//乐观锁冲突最大重试次数 private static final int DEFAULT_MAX_RETRIES = 5; /** * 减少库存,每次减一 * * @return */ public boolean reduceStock(GoodsVo goods) { int numAttempts = 0; int ret = 0; SeckillGoods sg = new SeckillGoods(); sg.setGoodsId(goods.getId()); sg.setVersion(goods.getVersion()); do { numAttempts++; try { sg.setVersion(goodsMapper.getVersionByGoodsId(goods.getId())); ret = goodsMapper.reduceStockByVersion(sg); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (ret != 0) break; } while (numAttempts < DEFAULT_MAX_RETRIES); return ret > 0; }
@Mapper public interface GoodsMapper { //stock_count > 0 和 版本号实现乐观锁 防止超卖 @Update("update sk_goods_seckill set stock_count = stock_count - 1, version= version + 1 where goods_id = #{goodsId} and stock_count > 0 and version = #{version}") public int reduceStockByVersion(SeckillGoods seckillGoods); // 获取最新版本号 @Select("select version from sk_goods_seckill where goods_id = #{goodsId}") public int getVersionByGoodsId(@Param("goodsId") long goodsId); }