• FreeWriting_2

    Wow,I 'm very happy with that it's the fourth time of practing freewrting english. Ok, Last time, yesterday, what I said is should focus on a fixted topic. what should I talk about this time? Please try to guess. I'd like to say something about the internet. I think the greatest tool in modern time is internet. But it's very late that my computer started to connect the internet, for me as a software engineer. Everything is historical. What I can do is to cherish the time,  to learn about thechnology and to program more and more. The internet is dual sword. Someone do good things through it, he or she would have a good hearvest. And on the other hand, who are addicted to the internet and do something unuseful, like play games, warch movies and chat with online friend and so on, who would lose the time, and gain nothing except to become much worse.  As I mentioned before, why it's too late for my computer is available about connect the internet. Because when I have been working in Kunming Of YunNan province, my colleagues often talked about online games or football together, nearly never discussed the IT technology. I feel very alone, I just read the books without directions someone could give me. Almost two years later, the time when my computer's network is available, The time for me surfing online become much, I realize the development of software divided to two aspects, application and research. what I have done before belongs to application scope. But I like to do the work of research. Everything have been past. I already went forward a big step.

    The free writing is beginning. Tonight, It was took me more than 1 hours to watch TV, the channel of CCTV 9. My feelings about english become better. In the past, I only caught a few of the word from the english TV programs. But now, I almost can hear out the contents more than half of all. Yeah, It's wonderful. The day of watching TV, absolutely about english, would be so easy just like having meal everday is not far away, and more over at the same time, it would increase my monthly income. The snow ball rolls bigger and bigger. Am I daydreaming? Of course not, it's the millde night now. Tonight, when I surfing online, a news caught my eyes. A person , in Chongqing, won a prize of more than RMB 80 million yuan in a lottery. I have never been to buy lottery ticket. Beacuse the rate of hit prize is so low, and much less than a traffic accident happenen to a person. So I know I am lucky, because I am safe in the past, and by now, in the future, will be the same. I do not expect the big lucky thing would happen on me, I am lucky enough. I won't like to make a little contribution for the big lucky guy. Do you think that I am so illiberal? Whatever you think, I was me, I don't care?

    Today, I was very busy. And Tomorrow, I will work overtime. I should never forget that I had lost so much time. Niuniu and my parents, sister are in not a good situation. Then burden on my shoulder is so heavily. I won't forget my responsibility. Just hold on, It will be better half of a year later.  I am a kindess person. But the kindness worth nothing on other's e eyes. Who want to be respected by others, You have to have the power. "No one care about your self-esteem except you" ,Bill Gates have said. I can't follow the trend of the modern world, but I also have to do my best to get some accomplishment in some field. It lack of some facts of to prove the right stand point. I must make it, not for most people of the world,  but for to give the confidence to the ones who have the same point of view as me. Just a little, I would be very satisfied.
    I am a normal people, so I must work much harder than others. The gap between poors and richers are more and more heavy. Law of the jungle is the truth. The fact needs everyone to face, especialy for the kind people.
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/xuyuan77/p/1168396.html
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