• WinDbg Script---显示RCW对象引用的COM对象



    Name: System.__ComObject
    MethodTable: 79307098
    EEClass: 790dfa34
    Size: 16(0x10) bytes
    GC Generation: 2
          MT    Field  
    Offset                 Type
    VT     Attr    Value Name
    79330740  400018a        4       
    System.Object  0 instance 00000000
    79333178  400027e        8 ...ections.Hashtable  0 instance 00000000 m_ObjectToDataMap

    Where is the COM object???

    根据SOS 4.5的公开测试版,有一个命令可以做到:!DumpRCW <RCW address>





    $$ =============================================================================
    $$ Version: 1.2
    $$ Note: Create a folder called MyScripts where your WinDbg.exe is located and
    $$       save the script there.
    $$ This script gives you the COM object used by System.__ComObject
    $$ Note: This is the Public version.
    $$ Compatibility: Win32/Win64.
    $$ PSSCORx or SOS required.
    $$ Usage: $$>a<myscriptsCOM_FROM_RCW.txt  <address of System.__ComObject>
    $$ Mario Hewardt    
    $$ Roberto Alexis Farah - http://blogs.msdn.com/debuggingtoolbox/
    $$ 3/5/2012 - Fixed problem with x64.
    $$ All my scripts are provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confer no rights.
    $$ =============================================================================
    $$ Checks if user is providing the argument.
    .if(0 == ${/d:$arg1})
        .printf /D "
    <b> Please, provide the address of System.__ComObject as argument for the
        .printf  "Usage: $$>a<myscripts\COM_FROM_RCW_PUBLIC.txt <address of System.__ComObject>"
            .printf /D "
    <b> Make sure you are using Symbols and PSSCOR or SOS is loaded...</b>
            $$ Let's get the address of the object - 0x4 and the low order WORD from that address.
            r @$t0 = wo(${$arg1}-0x4)
            $$ Gets Sync Block because we need the first syncblk field.
            $$ To do that we need to redirect the output to a file and parse the file.
            .logopen TEMP.LOG
            !syncblk @$t0
            $$ Now let's parse the output... We need token # 15
            $$ This is what we need:
            $$ Index SyncBlock MonitorHeld Recursion Owning Thread Info  SyncBlock Owner
            $$     3 100e502c <<<       0         0 00000000     none    12a32b3c System.__ComObject
            $$ Counter to count tokens. /pS didn't work as I expected...
            r @$t1 = 0
            r @$t2 = 0
            .foreach /f (obj "TEMP.LOG")
                 r @$t1 = @$t1 + 1
                 $$ Is this field number 15? If yes we can ignore the other fields.    
                 .if(0n15 == @$t1)
                      .echo SyncBlock address = ${obj}
                      $$ Let's save our address. Keep in mind that this line can store
                      $$ garbage, like a field name from the output, if something goes wrong.
                      r @$t2 = ${obj}
            $$ Protection against invalid pointers.
                .if(0n4 == @$ptrsize)
                    r @$t3 = poi(poi(poi(@$t2+0x1c)+@$ptrsize*0n3)+0x88)
                    r @$t3 = poi(poi(poi(@$t2+0x28)+@$ptrsize*0n3)+0x100)
            .printf /D "
    <b>This is the COM object referenced by the RCW object from address
    ", @$t2
            dps @$t3 L10
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/yilang/p/13932640.html
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