Problem Description
In an apartment, there are N residents. The Internet Service Provider (ISP) wants to connect these residents with N – 1 cables.
However, the friendships of the residents are different. There is a “Happy Value” indicating the degrees of a pair of residents. The higher “Happy Value” is, the friendlier a pair of residents is. So the ISP wants to choose a connecting plan to make the highest sum of “Happy Values”.
However, the friendships of the residents are different. There is a “Happy Value” indicating the degrees of a pair of residents. The higher “Happy Value” is, the friendlier a pair of residents is. So the ISP wants to choose a connecting plan to make the highest sum of “Happy Values”.
There are multiple test cases. Please process to end of file.
For each case, the first line contains only one integer N (2<=N<=100), indicating the number of the residents.
Then N lines follow. Each line contains N integers. Each integer Hij(0<=Hij<=10000) in ith row and jth column indicates that ith resident have a “Happy Value” Hij with jthresident. And Hij(i!=j) is equal to Hji. Hij(i=j) is always 0.
For each case, the first line contains only one integer N (2<=N<=100), indicating the number of the residents.
Then N lines follow. Each line contains N integers. Each integer Hij(0<=Hij<=10000) in ith row and jth column indicates that ith resident have a “Happy Value” Hij with jthresident. And Hij(i!=j) is equal to Hji. Hij(i=j) is always 0.
For each case, please output the answer in one line.
Sample Input
0 1
1 0
0 1 5
1 0 3
5 3 0
Sample Output
#include<stdio.h> //#include<bits/stdc++.h> #include<string.h> #include<iostream> #include<math.h> #include<sstream> #include<set> #include<queue> //#include<map> #include<vector> #include<algorithm> #include<limits.h> #define inf 0x3fffffff #define INF 0x3f3f3f3f #define lson l,m,rt<<1 #define rson m+1,r,rt<<1|1 #define LL long long #define ULL unsigned long long using namespace std; int map[110][110]; int dis[110]; int flag[110]; int n; int Prime() { int i,j; int pos,sum=0; memset(flag,0,sizeof(flag)); for(i=1; i<=n; i++) { dis[i]=map[1][i]; } flag[1]=1; for(i=1; i<n; i++) { int mid=inf; for(j=1; j<=n; j++) { if(!flag[j]&&dis[j]<mid) { mid=dis[j]; pos=j; } } flag[pos]=1; sum+=mid; for(j=1; j<=n; j++) { if(!flag[j]&&map[pos][j]<dis[j]) { dis[j]=map[pos][j]; } } } return sum; } int main() { int i,j; int q,a,b; while(~scanf("%d",&n)) { memset(map,0,sizeof(map)); int ans; for(i=1; i<=n; i++) { for(j=1; j<=n; j++) { scanf("%d",&ans); map[i][j]=-ans; } } printf("%d ",-Prime()); } return 0; }