• Proj THUDBFuzz Paper Reading: Intelligent Malware Defenses


    总结了malware detection, malware analysis, adversarial malware, and malware author attribution, ml + machine learning相关研究

    1. Intro

    1. 值得注意的是,机器学习对攻击者也很有用:由于威胁环境的内在对抗性,机器学习不仅被用于构建智能防御,还被用于开发逃避检测的智能攻击。仅在过去⼗年中,这种竞赛就产⽣了 20,000 多篇研究⽂章。

    2. Malware Characterization

    2.1 Platform-Specific Malware and Defenses

    2.2 Feature Sources



    1. PE header
    2. manifest
    3. Dalvik bytecode
    4. OpCodes
    5. function API calls
    6. permissions, amount and types
    7. control flow graphs & data flow graphs


    1. system API calls
    2. memory access patterns
    3. running processes


    环境特点:can remotely, lower overhead, system-related, noisy ground truth, non-stationary data distribution

    1. traffic connections
    2. http header fields

    2.3 Feature Engineering Modes

    DBN, 分类器,Echo State Network, interpretable deep learning model

    2.4 Feature Representation


    3 Malware Detection


    3.1 Statistical Approaches

    K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN), Support Vector Machine (SVM), Bayesian classification,Polynomial Kernel classifiers,随机森林,histograms, K-Means, Self Organizing Feature Maps (SOMs),Deep Belief Networks,Ensemble Learning,Rotation forests,

    3.2 Graph-Mining Approaches

    文件间关系、信念传播算法、局部敏感hash、 Heterogeneous Information Network (HIN)、 low-dimensional representations、Triggering Relation Graphs、backward- and forward-causality graph

    3.3 Image Visualization Approaches


    3.4 Sequence Learning Approaches

    PE表示为n-gram(3-gram最好) + Random Forest
    OpCode 序列对专⻔用于军事⽬的的 IoT 恶意软件

    3.5 Performance Optimizations

    Feature Reduction

    Hardware-Assisted Detection

    Hardware-assisted Malware Detection
    HMD 是安装在微处理器上的轻型探测器,可提供第⼀道防线,并减少基于软件的探测器的开销。
    Hardware Performance Counters
    专用分类器是恶意软件家族特定的分类器,即⼀个分类器针对⼀类恶意软件进行训练。他们使用 LR 是因为它在微处理器上的实现便宜且简单。

    4 Additional Research Directions

    4.1 Malware Analysis

    Ucci等,Malware Analysis Economics, studies the trade-off between detection accuracy and the resources required for detection.
    该调查提供了用于 Windows PE 恶意软件的研究⽬标、功能和 ML 算法的分类。他们确定了恶意软件分类的热⻔趋势。他们还提出了恶意软件分析经济学的概念,该概念研究了检测准确性和检测所需资源之间的权衡。

    Increasing Interpretability

    Zhang et al. [139] propose a framework to visualise the causal relationships between network requests to help detect abnormal events. Their user studies reveal that visualising network traffic in this way enhances analysts’ malware detection capabilities.可视化⽹络请求之间的因果关系,以帮助检测异常事件

    Mariconti et al. [70] perform causality analysis on user actions that trigger a malware infection. They characterize malware samples by the trigger-actions commonly performed by users. Their method can successfully infer relations between, e.g., information-stealing malware and web pages asking for user credentials.

    Suarez et al. [119] build a dendrogram of malware families showing overlapping code snippets, which helps them to generate evolution-invariant signatures.

    Smith et al. [115] have pointed towards the semantic gap between the machine
    learning and malware analysis communities, making it possible to understand what a malware is doing 将任务从识别恶意软件重新定位到识别行为

    Nadeem et al. [81] have proposed the use of behavioral profiles to describe malware samples as opposed to using black-box family names. They develop MalPaCA, a clusteringbased framework that discovers distinct behaviors present in network traffic and uses the cluster membership information to generate a profile for each malware sample.使用行为配置⽂件来描述恶意软件样本,⽽不是使用⿊盒家族名称. MalPaCA,这是⼀个基于集群的框架,可以发现⽹络流量中存在的不同行为,并使用集群成员信息为每个恶意软件样本⽣成配置⽂件。

    Collecting Traces




    Wang et al. [126] propose a fuzzing-based approach to forcefully trigger malware’s hidden behaviors.

