RTest = record Key: Integer; Name: String[20]; end; PTest = ^RTest; TListType = (ltList, ltStrList, ltHashList); var List: TList; StrList: TStringList; HashList: THAshStringList; procedure TfmMain.addToList(Target: TListType); var Total, I: Integer; P_test: PTest; T, E, Cardinal; begin Total:= 5000000; {此处是关键,5万的时候几乎没有任何区别,500万的时候,区别就特别大了} T:= GetTickCount; case Target of ltList: begin for I:=0 to Total do begin New(P_test); P_test.Key:= List.Count + 1; P_test.Name:= 'Tommy' + IntToStr(List.Count + 1); List.Add(P_test); end; E:= GetTickCount; mmoInfo.Lines.Add('添加5W条记录到List中需要' + TntToStr(E) + '-' + IntToStr(T) + '=' + IntToStr(E-T)); mmoInfo.Lines.Add('List.Count := '+IntToStr(List.Count)); mmoInfo.Lines.Add('最后一项:'+PTest(List.Last).Name); mmoInfo.Lines.Add(''); end; ltStrList: begin for I:=0 to Total do begin New(P_test); P_test.Key:= StrList.Count + 1; P_Test.Name:= 'Tommy' + IntToStr(StrList.Count+1); StrList.AddObject(IntToStr(StrList.Count), TObject(Integer(P_test))); end; E:= GetTickCount; mmoInfo.Lines.Add('添加5W条记录到StrList中需要'+IntToStr(E) + ' - ' + IntToStr(T) + ' = ' + IntToStr(E - T)); mmoInfo.Lines.Add('StrList.Count := '+IntToStr(StrList.Count)); mmoInfo.Lines.Add('最后一项:'+ PTest(StrList.Objects[StrList.Count - 1]).Name); mmoInfo.Lines.Add(''); end; ltHashList: begin for I := 0 to Total do begin New(P_test); P_test.Key:= HashList.Count + 1; P_test.Name:= 'Tommy' + IntToStr(HashList.Count + 1); HashList.AddObject(IntToStr(HashList.Count),TObject(Integer(P_test))); end; E:= GetTickCount; mmoInfo.Lines.Add('添加5W条记录到HashList中需要'+IntToStr(E) + ' - ' + IntToStr(T) + ' = ' + IntToStr(E - T)); mmoInfo.Lines.Add('HashList.Count := '+IntToStr(HashList.Count)); mmoInfo.Lines.Add('最后一项:'+ PTest(HashList.Objects[HashList.Count - 1]).Name); mmoInfo.Lines.Add(''); end; end; end; procedure TfmMain.btnFindClick(Sender: TObject); var I,X: Integer; P_Tmp: PTest; T,E: Cardinal; begin T:= GetTickCount; for I := 100 to 300 do begin X:= StrList.IndexOf(IntToStr(I)); if X <> -1 then begin P_Tmp :=PTest(StrList.Objects[X]); end; end; E:= GetTickCount; mmoInfo.Lines.Add('StrList中查找200项耗时:' + IntToStr(E - T)); T:= GetTickCount; for I := 100 to 300 do begin X:= HashList.IndexOf(IntToStr(I)); if X <> -1 then begin P_Tmp :=PTest(HashList.Objects[X]); end; end; E:= GetTickCount; mmoInfo.Lines.Add('HashList中查找200项耗时:'+ IntToStr(E - T)); end; procedure TfmMain.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin List:= TList.Create; StrList:= TStringList.Create; HashList:= THashedStringList.Create; addToList(ltList); addToList(ltStrList); addToList(ltHashList); end; procedure TfmMain.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); begin List.Free; StrList.Free; HashList.Free; end;
测试的时候发现,如果是50000 条数据,那么,这样简单的测试任何效率都看不出来,基本都是在0--20毫秒以内完成添加、查询。
添加500W条记录到List中需要10015562 - 10014859 = 703 List.Count := 5000001 最后一项:Tommy5000001 添加500W条记录到StrList中需要10016703 - 10015562 = 1141 StrList.Count := 5000001 最后一项:Tommy5000001 添加500W条记录到HashList中需要10017859 - 10016703 = 1156 HashList.Count := 5000001 最后一项:Tommy5000001 StrList中查找200项耗时:0 HashList中查找200项耗时:1344 StrList中查找200项耗时:0 HashList中查找200项耗时:328 StrList中查找200项耗时:0 HashList中查找200项耗时:328 StrList中查找200项耗时:15 HashList中查找200项耗时:313 StrList中查找200项耗时:16 HashList中查找200项耗时:312 StrList中查找200项耗时:16 HashList中查找200项耗时:312 StrList中查找200项耗时:0 HashList中查找200项耗时:328 StrList中查找200项耗时:0 HashList中查找200项耗时:313