• STL 之 partition()方法 和 stable_partition()方法


    这两个方法都用来将指定容器的元素根据指定的predicate函数分成两个子序列,其中满足predicate()函数的,返回值为true的作为第一个序列[v.begin(), bound), 而[bound, v.end())的作为第二个序列。两个方法的区别在于, partition()对于两个子序列中的元素并不排序,而stable_partition()则对两个子序列的元素也进行排序。

    BidirectionalIterator partition ( BidirectionalIterator first, BidirectionalIterator last, Predicate pred );
    BidirectionalIterator stable_partition ( BidirectionalIterator first, BidirectionalIterator last, Predicate pred );
    first, last 第一个和第二个参数说明给定源容器的范围 [first, last)
    pred 第三个参数给定进行分组的规则函数 布尔型返回值 对于返回true的所有元素作为第一个子序列,对于返回false的所有元素作为第二个子序列
    Return value 返回值是 指向第二个子序列的首元素迭代器

    #include <iostream>
     #include <vector>
     #include <algorithm>
     using namespace std;
     bool IsOdd(int i)
         return (i%2 == 1);
     int main()
         vector<int> v = {2,6,3,8,4,5,9,7,1,0};
         cout<<"The original elements in the vector are: "<<endl;
         vector<int>::iterator it, bound;
         for(it = v.begin(); it != v.end(); it++)
             cout<<*it<<" ";
         cout<<"First use the function partition() to separate all elements into 2 groups without ordering: "<<endl;
         //use partition to separate the vector into 2 parts...
         bound = partition(v.begin(), v.end(), IsOdd);
         cout << "All odd elements in the vector are:" <<endl;
         for(it = v.begin(); it != bound; it++)
             cout<<*it<<" ";
         cout<< "All even elements in the vector are:" <<endl;
         for(it = bound; it != v.end(); it++)
             cout<<*it<<" ";
         for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
         cout<<"Secondly use the function stable_partition() to separate all elements into 2 groups with ordering: "<<endl;
         //use stable_partition to separate the vector into 2 parts...
         bound = stable_partition(v.begin(), v.end(), IsOdd);
             cout << "All odd elements in the vector are:" <<endl;
         for(it = v.begin(); it != bound; it++)
             cout<<*it<<" ";
         cout<< "All even elements in the vector are:" <<endl;
         for(it = bound; it != v.end(); it++)
             cout<<*it<<" ";
         return 0;


    The original elements in the vector are:
    2 6 3 8 4 5 9 7 1 0
    First use the function partition() to separate all elements into 2 groups without ordering:
    All odd elements in the vector are:
    1 7 3 9 5
    All even elements in the vector are:
    4 8 6 2 0
    Secondly use the function stable_partition() to separate all elements into 2 groups with ordering:
    All odd elements in the vector are:
    3 5 9 7 1
    All even elements in the vector are:
    2 6 8 4 0


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/xym4869/p/12249826.html
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