• JSON文件存入MySQL数据库

    1. java处理JSON对象,直接见源码。
    2. java.sql.SQLException: Incorrect string value: ‘xF0x9Fx99x8FxE5x8D…’ for column ‘text’ at row 1报错问题,报错原因:因为我没有对插入文本做任何处理,文本内有不同字节的utf8字符,我的处理方式就是过滤后再插入,因为特殊的字符其实也没什么用。

     1 public static String StringFilter(String str) throws PatternSyntaxException {
     2     // 清除掉所有特殊字符,只允许汉字字母数字和某些常见符号出现
     3     String regEx = "[^0-9a-zA-Zu4e00-u9fa5~!@#$%^&*()+=|{}':;',//[//].<>/?~!@#¥%……&*()——+|{}【】‘;:”“’。,、?]+";
     4     Pattern p = Pattern.compile(regEx);
     5     Matcher m = p.matcher(str);
     6     return m.replaceAll(" ").trim().replaceAll("s+", " ");
     7 }
     9 public static void insertMicroblogs(String uid, String mid, String time,String geo,String source,
    10 String repost,String comment,String attitude,String text,int flag,Statement statement) throws Exception {
    11     if (uid == null) return;
    12     String sql = "insert into data2016.microblog values("" + mid+  "","" + uid +  "","" + time
    13         +  "","" + geo+  "","" + source +  "","" +repost +  "","" + comment +  "","" + attitude
    14         +  "","" + text+ ""," + flag + ")";
    15     String selectsql = "select count(*) from data2016.microblog where uid = ""+ uid+ "" and mid="" + mid + """;
    17     try {
    18         ResultSet rset = statement.executeQuery(selectsql);
    19         int rowCount = 0; //记录查询结果记录数
    20         if(rset.next()) { 
    21             rowCount=rset.getInt(1); 
    22         }
    23         if(rowCount == 0){
    24             statement.execute(sql);
    25         }
    27     } catch (Exception e) {
    28         pErrorUser.println("microblog:"+uid); 
    29 //      System.out.println(sql);
    30         e.printStackTrace();
    31         return;
    32     }
    33 }
    34 public static void readUserMicroblogs() throws Exception{
    35     File file = new File("data/source/first/microblogs/microblogs12.txt");   
    36     BufferedInputStream fis = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));    
    37     BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(fis,"utf-8"),5*1024*1024);// 用5M的缓冲读取文本文件  
    39     String line = "";
    40     int count = 0;
    41     while((line = reader.readLine()) != null){
    42         count++;
    43         JSONObject blogObject = new JSONObject(line);
    44         String uid = blogObject.getString("uid");
    45         String microblogs = blogObject.getString("microblogs");
    46         JSONArray microblogsArray = new JSONArray(microblogs);
    47         int size = microblogsArray.length();
    48 //      System.out.println("Size:" + size);
    49         for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
    50                       JSONObject jsonObj = microblogsArray.getJSONObject(i);
    51               String mid=jsonObj.get("mid").toString();
    52               String created_at=jsonObj.get("created_at").toString();
    53               String geo=StringFilter(jsonObj.get("geo").toString().replaceAll(""", " "));
    54               String source=jsonObj.get("source").toString().replaceAll(""", " ");
    55               String reposts_count=jsonObj.get("reposts_count").toString();
    56               String comments_count=jsonObj.get("comments_count").toString();
    57               String attitudes_count=jsonObj.get("attitudes_count").toString();
    58               String text;
    59               int flag;
    60               if(jsonObj.has("retweeted_status")){
    61                   flag=1;
    62                   String retweet = jsonObj.get("retweeted_status").toString();
    63                   JSONObject weibo = new JSONObject(retweet);
    64                   text=StringFilter(weibo.get("text").toString().replaceAll(""", " "));
    65               }else{
    66                   flag=0;
    67                   text=StringFilter(jsonObj.get("text").toString().replaceAll(""", " "));
    68               }
    69               insertMicroblogs(uid,mid,created_at,geo,source,reposts_count,comments_count,attitudes_count,text,flag,statement);
    71             }
    73             if(count%50==0){
    74                 System.out.print(count +"...");
    75             }
    76             if(count%1000==0){
    77                 System.out.println();
    78             }
    79         }
    80 }


    String source=jsonObj.get("source").toString().replaceAll(""", "\" ");


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/yiruparadise/p/5502902.html
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