cf #387 div2 problem f
这道题,跟上一篇的题解里面写的hdu 1002 递增数的题目的解法差不多,但是底层的求解需要花一些时间去推敲!
I can describe my solution
Binary search on what is the answer(mi). So, the problem reduces to counting number of numbers <= mi such that each digit occurs <= t times.
In fact, we solve a more general problem — find number of numbers of length i such that each digit j occurs <= b[j] times. 0 complicates the matter somewhat but for the time assume that 0 can be placed anywhere and obeys constraint like the normal digits. Then formulate dp[i][j] = number of numbers with i digits and place only digits <= j. Iterate k = how many j digits will be there — 0 to min(i,b[j]) then dp[i][j] = sum((i choose k)*dp[i-k][j-1]). Base cases are simple to write.
Overall count can be calculated by fixing highest digit(depends on mi) and then a dp call, then next digits etc.. similar to what we do in offline digits dp solution. The prefix digits that are fixed decide what array b is(t — number of times digit has occurred till now).
Finally for 0, simply calculate for lesser lengths using a similar logic. Checkout my solution for more details.
Time complexity = O(p^3*d^3) where p=max digits in answer=9 and d=16 and = runs in 15 ms :)
看完这个之后,思路就清晰很多了,然后接下来就是二分的判断条件,对于给定mi,如何判断比它小的满足要求的数的个数呢? 这个求解思路跟上面写的hdu的1002思路一致, 按长度进行累加和, 因为一个数的长度很小,这里int的16进制表示,最大长度为32/4 = 8, 这个长度很短, 可以通过预处理来快速求解。所以,首先需要解决,长度为k的满足要求的数的个数这个问题!由于题目要求的是每个数出现次数小于等于t, 所以如果按位枚举的话,需要记住每一个数的出现次数,这个好像不容易解决,然后考虑可以使用的数的最大值,使用排列组合的方式,就是上面的思路进行解决。这个问题解决之后, 然后就是对于一个数,先求长度比它小的数的个数,然后求解跟他长度一致的数的个数,依次从高位到低位, 进行求解,枚举每一个数字的方式进行。讲的好乱,我都听不懂了!
1 #include <vector> 2 #include <list> 3 #include <map> 4 #include <set> 5 #include <deque> 6 #include <queue> 7 #include <stack> 8 #include <bitset> 9 #include <algorithm> 10 #include <functional> 11 #include <numeric> 12 #include <utility> 13 #include <sstream> 14 #include <iostream> 15 #include <iomanip> 16 #include <cstdio> 17 #include <cmath> 18 #include <cstdlib> 19 #include <cctype> 20 #include <string> 21 #include <cstring> 22 #include <cstdio> 23 #include <cmath> 24 #include <cstdlib> 25 #include <ctime> 26 #include <string.h> 27 #include <fstream> 28 #include <cassert> 29 using namespace std; 30 31 #define boost ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(0); cout.tie(0) 32 #define sz(a) int((a).size()) 33 #define rep(i, s, n) for(int i = s; i <= (n); ++i) 34 #define rev(i, n, s) for(int i = (n); i >= s; --i) 35 #define fore(x, a) for(auto &&x : a) 36 typedef long long ll; 37 const int mod = 1000000007; 38 const int N = 100005; 39 40 int a[9]; 41 int t; 42 int b[16]; 43 ll dp[8][16]; 44 ll c[9][9]; 45 46 ll go(int p, int x) { 47 if (p == -1) return 1; 48 if (x == 0) { 49 if (t - b[x] >= p + 1) return 1; 50 return 0; 51 } 52 ll &res = dp[p][x]; 53 if (res >= 0) return res; 54 res = 0; 55 rep(i, 0, min(p + 1,t-b[x])) { 56 res += c[p+1][i]*go(p - i, x - 1); 57 } 58 return res; 59 } 60 61 char hex(int x) { 62 if (x >= 10) return 'a' + (x - 10); 63 return '0' + x; 64 } 65 66 ll g[9]; 67 68 ll f(int x) { 69 ll res = 0; 70 memset(b, 0, sizeof(b)); 71 rep(i, 1, 15) { 72 memset(dp, -1, sizeof(dp)); 73 b[i]++; 74 res += go(x - 1, 15); 75 b[i]--; 76 } 77 return res; 78 } 79 80 int main() { 81 #ifdef loc 82 if (!freopen((string(FOLDER) + "inp.txt").c_str(), "r", stdin)) { 83 assert(0); 84 } 85 freopen((string(FOLDER) + "out.txt").c_str(), "w", stdout); 86 #endif 87 boost; 88 ll k; 89 cin >> k >> t; 90 rep(i, 0, 8) { 91 c[i][0] = 1; 92 rep(j, 1, i) { 93 c[i][j] = c[i - 1][j] + c[i - 1][j - 1]; 94 } 95 } 96 rep(i, 0, 8) { 97 g[i] = f(i); 98 if (i > 0) g[i] += g[i - 1]; 99 } 100 ll lo = 1, hi = (1LL << 36) - 1; 101 while (lo < hi) { 102 ll mi = (lo + hi) / 2; 103 ll p = mi + 1; 104 int td = 0; 105 rep(i, 0, 8) { 106 a[i] = p % 16; 107 p /= 16; 108 td = i; 109 if (p == 0) { 110 break; 111 } 112 } 113 ll tot = td > 0 ? g[td - 1] : 0; 114 memset(b, 0, sizeof(b)); 115 rev(i, td, 0) { 116 rep(j,(i==td)?1:0, a[i] - 1) { 117 b[j]++; 118 if (b[j] <= t) { 119 memset(dp, -1, sizeof(dp)); 120 tot += go(i - 1, 15); 121 } 122 b[j]--; 123 } 124 b[a[i]]++; 125 if (b[a[i]] > t) break; 126 } 127 if (tot >= k) hi = mi; 128 else lo = mi + 1; 129 } 130 vector<int> ans; 131 while (lo > 0) { 132 ans.push_back(lo % 16); 133 lo /= 16; 134 } 135 reverse(ans.begin(), ans.end()); 136 fore(x, ans) { 137 cout << hex(x); 138 } 139 cout << endl; 140 return 0; 141 }