• CSS Sprite 图标


     1 <body>
     2     <!-- ul.sprite>li*5>s.s-icon+a{CSS Sprite} -->
     3     <!-- 以上是Sublime Text快速拼写 -->
     4     <ul class="sprite">
     5         <li><s class="s-icon"></s><a href="">CSS Sprite</a></li>
     6         <li><s class="s-icon"></s><a href="">CSS Sprite</a></li>
     7         <li><s class="s-icon"></s><a href="">CSS Sprite</a></li>
     8         <li><s class="s-icon"></s><a href="">CSS Sprite</a></li>
     9         <li><s class="s-icon"></s><a href="">CSS Sprite</a></li>
    10         <div class="clear"></div>
    11     </ul>
    12 </body>


     1 <style>
     2     body { background-color: #fc0; color:#333;}
     3     * {margin:0; padding:0;}
     4     ul,li {list-style: none;}
     5     a { color:#f00; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none;}
     6     .sprite {margin:0 auto; width:1000px; padding-top: 50px;}
     7     .sprite li {float:left; margin-left: 50px; text-align: center; cursor:pointer; }
     8     .sprite li s { display: block; width:132px; height:112px; background:url(all.png) no-repeat; }
     9     .clear { clear:both;}
    10 </style>


     1 <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.js"></script>
     2     <script>
     3     $(function () {
     4         var iconH = $(".sprite").find("s").height(),
     5             //找出存放图片的容器的高度;
     6             triggerLi = $(".sprite").children("li");
     7             //找出每一个li,放到一个数组中;
     8         //console.log(iconH);
     9         //在控制台打印出容器的高度;
    10         triggerLi.each(function () {
    11         //遍历数组中的每一个li
    12             var $this = $(this),
    13                 //声明变量赋值当前的li;
    14                 $index = $this.index();
    15                 //声明变量保存当前li的index值;
    16             //console.log($index);
    17             //在控制台打印出每一个li的index值;
    18             //console.log(iconH*$index);
    19             //得出每一个图片对应的position值;
    20             $this.children("s").css("background-position","0 -"+iconH*$index+"px");
    21             //利用js遍历出每一个s标签的背景图片;
    22             $this.hover(function() {
    23                 //鼠标移入
    24                 $this.children("s").css("background-position","-132px -"+iconH*$index+"px");
    25             }, function() {
    26                 //鼠标移出
    27                 $this.children("s").css("background-position","0 -"+iconH*$index+"px");
    28             });
    29         })
    30     })
    31     </script>



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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/yizihan/p/4154120.html
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