• 【java8】为java8的foreach正名



    public static void main(String[] args) throws RunnerException {
        Options opt = new OptionsBuilder()
        new Runner(opt).run();



    package yiwangzhibujian.jmh.test;
    import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.*;
    import org.openjdk.jmh.runner.Runner;
    import org.openjdk.jmh.runner.RunnerException;
    import org.openjdk.jmh.runner.options.Options;
    import org.openjdk.jmh.runner.options.OptionsBuilder;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.HashMap;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
    public class J8Loop {
      public static Map<Integer,List<Dog>> dogMap=new HashMap<>();
      static {
        dogMap.put(10, getDogs(10));
        dogMap.put(100, getDogs(100));
        dogMap.put(1000, getDogs(1000));
        dogMap.put(10000, getDogs(10000));
        dogMap.put(100000, getDogs(100000));
        dogMap.put(1000000, getDogs(1000000));
      private static List<Dog> getDogs(int num) {
        List<Dog> dogs=new ArrayList<>();
        for(int i=0;i<num;i++){
          dogs.add(new Dog(i,"dog"+i));
        return dogs;
      private void loop(List<Dog> list) {
      public void measureWrong_10() {
        List<Dog> list = dogMap.get(10);
      public void measureWrong_100() {
        List<Dog> list = dogMap.get(100);
      public void measureWrong_1000() {
        List<Dog> list = dogMap.get(1000);
      public void measureWrong_10000() {
        List<Dog> list = dogMap.get(10000);
      public void measureWrong_100000() {
        List<Dog> list = dogMap.get(100000);
      public void measureWrong_1000000() {
        List<Dog> list = dogMap.get(1000000);
       * ============================== HOW TO RUN THIS TEST:
       * ====================================
       * You might notice the larger the repetitions count, the lower the
       * "perceived" cost of the operation being measured. Up to the point we do
       * each addition with 1/20 ns, well beyond what hardware can actually do.
       * This happens because the loop is heavily unrolled/pipelined, and the
       * operation to be measured is hoisted from the loop. Morale: don't overuse
       * loops, rely on JMH to get the measurement right.
       * You can run this test:
       * a) Via the command line: $ mvn clean install $ java -jar
       * target/benchmarks.jar JMHSample_11 -wi 5 -i 5 -f 1 (we requested 5
       * warmup/measurement iterations, single fork)
       * b) Via the Java API: (see the JMH homepage for possible caveats when
       * running from IDE: http://openjdk.java.net/projects/code-tools/jmh/)
      public static void main(String[] args) throws RunnerException {
        Options opt = new OptionsBuilder()
        new Runner(opt).run();
    class Dog{
      private int age;
      private String name;
      public Dog(int age, String name) {
        this.age = age;
        this.name = name;
      public int getAge() {
        return age;
      public void setAge(int age) {
        this.age = age;
      public String getName() {
        return name;
      public void setName(String name) {
        this.name = name;
      public String toString() {
        return "Dog [age=" + age + ", name=" + name + "]";
    View Code


    # JMH version: 1.19
    # VM version: JDK 1.8.0_51, VM 25.51-b03
    # VM invoker: D:softjavajava8jreinjava.exe
    # VM options: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8
    # Warmup: 3 iterations, single-shot each
    # Measurement: 5 iterations, single-shot each
    # Timeout: 10 min per iteration
    # Threads: 1 thread
