When the IIdentify interface is on a map layer, the Identify method returns an array of FeatureIdentifyObject objects. On a FeatureIdentifyObject, you can do a QI to the IIdentifyObj interface to get more information about the identified feature. The IIdentifyObj interface returns the window handle, layer, and name of the feature; it has methods to flash the feature in the display and to display a context menu at the Identify location. This method performs an identify operation with the provided geometry. When identifying layers, typically a small envelope is passed in rather than a point to account for differences in the precision of the display and the feature geometry. |
感觉很奇怪,父类Identify方法怎么返回一个 FeatureIdentifyObject的Array数组?于是通过IIdentifyObj找到了RasterIdentifyObj对象。栅格图层返回的应该是RasterIdentifyObj数组,这样把Array对象中的要素做一下类型转换就可以获得查询结果了。我写了代码却出问题,原因有两方面,一是过滤栅格图层出错,另外是栅格调用Identify方法时传入的是一个点,而不应该是一个缓冲圆。百度中输入RasterIdentifyObj找到如下参考程序http://www.cnblogs.com/zany-hui/articles/1527563.html。测试没有问题,和我想的一致!
利用IRaster.Read接口可以读取每个PixelBlock的值,输入的参数是行和列,而不是地图坐标 利用IIdentify接口可以读取指定坐标的PixelBlock的值,代码如下 IIdentify identify = (IIdentify)rasterlayer;//rasterLayer是打开的栅格图层 if(identify=null) return; IPoint point = new PointClass(); point.PutCoords(longitude, latitude); IArray array=identify.Identify(point); if (array != null) { int arraycount = array.Count; for (int i = 0; i < arraycount; i++) { IRasterIdentifyObj rasterIdentifyobj = (IRasterIdentifyObj)array.get_Element(i); if (rasterIdentifyobj !=null&&rasterIdentifyobj.MapTip !="") { MessageBox("Value:"+rasterIdentifyobj.MapTip) } } }
ArcGIS 的架构设计的真的很棒!