• 搜索功能


     1 <template>
     2    <div class="search-list" >
     3           <el-input  v-model="query"  :placeholder="placeholder"></el-input>
     4           <span  v-show="query"   @click.prevent="clear" class="el-icon-error"></span>
     5    </div>
     6 </template>
     8 <script>
     9     export default {
    10         name: "search-list",
    11       props:{
    12         placeholder:{
    13           type:String,
    14           default:'搜索歌曲、歌手'
    15         }
    16       },
    17       data(){
    18           return {
    19             query:'',
    20           }
    21       },
    22       methods:{
    23         clear(){
    24           console.log('qu')
    25           this.query=''
    26         },
    27         setQuery(query){
    28           console.log(query)
    29           this.query = query
    30         }
    31       },
    32       created(){
    33           this.$watch('query',(newQuery)=>{//当搜索值发生变化的时候,将搜索值传递出去
    34             this.$emit('query',newQuery )
    35           })
    36       }
    37     }
    38 </script>


     1 <template>
     2     <div class="search">
     3       <search-list  ref="searchBox"   @query="onQueryChange"></search-list>
     4       <div class="hot-search">
     5         <div class="hot-title">热门搜索</div>
     6         <ul class="hot-list">
     7             <li    @click.stop.prevent="addQuery(item.k)"  class="host-span" v-for="(item) of  hotKey ">{{item.k}}</li>
     8         </ul>
     9       </div>
    10       <div class="search-list-box">
    11         <!--suggest需要传入query-->
    12         <suggest  :query="query"></suggest>
    13       </div>
    14     </div>
    15 </template>
    17 <script>
    18   import SearchList from '@/base/search-list/search-list.vue'
    19   import {getHotKey} from "../../api/search";
    20   import {ERR_OK} from '@/api/config'
    21   import Suggest from '@/components/suggest/suggest'
    23   export default {
    24         name: "search",
    25       components:{
    26         SearchList,
    27         Suggest,
    28       },
    29     data(){
    30       return {
    31         hotKey: [],
    32         query: '',//是根据search-list里面的监听的query来变化的;所以在这里面监听search-list派发过来的query时间      }
    33       }
    34     },
    35       created() {
    36         this._getHotKey()
    37       },
    38       methods:{
    39         onQueryChange(query){
    40           this.query = query
    41         },
    42         _getHotKey() {
    43           getHotKey().then((res) => {
    44             if (res.code === ERR_OK) {
    45               this.hotKey = res.data.hotkey.slice(0, 10)
    46               console.log(this.hotKey)
    47             }
    48           })
    49         },
    50         addQuery(query){
    51           this.$refs.searchBox.setQuery(query)
    52         }
    53       }
    55     }
    56 </script>


     1 <template>
     2     <div class="suggest">
     3       <ul>
     4         <li  v-for="(item,index) of result">
     5           <div class="icon">
     6             <i :class="getIconCls"></i>
     7           </div>
     8           <div class="name">
     9             <p class="text"  v-html="getDisplayName(item)"></p>
    10           </div>
    11           </li>
    12       </ul>
    13     </div>
    14 </template>
    16 <script>
    17   import {search} from '@/api/search'
    18   import {ERR_OK} from '@/api/config'
    19   import {filterSinger} from '@/common/js/song'
    20   const TYPE_SINGER = 'singer'//定义常量
    22   export default {
    23         name: "suggest",
    24       data(){
    25         return {
    26           result:[],
    27           page:1,//第几页
    28         }
    29       },
    30       props:{
    31         query:{
    32           type:String,
    33           defauult:''
    34         },
    35         showSinger:{//是否显示歌手
    36           type:Boolean,
    37           default:true
    38         }
    39       },
    40       watch:{
    41           query(){//当搜素关键词发生变化时候调用search方法;
    42             search(this.query,this.page,this.showSinger).then((res)=>{//song代表歌曲,zhida代表歌手信息;前面的icon不同;p代表页码数;catzhida:要不要检索歌手;
    43                 if(res.code === ERR_OK){
    44                   console.log(res)
    45                   this.result = this._genResult(res)//得到的搜索列表
    46                 }
    47             })
    48         }
    49       },
    50       methods:{
    51           getIconCls(item){//显示图标
    52              if(item.type === TYPE_SINGER){
    53                 return 'icon-mine'
    54              }else{
    55                return "icon-music"
    56              }
    57           },
    58           getDisplayName(item){//显示名字
    59           if(item.type === TYPE_SINGER){
    60             return item.singername
    61           }else{
    62             return `${item.songname} - ${filterSinger(item.singer)}`
    63           }
    64         },
    65            _genResult(data) {
    66           let ret = []
    67           if (data.zhida && data.zhida.singerid) {//歌手push到返回值李
    68             ret.push({...data.zhida, ...{type: TYPE_SINGER}})//用来区分后面列表显示是歌手;将两个添加到一个对象上
    69           }
    70           if (data.song) {
    71             //ret =
    72             ret = ret.concat(this._normalizeSongs(data.song.list))
    73           }
    74           return ret
    75         },
    76            _normalizeSongs(list) {
    77           let ret = []
    78           list.forEach((musicData) => {
    79             if (musicData.songid && musicData.albummid) {
    80               ret.push(createSong(musicData))
    81             }
    82           })
    83           return ret
    84         },
    85       }
    86     }
    87 </script>







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