    # Benchmark mode: Single shot invocation time
    # Benchmark: yiwangzhibujian.jmh.test.J8Loop.measureWrong_10
    # Run progress: 0.00% complete, ETA 00:00:00
    # Fork: 1 of 1
    # Warmup Iteration   1: 85.205 ms/op
    # Warmup Iteration   2: 0.013 ms/op
    # Warmup Iteration   3: 0.012 ms/op
    Iteration   1: 0.010 ms/op
    Iteration   2: 0.013 ms/op
    Iteration   3: 0.009 ms/op
    Iteration   4: 0.010 ms/op
    Iteration   5: 0.011 ms/op
    Result "yiwangzhibujian.jmh.test.J8Loop.measureWrong_10":
      N = 5
      mean =      0.010 ±(99.9%) 0.006 ms/op
      Histogram, ms/op:
        [0.008, 0.009) = 0 
        [0.009, 0.009) = 1 
        [0.009, 0.010) = 0 
        [0.010, 0.010) = 2 
        [0.010, 0.011) = 0 
        [0.011, 0.011) = 1 
        [0.011, 0.012) = 0 
        [0.012, 0.012) = 0 
        [0.012, 0.013) = 0 
        [0.013, 0.013) = 0 
        [0.013, 0.014) = 1 
      Percentiles, ms/op:
          p(0.0000) =      0.009 ms/op
         p(50.0000) =      0.010 ms/op
         p(90.0000) =      0.013 ms/op
         p(95.0000) =      0.013 ms/op
         p(99.0000) =      0.013 ms/op
         p(99.9000) =      0.013 ms/op
         p(99.9900) =      0.013 ms/op
         p(99.9990) =      0.013 ms/op
         p(99.9999) =      0.013 ms/op
        p(100.0000) =      0.013 ms/op
    # JMH version: 1.19
    # VM version: JDK 1.8.0_51, VM 25.51-b03
    # VM invoker: D:softjavajava8jreinjava.exe
    # VM options: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8
    # Warmup: 3 iterations, single-shot each
    # Measurement: 5 iterations, single-shot each
    # Timeout: 10 min per iteration
    # Threads: 1 thread
    # Benchmark mode: Single shot invocation time
    # Benchmark: yiwangzhibujian.jmh.test.J8Loop.measureWrong_100
    # Run progress: 16.67% complete, ETA 00:00:10
    # Fork: 1 of 1
    # Warmup Iteration   1: 81.395 ms/op
    # Warmup Iteration   2: 0.046 ms/op
    # Warmup Iteration   3: 0.070 ms/op
    Iteration   1: 0.040 ms/op
    Iteration   2: 0.065 ms/op
    Iteration   3: 0.023 ms/op
    Iteration   4: 0.025 ms/op
    Iteration   5: 0.024 ms/op
    Result "yiwangzhibujian.jmh.test.J8Loop.measureWrong_100":
      N = 5
      mean =      0.035 ±(99.9%) 0.069 ms/op
      Histogram, ms/op:
        [0.020, 0.025) = 3 
        [0.025, 0.030) = 0 
        [0.030, 0.035) = 0 
        [0.035, 0.040) = 1 
        [0.040, 0.045) = 0 
        [0.045, 0.050) = 0 
        [0.050, 0.055) = 0 
        [0.055, 0.060) = 0 
        [0.060, 0.065) = 1 
      Percentiles, ms/op:
          p(0.0000) =      0.023 ms/op
         p(50.0000) =      0.025 ms/op
         p(90.0000) =      0.065 ms/op
         p(95.0000) =      0.065 ms/op
         p(99.0000) =      0.065 ms/op
         p(99.9000) =      0.065 ms/op
         p(99.9900) =      0.065 ms/op
         p(99.9990) =      0.065 ms/op
         p(99.9999) =      0.065 ms/op
        p(100.0000) =      0.065 ms/op
    # JMH version: 1.19
    # VM version: JDK 1.8.0_51, VM 25.51-b03
    # VM invoker: D:softjavajava8jreinjava.exe
    # VM options: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8
    # Warmup: 3 iterations, single-shot each
    # Measurement: 5 iterations, single-shot each
    # Timeout: 10 min per iteration
    # Threads: 1 thread
    # Benchmark mode: Single shot invocation time
    # Benchmark: yiwangzhibujian.jmh.test.J8Loop.measureWrong_1000
    # Run progress: 33.33% complete, ETA 00:00:08
    # Fork: 1 of 1
    # Warmup Iteration   1: 85.176 ms/op
    # Warmup Iteration   2: 0.201 ms/op
    # Warmup Iteration   3: 0.183 ms/op
    Iteration   1: 0.195 ms/op
    Iteration   2: 0.184 ms/op
