sqlserver 自定义函数
set ANSI_NULLS ON set QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON go ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[Ph_GetMaoPiSL] ( @lb1 varchar(50), @maoPibianhao varchar(50) ) RETURNS int AS BEGIN declare @linmaopisl int,@tuikusl int,@tuipiansl int select @linmaopisl=isnull(sum(gw*sl),0) from insw where xmbh=@maoPibianhao and lb1=@lb1 and swdm='IM' AND kw1bh='FY00T' select @tuikusl=isnull(sum(gw*sl),0) from insw where xmbh=@maoPibianhao and lb1=@lb1 and swdm='TK' AND kw2bh='FY00T' AND kw1bh='TYP01' select @tuipiansl=isnull(sum(gw*sl),0) from insw where xmbh=@maoPibianhao and lb1=@lb1 and swdm='UT' AND kw2bh='FY00T' AND kw1bh='AP001' return @linmaopisl-@tuikusl-@tuipiansl END