• HDU 1814 Peaceful Commission (2-SAT按字典序输出方案)





      1 //#pragma comment(linker, "/STACK:102400000,102400000")
      2 #include<cstdio>
      3 #include<iostream>
      4 #include<cstring>
      5 #include<string>
      6 #include<cmath>
      7 #include<set>
      8 #include<list>
      9 #include<map>
     10 #include<iterator>
     11 #include<cstdlib>
     12 #include<vector>
     13 #include<queue>
     14 #include<stack>
     15 #include<algorithm>
     16 #include<functional>
     17 using namespace std;
     18 typedef long long LL;
     19 #define ROUND(x) round(x)
     20 #define FLOOR(x) floor(x)
     21 #define CEIL(x) ceil(x)
     22 const int maxn=20010;
     23 const int maxm=0;
     24 const int inf=0x3f3f3f3f;
     25 const LL inf64=0x3f3f3f3f3f3f3f3fLL;
     26 const double INF=1e30;
     27 const double eps=1e-6;
     29 /**
     30 *2-SAT模板,Modified Edition of LRJ
     31 *输入:按照法则添加边(参数为2*i或者2*i+1)
     32 *运行:先init(n),再add(),再solve()
     33 *注意:add(2*i,2*j)才行
     34 *输出:mark[](1表示选中),solve()(是否有解)
     35 */
     36 //const int maxn = 0;
     37 struct TwoSAT
     38 {
     39     int n;
     40     vector<int> G[maxn*2];
     41     bool mark[maxn*2];
     42     int S[maxn*2], c;
     44     bool dfs(int x)
     45     {
     46         if (mark[x^1]) return false;
     47         if (mark[x]) return true;
     48         mark[x] = true;
     49         S[c++] = x;
     50         for (int i = 0; i < G[x].size(); i++)
     51             if (!dfs(G[x][i])) return false;
     52         return true;
     53     }
     55     void init(int n)
     56     {
     57         this->n = n;
     58         for (int i = 0; i < n*2; i++) G[i].clear();
     59         memset(mark, 0, sizeof(mark));
     60     }
     62     /// x AND y = 1
     63     void add_and_one(int x,int y)
     64     {
     65         G[x^1].push_back(y);
     66         G[y^1].push_back(x);
     67         G[x].push_back(y);
     68         G[y^1].push_back(x^1);
     69         G[y].push_back(x);
     70         G[x^1].push_back(y^1);
     71     }
     73     /// x AND y = 0
     74     void add_and_zero(int x,int y)
     75     {
     76         G[x].push_back(y^1);
     77         G[y].push_back(x^1);
     78     }
     80     /// x OR y = 1
     81     void add_or_one(int x,int y)
     82     {
     83         G[x^1].push_back(y);
     84         G[y^1].push_back(x);
     85     }
     87     /// x OR y = 0
     88     void add_or_zero(int x,int y)
     89     {
     90         G[x].push_back(y^1);
     91         G[y].push_back(x^1);
     92         G[x].push_back(y);
     93         G[y^1].push_back(x^1);
     94         G[x^1].push_back(y^1);
     95         G[y].push_back(x);
     96     }
     98     /// x XOR y = 1
     99     void add_xor_one(int x,int y)
    100     {
    101         G[x^1].push_back(y);
    102         G[y^1].push_back(x);
    103         G[x].push_back(y^1);
    104         G[y].push_back(x^1);
    105     }
    107     /// x XOR y = 0
    108     void add_xor_zero(int x,int y)
    109     {
    110         G[x^1].push_back(y^1);
    111         G[y].push_back(x);
    112         G[x].push_back(y);
    113         G[y^1].push_back(x^1);
    114     }
    116     /// x -> y
    117     void add_to(int x,int y)
    118     {
    119         G[x].push_back(y);
    120         G[y^1].push_back(x^1);
    121     }
    123     bool solve()
    124     {
    125         for(int i = 0; i < n*2; i += 2)
    126             if(!mark[i] && !mark[i+1])
    127             {
    128                 c = 0;
    129                 if(!dfs(i))
    130                 {
    131                     while(c > 0) mark[S[--c]] = false;
    132                     if(!dfs(i+1)) return false;
    133                 }
    134             }
    135         return true;
    136     }
    137 }sat;
    139 int n,m;
    140 void init()
    141 {
    142     //
    143 }
    144 void input()
    145 {
    146     if(scanf("%d%d",&n,&m)==EOF) exit(0);
    147     sat.init(2*n);
    148     for(int i=0;i<m;i++)
    149     {
    150         int p,q;
    151         scanf("%d%d",&p,&q);
    152         p--,q--;
    153         sat.add_and_zero(p,q);
    154     }
    155 }
    156 void solve()
    157 {
    158     if(!sat.solve())
    159     {
    160         puts("NIE");
    161         return;
    162     }
    163     for(int i=0;i<2*n;i+=2)
    164     {
    165         if(sat.mark[i]) printf("%d
    166         else printf("%d
    167     }
    168 }
    169 void output()
    170 {
    171     //
    172 }
    173 int main()
    174 {
    175 //    std::ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false);
    176 //    freopen("in.cpp","r",stdin);
    177     while(1)
    178     {
    179         init();
    180         input();
    181         solve();
    182         output();
    183     }
    184     return 0;
    185 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/xysmlx/p/3400936.html
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