    Iteration   3: 0.566 ms/op
    Iteration   4: 0.101 ms/op
    Iteration   5: 0.091 ms/op
    Result "yiwangzhibujian.jmh.test.J8Loop.measureWrong_1000":
      N = 5
      mean =      0.227 ±(99.9%) 0.751 ms/op
      Histogram, ms/op:
        [0.000, 0.050) = 0 
        [0.050, 0.100) = 1 
        [0.100, 0.150) = 1 
        [0.150, 0.200) = 2 
        [0.200, 0.250) = 0 
        [0.250, 0.300) = 0 
        [0.300, 0.350) = 0 
        [0.350, 0.400) = 0 
        [0.400, 0.450) = 0 
        [0.450, 0.500) = 0 
        [0.500, 0.550) = 0 
        [0.550, 0.600) = 1 
      Percentiles, ms/op:
          p(0.0000) =      0.091 ms/op
         p(50.0000) =      0.184 ms/op
         p(90.0000) =      0.566 ms/op
         p(95.0000) =      0.566 ms/op
         p(99.0000) =      0.566 ms/op
         p(99.9000) =      0.566 ms/op
         p(99.9900) =      0.566 ms/op
         p(99.9990) =      0.566 ms/op
         p(99.9999) =      0.566 ms/op
        p(100.0000) =      0.566 ms/op
    # JMH version: 1.19
    # VM version: JDK 1.8.0_51, VM 25.51-b03
    # VM invoker: D:softjavajava8jreinjava.exe
    # VM options: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8
    # Warmup: 3 iterations, single-shot each
    # Measurement: 5 iterations, single-shot each
    # Timeout: 10 min per iteration
    # Threads: 1 thread
    # Benchmark mode: Single shot invocation time
    # Benchmark: yiwangzhibujian.jmh.test.J8Loop.measureWrong_10000
    # Run progress: 50.00% complete, ETA 00:00:06
    # Fork: 1 of 1
    # Warmup Iteration   1: 85.345 ms/op
    # Warmup Iteration   2: 0.698 ms/op
    # Warmup Iteration   3: 0.857 ms/op
    Iteration   1: 0.866 ms/op
    Iteration   2: 0.778 ms/op
    Iteration   3: 0.871 ms/op
    Iteration   4: 1.047 ms/op
    Iteration   5: 0.306 ms/op
    Result "yiwangzhibujian.jmh.test.J8Loop.measureWrong_10000":
      N = 5
      mean =      0.774 ±(99.9%) 1.074 ms/op
      Histogram, ms/op:
        [0.300, 0.350) = 1 
        [0.350, 0.400) = 0 
        [0.400, 0.450) = 0 
        [0.450, 0.500) = 0 
        [0.500, 0.550) = 0 
        [0.550, 0.600) = 0 
        [0.600, 0.650) = 0 
        [0.650, 0.700) = 0 
        [0.700, 0.750) = 0 
        [0.750, 0.800) = 1 
        [0.800, 0.850) = 0 
        [0.850, 0.900) = 2 
        [0.900, 0.950) = 0 
        [0.950, 1.000) = 0 
        [1.000, 1.050) = 1 
      Percentiles, ms/op:
          p(0.0000) =      0.306 ms/op
         p(50.0000) =      0.866 ms/op
         p(90.0000) =      1.047 ms/op
         p(95.0000) =      1.047 ms/op
         p(99.0000) =      1.047 ms/op
         p(99.9000) =      1.047 ms/op
         p(99.9900) =      1.047 ms/op
         p(99.9990) =      1.047 ms/op
         p(99.9999) =      1.047 ms/op
        p(100.0000) =      1.047 ms/op
    # JMH version: 1.19
    # VM version: JDK 1.8.0_51, VM 25.51-b03
    # VM invoker: D:softjavajava8jreinjava.exe
    # VM options: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8
    # Warmup: 3 iterations, single-shot each
    # Measurement: 5 iterations, single-shot each
    # Timeout: 10 min per iteration
    # Threads: 1 thread
    # Benchmark mode: Single shot invocation time
    # Benchmark: yiwangzhibujian.jmh.test.J8Loop.measureWrong_100000
    # Run progress: 66.67% complete, ETA 00:00:04
    # Fork: 1 of 1
    # Warmup Iteration   1: 96.430 ms/op
    # Warmup Iteration   2: 6.303 ms/op
    # Warmup Iteration   3: 1.515 ms/op
    Iteration   1: 1.337 ms/op
    Iteration   2: 1.260 ms/op
    Iteration   3: 1.279 ms/op
    Iteration   4: 1.210 ms/op
    Iteration   5: 1.107 ms/op
