3; i++)
        //    {
        //        cout << a1[i] << " ";//数组方式不能捕捉异常,程序会出现错误
        //    }
        //catch (...)
        //    cout << "发生异常" << endl;
        cout << endl;
    void main23()
        string s1 = "aaabbbb";
    ", s1.c_str());
        //s1的内容拷贝到 buf 中
        char buf1[128] = { 0 };
        s1.copy(buf1, 3, 0);//从第0个字符开始拷贝到第3个字符。最后没有加
        cout << "buf1 = " << buf1 << endl;
    void main24()
        string s1 = "aaa";
        string s2 = "bbb";
        s1 = s1 + s2;
        cout << "s1: " << s1 << endl;
        string s3 = "444";
        string s4 = "555";
        cout << "s3: " << s3 << endl;
    void main25()
        string s1 = "wbm hellow wbm 111 wbm 222 wbm 333";
        int index = s1.find("wbm", 0);//数组下标从零开始
        //cout << "index : " << index << endl;
        int offindex = s1.find("wbm", 0);
        while (offindex != string::npos)//string:npos是个特殊值,说明查找没有匹配
            cout << "offindex : " << offindex << endl;
            offindex = offindex + 1;
            offindex = s1.find("wbm", offindex);
        offindex = s1.find("wbm", 0);
        while (offindex != string::npos)
            cout << "offindex : " << offindex << endl;
            s1.replace(offindex, 3, "WBM");
            offindex = offindex + 1;
            offindex = s1.find("wbm", offindex);
        cout << "s1替换后的结果: " << s1 << endl;
    //string 的区间删除(截断)和插入
    void main26()
        string s1 = "hello1 hello2 hello3";
        string::iterator it = find(s1.begin(), s1.end(), 'l');
        if (it != s1.end())
        cout << "删除l以后的结果" << s1 << endl;
        s1.erase(s1.begin(), s1.end());
        cout << "s1全部删除: " << s1 << endl;
        cout << "s1长度 " << s1.length() << endl;
        string s2 = "BBB";
        s2.insert(0, "AAA");
        s2.insert(s2.length(), "CCC");
        cout << s2 << endl;
    void main27()
        string s1 = "AAAbbb";
        //1.函数的入口地址 2.函数对象 3.预定义的函数
        transform(s1.begin(), s1.end(), s1.begin(), toupper);//转换为大写
        cout << "s1 = " << s1 << endl;
        string s2 = "AAAbbb";
        transform(s2.begin(), s2.end(), s2.begin(), tolower);//后面要将转换入口放到字符串开头
        cout << "s2 = " << s2 << endl;
    int main()
        return 0;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ymj11/p/13804982.html
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