• vue_(根据多种条件过滤评论内容)










      (3)条件1:当选择 “全部” 的时候,不需要考虑“满意”,“不满意”这两个

      (4)条件2:考虑此时是“勾选” 还是 “不勾选”状态




        data () {
          return {
            onlyShowText: true, // 是否只显示有文本的
            selectType: 2 , // 选择的评价类型: 0满意, 1不满意, 2全部
        mounted () {
          this.$store.dispatch('getShopRatings', () => {
            this.$nextTick(() => {
              new BScroll(this.$refs.ratings, {
                click: true
        computed: {
          ...mapState(['ratings']), //获取到评论数组
          filterRatings () { //过滤数组
             const {onlyShowText, selectType, ratings} = this
             return this.ratings.filter(rating=>{
             const {text, rateType} = rating
                        2) selectType!=2, 就考虑当前评论的
              总结: selectType==2 || selectType == rateType
                        1)看onlyShowText ==false不选中,不需要考虑后面了
              return (selectType==2 || selectType == rateType)&& (!onlyShowText || text.length>0)
        methods: {
          setSelectType (selectType) {
            this.selectType = selectType
          toggleOnlyShowText () {
            this.onlyShowText = !this.onlyShowText


      <div class="ratings" ref="ratings">
        <div class="ratings-content">
          <div class="overview">
            <div class="overview-left">
              <h1 class="score">{{info.score}}</h1>
              <div class="title">综合评分</div>
              <div class="rank">高于周边商家99%</div>
            <div class="overview-right">
              <div class="score-wrapper">
                <span class="title">服务态度</span>
                <Star :score="info.serviceScore" :size="36" />
                <span class="score">{{info.serviceScore}}</span>
              <div class="score-wrapper">
                <span class="title">商品评分</span>
                <Star :score="info.foodScore" :size="36" />
                <span class="score">{{info.foodScore}}</span>
              <div class="delivery-wrapper">
                <span class="title">送达时间</span>
                <span class="delivery">{{info.deliveryTime}}分钟</span>
          <div class="split"></div>
          <div class="ratingselect">
            <div class="rating-type border-1px">
              <span class="block positive" :class="{active: selectType===2}" @click="setSelectType(2)">
                全部<span class="count">{{ratings.length}}</span>
              <span class="block positive" :class="{active: selectType===0}" @click="setSelectType(0)">
                满意<span class="count">{{positiveSize}}</span>
              <span class="block negative" :class="{active: selectType===1}" @click="setSelectType(1)">
                不满意<span class="count">{{ratings.length-positiveSize}}</span>
            <div class="switch" :class="{on: onlyShowText}" @click="toggleOnlyShowText">
              <span class="iconfont icon-dagou"></span>
              <span class="text">只看有内容的评价</span>
          <div class="rating-wrapper">
              <li class="rating-item" v-for="(rating, index) in filterRatings" :key="index">
                <div class="avatar">
                  <img width="28" height="28" :src="rating.avatar">
                <div class="content">
                  <h1 class="name">{{rating.username}}</h1>
                  <div class="star-wrapper">
                    <Star :score="rating.score" :size="24" />
                    <span class="delivery">{{rating.deliveryTime}}</span>
                  <p class="text">{{rating.text}}</p>
                  <div class="recommend">
                    <span class="iconfont" :class="rating.rateType===0 ? 'icon-thumb_up' : 'icon-thumb_down'"></span>
                    <span class="item" v-for="(item, index) in rating.recommend" :key="index">{{item}}</span>
                  <div class="time">{{rating.rateTime | date-format}}</div>
      import BScroll from 'better-scroll'
      import {mapState, mapGetters} from 'vuex'
      import Star from '../../../components/Star/Star.vue'
      export default {
        data () {
          return {
            onlyShowText: true, // 是否只显示有文本的
            selectType: 2 , // 选择的评价类型: 0满意, 1不满意, 2全部
        mounted () {
          this.$store.dispatch('getShopRatings', () => {
            this.$nextTick(() => {
              new BScroll(this.$refs.ratings, {
                click: true
        computed: {
          ...mapState(['info', 'ratings']),
          filterRatings () {
             const {onlyShowText, selectType, ratings} = this
             return this.ratings.filter(rating=>{
             const {text, rateType} = rating
              return (selectType==2 || selectType == rateType)&& (!onlyShowText || text.length>0)
        methods: {
          setSelectType (selectType) {
            this.selectType = selectType
          toggleOnlyShowText () {
            this.onlyShowText = !this.onlyShowText
        components: {
    <style lang="stylus" rel="stylesheet/stylus">
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/xxm980617/p/10871133.html
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