    Result "yiwangzhibujian.jmh.test.J8Loop.measureWrong_100000":
      N = 5
      mean =      1.238 ±(99.9%) 0.334 ms/op
      Histogram, ms/op:
        [1.100, 1.125) = 1 
        [1.125, 1.150) = 0 
        [1.150, 1.175) = 0 
        [1.175, 1.200) = 0 
        [1.200, 1.225) = 1 
        [1.225, 1.250) = 0 
        [1.250, 1.275) = 1 
        [1.275, 1.300) = 1 
        [1.300, 1.325) = 0 
        [1.325, 1.350) = 1 
        [1.350, 1.375) = 0 
        [1.375, 1.400) = 0 
      Percentiles, ms/op:
          p(0.0000) =      1.107 ms/op
         p(50.0000) =      1.260 ms/op
         p(90.0000) =      1.337 ms/op
         p(95.0000) =      1.337 ms/op
         p(99.0000) =      1.337 ms/op
         p(99.9000) =      1.337 ms/op
         p(99.9900) =      1.337 ms/op
         p(99.9990) =      1.337 ms/op
         p(99.9999) =      1.337 ms/op
        p(100.0000) =      1.337 ms/op
    # JMH version: 1.19
    # VM version: JDK 1.8.0_51, VM 25.51-b03
    # VM invoker: D:softjavajava8jreinjava.exe
    # VM options: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8
    # Warmup: 3 iterations, single-shot each
    # Measurement: 5 iterations, single-shot each
    # Timeout: 10 min per iteration
    # Threads: 1 thread
    # Benchmark mode: Single shot invocation time
    # Benchmark: yiwangzhibujian.jmh.test.J8Loop.measureWrong_1000000
    # Run progress: 83.33% complete, ETA 00:00:02
    # Fork: 1 of 1
    # Warmup Iteration   1: 155.436 ms/op
    # Warmup Iteration   2: 16.059 ms/op
    # Warmup Iteration   3: 10.600 ms/op
    Iteration   1: 10.347 ms/op
    Iteration   2: 10.207 ms/op
    Iteration   3: 11.790 ms/op
    Iteration   4: 10.717 ms/op
    Iteration   5: 10.128 ms/op
    Result "yiwangzhibujian.jmh.test.J8Loop.measureWrong_1000000":
      N = 5
      mean =     10.638 ±(99.9%) 2.628 ms/op
      Histogram, ms/op:
        [10.000, 10.125) = 0 
        [10.125, 10.250) = 2 
        [10.250, 10.375) = 1 
        [10.375, 10.500) = 0 
        [10.500, 10.625) = 0 
        [10.625, 10.750) = 1 
        [10.750, 10.875) = 0 
        [10.875, 11.000) = 0 
        [11.000, 11.125) = 0 
        [11.125, 11.250) = 0 
        [11.250, 11.375) = 0 
        [11.375, 11.500) = 0 
        [11.500, 11.625) = 0 
        [11.625, 11.750) = 0 
        [11.750, 11.875) = 1 
      Percentiles, ms/op:
          p(0.0000) =     10.128 ms/op
         p(50.0000) =     10.347 ms/op
         p(90.0000) =     11.790 ms/op
         p(95.0000) =     11.790 ms/op
         p(99.0000) =     11.790 ms/op
         p(99.9000) =     11.790 ms/op
         p(99.9900) =     11.790 ms/op
         p(99.9990) =     11.790 ms/op
         p(99.9999) =     11.790 ms/op
        p(100.0000) =     11.790 ms/op
    # Run complete. Total time: 00:00:13
    Benchmark                    Mode  Cnt   Score   Error  Units
    J8Loop.measureWrong_10         ss    5   0.010 ± 0.006  ms/op
    J8Loop.measureWrong_100        ss    5   0.035 ± 0.069  ms/op
    J8Loop.measureWrong_1000       ss    5   0.227 ± 0.751  ms/op
    J8Loop.measureWrong_10000      ss    5   0.774 ± 1.074  ms/op
    J8Loop.measureWrong_100000     ss    5   1.238 ± 0.334  ms/op
    J8Loop.measureWrong_1000000    ss    5  10.638 ± 2.628  ms/op
    View Code


    Benchmark                    Mode  Cnt   Score   Error  Units
    J8Loop.measureWrong_10         ss    5   0.010 ± 0.006  ms/op
    J8Loop.measureWrong_100        ss    5   0.035 ± 0.069  ms/op
    J8Loop.measureWrong_1000       ss    5   0.227 ± 0.751  ms/op
    J8Loop.measureWrong_10000      ss    5   0.774 ± 1.074  ms/op
    J8Loop.measureWrong_100000     ss    5   1.238 ± 0.334  ms/op
