1 . 修饰函数
2. @staticmethod
#!/usr/bin/ env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- class Student(object): #类属性 name = 'fdzwdt' def __init__(self,name): #实例对象属性 self.name = name #实例方法,只能由实例对象来调用 def get_name_ins(self): return self.name #类方法,可以通过类来调用,也可以通过实例对象调用 @classmethod def get_name_cls(cls): return cls.name #静态方法,可以通过类来调用,也可以通过实例对象调用 #主要功能就是对__init__构造函数进行重载 @staticmethod def get_name_sta(name): return Student(name).name st = Student('weidt') print('ins_name:'+st.get_name_ins()) print('cls_name:'+Student.get_name_cls()) print('sta_name:'+Student.get_name_sta('wdt'))
3. @classmethod
classmethod 修饰符对应的函数不需要实例化,不需要 self 参数,但第一个参数需要是表示自身类的 cls 参数,可以来调用类的属性,类的方法,实例化对象等。
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- class A(object): bar = 1 def func1(self): print ('foo') @classmethod def func2(cls): print ('func2') print (cls.bar) cls().func1() # 调用 foo 方法 A.func2() # 不需要实例化
func2 1 foo
4. 修饰类
1. 修改类函数。
场景: 如果要给一个类的所有方法加上计时,并打印出来
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import time def time_it(fn): "Example of a method decorator" def decorator(*args, **kwargs): t1=time.time() ret = fn(*args, **kwargs) print(' %d seconds taken for %s'%(time.time()-t1, fn.__name__)) return ret return decorator def class_decorator(*method_names): def class_rebuilder(cls): "The class decorator example" class NewClass(cls): "This is the overwritten class" def __getattribute__(self, attr_name): attr_val = super(NewClass, self).__getattribute__(attr_name) if callable(attr_val) and attr_name in method_names: return time_it(attr_val) return attr_val return NewClass return class_rebuilder @class_decorator('first_method', 'second_method') class MySecondClass(object): """ This class is decorated """ def first_method(self, *args, **kwargs): print(" this is a the MySecondClass.first_method") time.sleep(2) def second_method(self, *args, **kwargs): print(" this is the MySecondClass.second_method") time.sleep(1) if __name__ == "__main__": print("::: With a decorated class :::") z = MySecondClass() z.first_method() z.second_method()
::: With a decorated class ::: this is a the MySecondClass.first_method 0 seconds taken for first_method this is the MySecondClass.second_method 0 seconds taken for second_method
2. 增加类成员
场景:比如统一给所有的模型增加id, created_time属性
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import time def cd(cls): def init(*args, **kwargs): cls_obj = cls(*args, **kwargs) setattr(cls_obj, 'id', time.time()) return cls_obj return init @cd class A(object): def __init__(self, name, age, sex='f'): self.name=name self.age=age self.sex=sex def s(self): print self.id if __name__=='__main__': print type(A)#<type 'function'> a=A('Alice', 22) print type(a)#<class '__main__.A'> print a#<__main__.A object at 0x7fe617baa690> print a.name, a.age, a.sex#Alice 22 f a.s()
<type 'function'> <class '__main__.A'> <__main__.A object at 0x1005f4bd0> Alice 22 f 1627034597.78