• gotour练习解答


    首先go-tour是有web版本,但是需要FQ。如果不能FQ的,也可以在google code上自己下载go-tour源码,go build,run一下,在自己的机器上就可以跑这个教程了。



    Exercise: Loops and Functions


    package main
    import (
    func Sqrt(x float64) float64 {
         z := float64(1)
         for i := 0; i <= 10; i++ {
              z = z - (z*z - x) / (2 * z)
         return z
    func main() {


    package main
    import (
    func Sqrt(x float64) float64 {
         z := float64(1)
         for {
              y := z - (z*z - x) / (2 * z)
              if math.Abs(y - z) < 1e-10 {
                   return y
              z = y;
         return z
    func main() {

    Exercise: Maps

    package main
    import (
    func WordCount(s string) map[string]int {
         ret := make(map[string]int)
         arr := strings.Fields(s)
         for _, val := range arr {
         return ret
    func main() {

    Exercise: Slices

    package main
    import "tour/pic"
    func Pic(dx, dy int) [][]uint8 {
         ret := make([][]uint8, dy)
         for i:=0; i<dy; i++ {
              ret[i] = make([]uint8, dx)
              for j:=0; j<dx; j++ {
                   ret[i][j] = uint8(i*j)
         return ret
    func main() {

    Exercise: Fibonacci closure

    package main
    import "fmt"
    // fibonacci is a function that returns
    // a function that returns an int.
    func fibonacci() func() int {
         sum1 := 0
         sum2 := 1
         return func() int{
              out := sum1 + sum2
              sum1 = sum2
              sum2 = out
              return out
    func main() {
         f := fibonacci()
         for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {

    Advanced Exercise: Complex cube roots

    package main
    import (
    func Cbrt(x complex128) complex128 {
         z := complex128(1)
         for {
              if y := z-(cmplx.Pow(z,3) - x)/(3 * z * z); cmplx.Abs(y - z) < 1e-10 {
                   return y
              } else {
                   z = y
         return z
    func main() {

    Exercise: Errors

    package main
    import (
    type ErrNegativeSqrt float64
    func (e ErrNegativeSqrt) Error() string {
         return "cannot Sqrt negative number:" + fmt.Sprint(float64(e))
    func Sqrt(f float64) (float64, error) {
         if f < 0 {
              return 0, ErrNegativeSqrt(f)
         z := float64(1)
         for {
              y := z - (z*z-f)/(2*z)
              if math.Abs(y-z) < 1e-10 {
                   return y, nil
              z = y
         return z, nil
    func main() {

    Exercise: Images

    package main
    import (
    type Image struct{
         W int
         H int
    func(self Image) Bounds() image.Rectangle {
         return image.Rect(0, 0, self.W, self.H)
    func(self Image) ColorModel() color.Model {
         return color.RGBAModel
    func(self Image) At(x,y int) color.Color {
         return color.RGBA{uint8(x), uint8(y), 255, 255}
    func main() {
         m := Image{W:100, H:100}

    Exercise: Rot13 Reader

    package main
    import (
    type rot13Reader struct {
         r io.Reader
    func(self rot13Reader)Read(p []byte) (n int, err error){
         leng := len(p)
         for i := 0; i < leng; i++ {
              case p[i] >= 'a' && p[i] < 'n':
              case p[i] >= 'A' && p[i] < 'N':
                   p[i] = p[i] + 13
              case p[i] >= 'n' && p[i] <= 'z':
              case p[i] >= 'N' && p[i] <= 'Z':
                   p[i] = p[i] - 13
         return leng, nil
    func main() {
         s := strings.NewReader(
              "Lbh penpxrq gur pbqr!")
         r := rot13Reader{s}
         io.Copy(os.Stdout, &r)

    Exercise: Equivalent Binary Trees

    package main
    import (
    // Walk walks the tree t sending all values
    // from the tree to the channel ch.
    func Walk(t *tree.Tree, ch chan int) {
         if t == nil {
         Walk(t.Left, ch)
         ch <- t.Value
         Walk(t.Right, ch)
    // Same determines whether the trees
    // t1 and t2 contain the same values.
    func Same(t1, t2 *tree.Tree) bool {
         ch1 := make(chan int)
         ch2 := make(chan int)
         go func() {
              Walk(t1, ch1)
              ch1 <- 0
         go func() {
              Walk(t2, ch2)
              ch2 <- 0
         for {
              t1 := <-ch1
              t2 := <-ch2
              if t1 == 0 && t2 == 0 {
                   return true;
              if t1 == t2 {
              } else {
                   return false;
         return true
    func main() {
         ch := make(chan int)
         go func() {
              Walk(tree.New(1), ch)
              ch <- 0
         for {
              t := <-ch
              if t == 0 {
         println(Same(tree.New(1), tree.New(2)))

    Exercise: Web Crawler

    package main
    import (
    type Fetcher interface {
         // Fetch returns the body of URL and
         // a slice of URLs found on that page.
         Fetch(url string) (body string, urls []string, err error)
    // Crawl uses fetcher to recursively crawl
    // pages starting with url, to a maximum of depth.
    func Crawl(url string, depth int, fetcher Fetcher, out chan string, end chan bool) {
         if depth <= 0 {
              end <- true
         if _, ok := crawled[url]; ok {
              end <- true
         crawled[url] = true
         body, urls, err := fetcher.Fetch(url)
         if err != nil {
              out <- fmt.Sprintln(err)
              end <- true
         out <- fmt.Sprintf("found: %s %q\n", url, body)
         subEnd := make(chan bool)
         for _, u := range urls {
              go Crawl(u, depth-1, fetcher, out, subEnd)
         for i := 0; i < len(urls); i++ {
              <- subEnd
         end <- true
    var crawled = make(map[string]bool)
    var crawledMutex sync.Mutex
    func main() {
         out := make(chan string)
         end := make(chan bool)
         go Crawl("http://golang.org/", 4, fetcher, out, end)
         for {
              select {
              case t := <- out:
              case <- end:
    // fakeFetcher is Fetcher that returns canned results.
    type fakeFetcher map[string]*fakeResult
    type fakeResult struct {
         body string
         urls     []string
    func (f *fakeFetcher) Fetch(url string) (string, []string, error) {
         if res, ok := (*f)[url]; ok {
              return res.body, res.urls, nil
         return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("not found: %s", url)
    // fetcher is a populated fakeFetcher.
    var fetcher = &fakeFetcher{
         "http://golang.org/": &fakeResult{
              "The Go Programming Language",
         "http://golang.org/pkg/": &fakeResult{
         "http://golang.org/pkg/fmt/": &fakeResult{
              "Package fmt",
         "http://golang.org/pkg/os/": &fakeResult{
              "Package os",


    本文基于署名-非商业性使用 3.0许可协议发布,欢迎转载,演绎,但是必须保留本文的署名叶剑峰(包含链接http://www.cnblogs.com/yjf512/),且不得用于商业目的。如您有任何疑问或者授权方面的协商,请与我联系

  • 相关阅读:
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/yjf512/p/2810302.html
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