    J8Loop.measureWrong_1000000    ss    5  10.638 ± 2.628  ms/op


    package yiwangzhibujian.jmh.test;
    import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.*;
    import org.openjdk.jmh.runner.Runner;
    import org.openjdk.jmh.runner.RunnerException;
    import org.openjdk.jmh.runner.options.Options;
    import org.openjdk.jmh.runner.options.OptionsBuilder;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.HashMap;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
    public class J8Loop {
      public static Map<Integer,List<Dog>> dogMap=new HashMap<>();
      static {
        dogMap.put(10, getDogs(10));
        dogMap.put(100, getDogs(100));
        dogMap.put(1000, getDogs(1000));
        dogMap.put(10000, getDogs(10000));
        dogMap.put(100000, getDogs(100000));
        dogMap.put(1000000, getDogs(1000000));
      private static List<Dog> getDogs(int num) {
        List<Dog> dogs=new ArrayList<>();
        for(int i=0;i<num;i++){
          dogs.add(new Dog(i,"dog"+i));
        return dogs;
      private void loop(List<Dog> list) {
        for(Dog dog:list){
      public void measureWrong_10() {
        List<Dog> list = dogMap.get(10);
      public void measureWrong_100() {
        List<Dog> list = dogMap.get(100);
      public void measureWrong_1000() {
        List<Dog> list = dogMap.get(1000);
      public void measureWrong_10000() {
        List<Dog> list = dogMap.get(10000);
      public void measureWrong_100000() {
        List<Dog> list = dogMap.get(100000);
      public void measureWrong_1000000() {
        List<Dog> list = dogMap.get(1000000);
       * ============================== HOW TO RUN THIS TEST:
       * ====================================
       * You might notice the larger the repetitions count, the lower the
       * "perceived" cost of the operation being measured. Up to the point we do
       * each addition with 1/20 ns, well beyond what hardware can actually do.
       * This happens because the loop is heavily unrolled/pipelined, and the
       * operation to be measured is hoisted from the loop. Morale: don't overuse
       * loops, rely on JMH to get the measurement right.
       * You can run this test:
       * a) Via the command line: $ mvn clean install $ java -jar
       * target/benchmarks.jar JMHSample_11 -wi 5 -i 5 -f 1 (we requested 5
       * warmup/measurement iterations, single fork)
       * b) Via the Java API: (see the JMH homepage for possible caveats when
       * running from IDE: http://openjdk.java.net/projects/code-tools/jmh/)
      public static void main(String[] args) throws RunnerException {
        Options opt = new OptionsBuilder()
        new Runner(opt).run();
    class Dog{
      private int age;
      private String name;
      public Dog(int age, String name) {
        this.age = age;
        this.name = name;
      public int getAge() {
        return age;
      public void setAge(int age) {
        this.age = age;
      public String getName() {
        return name;
      public void setName(String name) {
        this.name = name;
      public String toString() {
        return "Dog [age=" + age + ", name=" + name + "]";
    View Code


    # JMH version: 1.19
    # VM version: JDK 1.8.0_51, VM 25.51-b03
    # VM invoker: D:softjavajava8jreinjava.exe
    # VM options: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8
    # Warmup: 3 iterations, single-shot each
    # Measurement: 5 iterations, single-shot each
    # Timeout: 10 min per iteration
    # Threads: 1 thread
    # Benchmark mode: Single shot invocation time
    # Benchmark: yiwangzhibujian.jmh.test.J8Loop.measureWrong_10
