刚刚安装了VS2019,结果写代码时发现代码窗的右键菜单竟然在鼠标右侧,我这强迫症一下就受不了了!,这也太难受了!!! 所幸找到了解决办法!
- 按Win-R
- 输入shell:::{80F3F1D5-FECA-45F3-BC32-752C152E456E}
- 切换到其他选项卡
- 左右手使用习惯改成管用左手
Visual Studio 2019 now respects your OS settings for left/right handed menus. Please check your setting and see if changing this setting achieves the desired behavior:
- Win-R
- Type shell:::{80F3F1D5-FECA-45F3-BC32-752C152E456E}
- Switch to the 'Other' tab
- Change the 'Handedness' setting
Please let us know if this does not resolve the issue for you.