Makefile是linux中特有的一种文件, 方便自动化编译。 GloVe的源码是用C语言编写的, 在linux的环境当中需要编写一个Makefile文件来编译。关于Makefile文件的介绍可移步Linux Makefile与make命令详细介绍。下面只解读程序当中用到的知识点。执行make的时候会生成 .o 文件, 之后会链接 link, 我也不是很懂 : ( 。
CC = gcc # 声明一个变量CC来表示 gcc #For older gcc, use -O3 or -O2 instead of -Ofast CFLAGS = -lm -pthread -Ofast -march=native -funroll-loops -Wno-unused-result BUILDDIR := build # 这里的 "=" 前面为什么会有一个 “:", 没有理解。 猜测和”=“的功能是一样的 SRCDIR := src all: dir glove shuffle cooccur vocab_count # 第一个目标, 其后面所有的依赖项会执行 dir : mkdir -p $(BUILDDIR) # 生成build文件夹, ”$"符号解析括号中变量的内容,也就是build glove : $(SRCDIR)/glove.c $(CC) $(SRCDIR)/glove.c -o $(BUILDDIR)/glove $(CFLAGS) # $(CC) = gcc shuffle : $(SRCDIR)/shuffle.c $(CC) $(SRCDIR)/shuffle.c -o $(BUILDDIR)/shuffle $(CFLAGS) cooccur : $(SRCDIR)/cooccur.c $(CC) $(SRCDIR)/cooccur.c -o $(BUILDDIR)/cooccur $(CFLAGS) vocab_count : $(SRCDIR)/vocab_count.c $(CC) $(SRCDIR)/vocab_count.c -o $(BUILDDIR)/vocab_count $(CFLAGS) clean: rm -rf glove shuffle cooccur vocab_count build
#!/bin/bash set -e # 设置环境, 发生错误就退出 # Makes programs, downloads sample data, trains a GloVe model, and then evaluates it. # One optional argument can specify the language used for eval script: matlab, octave or [default] python make # 编译Makefile中的内容 if [ ! -e text8 ]; then # 检查文件 text8 是否存在 if hash wget 2>/dev/null; then # 这行代码没有理解到, 求大佬指点 wget else curl -O fi unzip rm fi CORPUS=text8 VOCAB_FILE=vocab.txt COOCCURRENCE_FILE=cooccurrence.bin COOCCURRENCE_SHUF_FILE=cooccurrence.shuf.bin BUILDDIR=build SAVE_FILE=vectors VERBOSE=2 MEMORY=4.0 VOCAB_MIN_COUNT=5 VECTOR_SIZE=50 MAX_ITER=15 WINDOW_SIZE=15 BINARY=2 NUM_THREADS=8 X_MAX=10 echo "$ $BUILDDIR/vocab_count -min-count $VOCAB_MIN_COUNT -verbose $VERBOSE < $CORPUS > $VOCAB_FILE" $BUILDDIR/vocab_count -min-count $VOCAB_MIN_COUNT -verbose $VERBOSE < $CORPUS > $VOCAB_FILE # 这行代码该怎么理解 echo "$ $BUILDDIR/cooccur -memory $MEMORY -vocab-file $VOCAB_FILE -verbose $VERBOSE -window-size $WINDOW_SIZE < $CORPUS > $COOCCURRENCE_FILE" $BUILDDIR/cooccur -memory $MEMORY -vocab-file $VOCAB_FILE -verbose $VERBOSE -window-size $WINDOW_SIZE < $CORPUS > $COOCCURRENCE_FILE echo "$ $BUILDDIR/shuffle -memory $MEMORY -verbose $VERBOSE < $COOCCURRENCE_FILE > $COOCCURRENCE_SHUF_FILE" $BUILDDIR/shuffle -memory $MEMORY -verbose $VERBOSE < $COOCCURRENCE_FILE > $COOCCURRENCE_SHUF_FILE echo "$ $BUILDDIR/glove -save-file $SAVE_FILE -threads $NUM_THREADS -input-file $COOCCURRENCE_SHUF_FILE -x-max $X_MAX -iter $MAX_ITER -vector-size $VECTOR_SIZE -binary $BINARY -vocab-file $VOCAB_FILE -verbose $VERBOSE" $BUILDDIR/glove -save-file $SAVE_FILE -threads $NUM_THREADS -input-file $COOCCURRENCE_SHUF_FILE -x-max $X_MAX -iter $MAX_ITER -vector-size $VECTOR_SIZE -binary $BINARY -vocab-file $VOCAB_FILE -verbose $VERBOSE if [ "$CORPUS" = 'text8' ]; then if [ "$1" = 'matlab' ]; then matlab -nodisplay -nodesktop -nojvm -nosplash < ./eval/matlab/read_and_evaluate.m 1>&2 elif [ "$1" = 'octave' ]; then octave < ./eval/octave/read_and_evaluate_octave.m 1>&2 else echo "$ python eval/python/" python eval/python/ fi fi