    # Run progress: 0.00% complete, ETA 00:00:00
    # Fork: 1 of 1
    # Warmup Iteration   1: 0.047 ms/op
    # Warmup Iteration   2: 0.010 ms/op
    # Warmup Iteration   3: 0.009 ms/op
    Iteration   1: 0.009 ms/op
    Iteration   2: 0.011 ms/op
    Iteration   3: 0.009 ms/op
    Iteration   4: 0.009 ms/op
    Iteration   5: 0.010 ms/op
    Result "yiwangzhibujian.jmh.test.J8Loop.measureWrong_10":
      N = 5
      mean =      0.010 ±(99.9%) 0.003 ms/op
      Histogram, ms/op:
        [0.008, 0.008) = 0 
        [0.008, 0.009) = 0 
        [0.009, 0.009) = 0 
        [0.009, 0.009) = 2 
        [0.009, 0.009) = 0 
        [0.009, 0.010) = 1 
        [0.010, 0.010) = 0 
        [0.010, 0.010) = 1 
        [0.010, 0.010) = 0 
        [0.010, 0.011) = 0 
        [0.011, 0.011) = 1 
      Percentiles, ms/op:
          p(0.0000) =      0.009 ms/op
         p(50.0000) =      0.009 ms/op
         p(90.0000) =      0.011 ms/op
         p(95.0000) =      0.011 ms/op
         p(99.0000) =      0.011 ms/op
         p(99.9000) =      0.011 ms/op
         p(99.9900) =      0.011 ms/op
         p(99.9990) =      0.011 ms/op
         p(99.9999) =      0.011 ms/op
        p(100.0000) =      0.011 ms/op
    # JMH version: 1.19
    # VM version: JDK 1.8.0_51, VM 25.51-b03
    # VM invoker: D:softjavajava8jreinjava.exe
    # VM options: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8
    # Warmup: 3 iterations, single-shot each
    # Measurement: 5 iterations, single-shot each
    # Timeout: 10 min per iteration
    # Threads: 1 thread
    # Benchmark mode: Single shot invocation time
    # Benchmark: yiwangzhibujian.jmh.test.J8Loop.measureWrong_100
    # Run progress: 16.67% complete, ETA 00:00:10
    # Fork: 1 of 1
    # Warmup Iteration   1: 0.068 ms/op
    # Warmup Iteration   2: 0.038 ms/op
    # Warmup Iteration   3: 0.038 ms/op
    Iteration   1: 0.037 ms/op
    Iteration   2: 0.025 ms/op
    Iteration   3: 0.125 ms/op
    Iteration   4: 0.038 ms/op
    Iteration   5: 0.038 ms/op
    Result "yiwangzhibujian.jmh.test.J8Loop.measureWrong_100":
      N = 5
      mean =      0.053 ±(99.9%) 0.158 ms/op
      Histogram, ms/op:
        [0.000, 0.013) = 0 
        [0.013, 0.025) = 0 
        [0.025, 0.038) = 2 
        [0.038, 0.050) = 2 
        [0.050, 0.063) = 0 
        [0.063, 0.075) = 0 
        [0.075, 0.088) = 0 
        [0.088, 0.100) = 0 
        [0.100, 0.113) = 0 
        [0.113, 0.125) = 0 
        [0.125, 0.138) = 1 
        [0.138, 0.150) = 0 
        [0.150, 0.163) = 0 
        [0.163, 0.175) = 0 
        [0.175, 0.188) = 0 
      Percentiles, ms/op:
          p(0.0000) =      0.025 ms/op
         p(50.0000) =      0.038 ms/op
         p(90.0000) =      0.125 ms/op
         p(95.0000) =      0.125 ms/op
         p(99.0000) =      0.125 ms/op
         p(99.9000) =      0.125 ms/op
         p(99.9900) =      0.125 ms/op
         p(99.9990) =      0.125 ms/op
         p(99.9999) =      0.125 ms/op
        p(100.0000) =      0.125 ms/op
    # JMH version: 1.19
    # VM version: JDK 1.8.0_51, VM 25.51-b03
    # VM invoker: D:softjavajava8jreinjava.exe
    # VM options: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8
    # Warmup: 3 iterations, single-shot each
    # Measurement: 5 iterations, single-shot each
    # Timeout: 10 min per iteration
    # Threads: 1 thread
    # Benchmark mode: Single shot invocation time
    # Benchmark: yiwangzhibujian.jmh.test.J8Loop.measureWrong_1000
    # Run progress: 33.33% complete, ETA 00:00:08
    # Fork: 1 of 1
    # Warmup Iteration   1: 0.266 ms/op
    # Warmup Iteration   2: 0.310 ms/op
    # Warmup Iteration   3: 0.635 ms/op