    Yerima et al. [133] have recently proposed a machine learning based malware analysis framework. They learn a state machine of each Android application using code’s static analysis. They use insights from the state machine to guide the so-called stateful event generation. They also compare with an existing approach based on random event-generation and show that the guided behavior-triggering approach results in better data collection.
    他们使用代码的静态分析来学习每个 Android 应用程序的状态机。他们使用来⾃状态机的洞察力来指导所谓的有状态事件⽣成。

    Yokoyama et al. [135] show that it is possible for attackers to use straightforward machine learning algorithms to differentiate between a sandbox and a live system based on leaking characteristics of Windows-based sandboxes
    攻击者可以使用简单的机器学习算法根据基于 Windows 的沙箱的泄漏特征来区分沙箱和实时系统

    Miramirkhani et al. [74] propose sandbox evasion techniques based on the natural ‘wear and tear’ of a real system compared to that of a sandbox. They exploit the past usage of a system to determine its age and degree of use. They show that a simple decision tree classifier can differentiate between a sandbox and a real system with a very high accuracy


    LIME[98]和 SHAP [69]提供了最强⼤和最稳定的解释?

    4.2 Adversarial Malware

    Offensive Security

    (a) the perturbations are performed in the continuous domain, while malware binaries exist in the discrete domain;
    (b) the frameworks often create perturbations that break functionality of the executable

    a reinforcement learning-based method to guide the search for functionality preserving perturbations.

    Grosse et al. [38] propose a method for crafting adversarial examples that operates in the discrete domain and preserves functionality. They craft adversarial Android malware by adding constraints to the perturbations—they only allow changes in the manifest file that adds a single line of code to the application. They use the adversarial examples on Drebin [12] and report a misclassification (evasion) rate of 69%.
    向扰动添加约束来制作对抗性 Android 恶意软件。他们只允许在Manifest中进行更改,从⽽将单行代码添加到应用程序,报告错误分类(逃避)率为 69%

    a local substitute (surrogate) model of the victim RNN that propagates the gradients to a generative RNN that produces sequential adversarial examples

    saddle-point optimization problem

    perturbing the Dalvik byte code to craft adversarial Android malware

    GRAMS, which is a greedy approach that randomly flips bits to obtain functionality preserving high-quality adversarial examples in the discrete domain

    poison behavioral malware clustering
    a weak attacker who injects malicious code in the non-logical part of the application, such as manifest file
    a strong attacker who injects malicious code in resources, such as jar or jpg
    a sophisticated attacker who uses Dynamic Code Loading via Reflection for injecting malicious code at run-time

    Defensive Security


    4.3 Malware Author Attribution

    use a sequence alignment algorithm to measure similarity among different system call sequences. Then, they extract evasion signatures from the behavioral clusters

    Li et al. [62] investigate the resilience of ensemble classifiers and the effectiveness of ensemble attacks.

    Chen et al. [24] have developed a self-adaptive learning scheme for detecting poisoning attacks.

    5 Challenges in ML-Applied Malware Defenses

    1. Robustness Against Time-Decay
      Jordaney et al. [48] and Wang et al. [127] use P-values that can proactively detect concept drift before the classifier’s performance starts to degrade.
    2. Robustness Against Evasion
    3. Imbalanced Training-Set
    4. Evaluation Metrics
      Credibility measures the homogeneity of a given label compared to others of the same class
      Confidence measures the separation between a given label and other classes.
    5. Privacy Concerns
    6. Performance Optimizations

    6 Open Problems in ML-Based Malware Defenses

    1. the absence of toy problems and representative datasets
    2. malware ground truth is inherently inconsistent and unreliable
    3. overlook explainability

    7 Summary

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