• Install Houdini 12.5 x64 in CentOS 7

    Thanks for Must(QQ ID)'s big help for installing Houdini in CentOS7.

    - download HOUDINI_FX_V12.5.371_LINUX_X64_GCC44-XFORCE

    - unzip and untar to /home/user0/tools/sidefx/HOUDINI_FX_V12.5.371_LINUX_X64_GCC44-XFORCE

    - setup


    you can see [1] for more details

    - crack

    - stop Houdini License Server

    /etc/init.d/sesinetd stop

    - replace sesinetd:

    #rm /usr/lib/sesi/sesinetd
    #cp /home/user0/tools/sidefx/HOUDINI_FX_V12.5.371_LINUX_X64_GCC44-XFORCE/sesinetd /usr/lib/sesi/
    #chmod 777 /usr/lib/sesi/sesinetd

    -restart Houdini License Server

    #/etc/init.d/sesinetd stop
    #/etc/init.d/sesinetd start

    - regist

    - Applications>Side Effects Software>License Administrator>Server Information, record your Server host and Server Code



    input your Server host and Server Code,

    it will list many messsage like this:

    SERVER .....

    LICENSE Generic Houdini-Master .....

    - copy these lines(at least 5 lines) into License Administrator, one line each time.

    NOTE: You MUST input the line "SERVER ...."  first.

    - start Houdini

    On my Thinkpad t430 the shader on default object, e.g. box or sphere, is black. And if I try to move the object, Houdini crashes. 

    I find this post [2], it says that the crash is caused by display driver issue.

    Then I set BIOS>Config>Display> use discrete card.

    It works well now.


    1. http://bbs.ideasr.com/thread-4766-1-1.html

    2. http://www.sidefx.com/index.php?option=com_forum&Itemid=172&page=viewtopic&p=156227

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/yaoyansi/p/3941757.html
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