    Iteration   1: 0.297 ms/op
    Iteration   2: 0.255 ms/op
    Iteration   3: 0.425 ms/op
    Iteration   4: 0.413 ms/op
    Iteration   5: 0.317 ms/op
    Result "yiwangzhibujian.jmh.test.J8Loop.measureWrong_1000":
      N = 5
      mean =      0.341 ±(99.9%) 0.287 ms/op
      Histogram, ms/op:
        [0.200, 0.225) = 0 
        [0.225, 0.250) = 0 
        [0.250, 0.275) = 1 
        [0.275, 0.300) = 1 
        [0.300, 0.325) = 1 
        [0.325, 0.350) = 0 
        [0.350, 0.375) = 0 
        [0.375, 0.400) = 0 
        [0.400, 0.425) = 2 
        [0.425, 0.450) = 0 
        [0.450, 0.475) = 0 
      Percentiles, ms/op:
          p(0.0000) =      0.255 ms/op
         p(50.0000) =      0.317 ms/op
         p(90.0000) =      0.425 ms/op
         p(95.0000) =      0.425 ms/op
         p(99.0000) =      0.425 ms/op
         p(99.9000) =      0.425 ms/op
         p(99.9900) =      0.425 ms/op
         p(99.9990) =      0.425 ms/op
         p(99.9999) =      0.425 ms/op
        p(100.0000) =      0.425 ms/op
    # JMH version: 1.19
    # VM version: JDK 1.8.0_51, VM 25.51-b03
    # VM invoker: D:softjavajava8jreinjava.exe
    # VM options: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8
    # Warmup: 3 iterations, single-shot each
    # Measurement: 5 iterations, single-shot each
    # Timeout: 10 min per iteration
    # Threads: 1 thread
    # Benchmark mode: Single shot invocation time
    # Benchmark: yiwangzhibujian.jmh.test.J8Loop.measureWrong_10000
    # Run progress: 50.00% complete, ETA 00:00:06
    # Fork: 1 of 1
    # Warmup Iteration   1: 2.482 ms/op
    # Warmup Iteration   2: 2.617 ms/op
    # Warmup Iteration   3: 2.814 ms/op
    Iteration   1: 2.656 ms/op
    Iteration   2: 2.848 ms/op
    Iteration   3: 2.636 ms/op
    Iteration   4: 1.800 ms/op
    Iteration   5: 0.927 ms/op
    Result "yiwangzhibujian.jmh.test.J8Loop.measureWrong_10000":
      N = 5
      mean =      2.173 ±(99.9%) 3.101 ms/op
      Histogram, ms/op:
        [0.000, 0.250) = 0 
        [0.250, 0.500) = 0 
        [0.500, 0.750) = 0 
        [0.750, 1.000) = 1 
        [1.000, 1.250) = 0 
        [1.250, 1.500) = 0 
        [1.500, 1.750) = 0 
        [1.750, 2.000) = 1 
        [2.000, 2.250) = 0 
        [2.250, 2.500) = 0 
        [2.500, 2.750) = 2 
      Percentiles, ms/op:
          p(0.0000) =      0.927 ms/op
         p(50.0000) =      2.636 ms/op
         p(90.0000) =      2.848 ms/op
         p(95.0000) =      2.848 ms/op
         p(99.0000) =      2.848 ms/op
         p(99.9000) =      2.848 ms/op
         p(99.9900) =      2.848 ms/op
         p(99.9990) =      2.848 ms/op
         p(99.9999) =      2.848 ms/op
        p(100.0000) =      2.848 ms/op
    # JMH version: 1.19
    # VM version: JDK 1.8.0_51, VM 25.51-b03
    # VM invoker: D:softjavajava8jreinjava.exe
    # VM options: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8
    # Warmup: 3 iterations, single-shot each
    # Measurement: 5 iterations, single-shot each
    # Timeout: 10 min per iteration
    # Threads: 1 thread
    # Benchmark mode: Single shot invocation time
    # Benchmark: yiwangzhibujian.jmh.test.J8Loop.measureWrong_100000
    # Run progress: 66.67% complete, ETA 00:00:04
    # Fork: 1 of 1
    # Warmup Iteration   1: 17.857 ms/op
    # Warmup Iteration   2: 7.360 ms/op
    # Warmup Iteration   3: 2.186 ms/op
    Iteration   1: 1.542 ms/op
    Iteration   2: 1.419 ms/op
    Iteration   3: 2.023 ms/op
    Iteration   4: 1.382 ms/op
    Iteration   5: 1.448 ms/op
    Result "yiwangzhibujian.jmh.test.J8Loop.measureWrong_100000":
      N = 5
      mean =      1.563 ±(99.9%) 1.017 ms/op
