- [x] 总结Blender面板布局
Blender面板中界面组件是通过UILayout进行组织的. 其主要属性如下:
- row() 定义横向子布局.
- column() 定义竖向子布局.
- split() 按比例拆分行
- column_flow() 定义多列的竖向子布局(根据列,计算行数, 然后按逐列摆放组件)
- box() 定义有外框的竖向子布局
- menu_pie() 饼状菜单
- operator() 放置调用操作器的按钮
- prop() 展示RNA,并把它放在布局中
- label() 显示标签
- separator() 分隔元素
class SimplePanel(bpy.types.Panel):
bl_space_type = 'VIEW_3D'
bl_region_type = "TOOLS"
bl_category = "Test"
bl_label = "测试工具"
bl_context = "objectmode"
def draw(self, context):
# Store reference to context.scene
scn = context.scene
# Store reference to self.layout
lay = self.layout
# Create box
box = lay.column_flow(2)
box.operator("object.simple_operator", text="Print #1")
box.prop(scn, 'encouraging_message')
box.operator("object.simple_operator", text="Print #1")
box.prop(scn, 'encouraging_message')
box.operator("object.simple_operator", text="Print #1")
# Create another box
box = lay.box()
# Create a row within it
row = box.row()
# We can jam a few things on the same row
row.operator("object.simple_operator", text="Print #2")
row.prop(scn, 'encouraging_message')
# Create yet another box
box = lay.box()
# Create a row just for a label
row = box.row()
row.label('There is a split row below me!')
# Create a split row within it
row = box.row()
splitrow = row.split(percentage=0.2)
# Store references to each column of the split row
left_col = splitrow.column()
right_col = splitrow.column()
left_col.operator("object.simple_operator", text="Print #3")
right_col.prop(scn, 'encouraging_message')
# Throw a separator in for white space...
# We can create columns within rows...
row = lay.row()
col = row.column()
col.prop(scn, 'my_int_prop')
col.prop(scn, 'my_int_prop')
col.prop(scn, 'my_int_prop')
col = row.column()
col.prop(scn, 'my_float_prop')
col.label("I'm in the middle of a column")
col.prop(scn, 'my_float_prop')
# Throw a few separators in...
# Same as above but with boxes...
row = lay.row()
box = row.box()
box.prop(scn, 'my_int_prop')
box.label("I'm in the box, bottom left.")
box = row.box()
box.prop(scn, 'my_bool_prop')
box.operator("object.simple_operator", text="Print #4")
def register(cls):
print("Register class: %s" % cls.bl_label)
def unregister(cls):
print('Unregister class: %s' % cls.bl_label)