• log4net xsd schema 智能提示文件

    Author: Roger Knapp
    Url:    http://csharptest.net/downloads/schema/log4net.xsd
    Proj:   http://csharptest.net/downloads/projects/log4net.config.zip
    Date:   November 7th, 2008
    Rev:    1.01
    Usage:  You only need to add the following to the log4net element:

    (注:你要想得到智能提示,你只需要在log4net这个节点里加上xsi: xmlns:两个属性即可,赶快试试吧。)

    Please be aware that though this xsd attempts to cover most of the usages you
    will encounter with log4net configurations it is by no means complete.  The
    primary reason (excuse) for this is that the xml format used by log4net config
    files does not conform to any real standard.  This is both it's primary
    weakness and it's strength.  As such there are a few things you should know
    about how log4net interprets your configuration before creating one.

    Firstly most of the elements described in this document are really not needed. 
    This is due to the fact that a <param name='x' ...> can be used in place of
    the element <x ...>.  For instance, the following are equivalent:
        <maximumFileSize value="1MB" />
        <param name="maximumFileSize" value="1MB" />

    So Why Use This Xsd?:
    This xsd attempts to utilize the former convention and to declare as much as
    possible for the benefit of auto-completion and sanity checking.  However,
    since most of the param names vary by the containing element's 'type' attribute
    it is impossible to describe this correctly in xsd (at least to my knowledge). 
    So use this schema if you like and remember that there is life beyond it's
    limited capability.

    If you would like to contribute back to this schema you can send email to the
    follow address (remove all the spaces and slashes): schema / @ / csharptest.net
    Be sure to include the schema name "log4net.xsd" in the subject-line.  If you
    know someone on the log4net project please convince them to adopt a schema,
    I don't care which one, just have one.

       Copyright 2008 by Roger Knapp

       Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
       you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
       You may obtain a copy of the License at


       Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
       distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
       WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
       See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
       limitations under the License.

    作者: 火地晋
    出处: http://yelaiju.cnblogs.com
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/yelaiju/p/1910351.html
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