      Histogram, ms/op:
        [1.300, 1.350) = 0 
        [1.350, 1.400) = 1 
        [1.400, 1.450) = 2 
        [1.450, 1.500) = 0 
        [1.500, 1.550) = 1 
        [1.550, 1.600) = 0 
        [1.600, 1.650) = 0 
        [1.650, 1.700) = 0 
        [1.700, 1.750) = 0 
        [1.750, 1.800) = 0 
        [1.800, 1.850) = 0 
        [1.850, 1.900) = 0 
        [1.900, 1.950) = 0 
        [1.950, 2.000) = 0 
        [2.000, 2.050) = 1 
      Percentiles, ms/op:
          p(0.0000) =      1.382 ms/op
         p(50.0000) =      1.448 ms/op
         p(90.0000) =      2.023 ms/op
         p(95.0000) =      2.023 ms/op
         p(99.0000) =      2.023 ms/op
         p(99.9000) =      2.023 ms/op
         p(99.9900) =      2.023 ms/op
         p(99.9990) =      2.023 ms/op
         p(99.9999) =      2.023 ms/op
        p(100.0000) =      2.023 ms/op
    # JMH version: 1.19
    # VM version: JDK 1.8.0_51, VM 25.51-b03
    # VM invoker: D:softjavajava8jreinjava.exe
    # VM options: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8
    # Warmup: 3 iterations, single-shot each
    # Measurement: 5 iterations, single-shot each
    # Timeout: 10 min per iteration
    # Threads: 1 thread
    # Benchmark mode: Single shot invocation time
    # Benchmark: yiwangzhibujian.jmh.test.J8Loop.measureWrong_1000000
    # Run progress: 83.33% complete, ETA 00:00:02
    # Fork: 1 of 1
    # Warmup Iteration   1: 78.570 ms/op
    # Warmup Iteration   2: 21.032 ms/op
    # Warmup Iteration   3: 10.005 ms/op
    Iteration   1: 12.503 ms/op
    Iteration   2: 10.849 ms/op
    Iteration   3: 12.988 ms/op
    Iteration   4: 12.030 ms/op
    Iteration   5: 11.531 ms/op
    Result "yiwangzhibujian.jmh.test.J8Loop.measureWrong_1000000":
      N = 5
      mean =     11.980 ±(99.9%) 3.206 ms/op
      Histogram, ms/op:
        [10.000, 10.250) = 0 
        [10.250, 10.500) = 0 
        [10.500, 10.750) = 0 
        [10.750, 11.000) = 1 
        [11.000, 11.250) = 0 
        [11.250, 11.500) = 0 
        [11.500, 11.750) = 1 
        [11.750, 12.000) = 0 
        [12.000, 12.250) = 1 
        [12.250, 12.500) = 0 
        [12.500, 12.750) = 1 
      Percentiles, ms/op:
          p(0.0000) =     10.849 ms/op
         p(50.0000) =     12.030 ms/op
         p(90.0000) =     12.988 ms/op
         p(95.0000) =     12.988 ms/op
         p(99.0000) =     12.988 ms/op
         p(99.9000) =     12.988 ms/op
         p(99.9900) =     12.988 ms/op
         p(99.9990) =     12.988 ms/op
         p(99.9999) =     12.988 ms/op
        p(100.0000) =     12.988 ms/op
    # Run complete. Total time: 00:00:12
    Benchmark                    Mode  Cnt   Score   Error  Units
    J8Loop.measureWrong_10         ss    5   0.010 ± 0.003  ms/op
    J8Loop.measureWrong_100        ss    5   0.053 ± 0.158  ms/op
    J8Loop.measureWrong_1000       ss    5   0.341 ± 0.287  ms/op
    J8Loop.measureWrong_10000      ss    5   2.173 ± 3.101  ms/op
    J8Loop.measureWrong_100000     ss    5   1.563 ± 1.017  ms/op
    J8Loop.measureWrong_1000000    ss    5  11.980 ± 3.206  ms/op
    View Code


    Benchmark                    Mode  Cnt   Score   Error  Units
    J8Loop.measureWrong_10         ss    5   0.010 ± 0.003  ms/op
    J8Loop.measureWrong_100        ss    5   0.053 ± 0.158  ms/op
    J8Loop.measureWrong_1000       ss    5   0.341 ± 0.287  ms/op
    J8Loop.measureWrong_10000      ss    5   2.173 ± 3.101  ms/op
    J8Loop.measureWrong_100000     ss    5   1.563 ± 1.017  ms/op
    J8Loop.measureWrong_1000000    ss    5  11.980 ± 3.206  ms/op





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