1.匿名函数:没有函数名称,-- 赋值给一个变量 就可以
calc=lambda x:x*3 calc=calc(3) print(calc) #------ g=map(lambda x: x * x, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]) print(g)
l= (i*2 for i in range(10)) print (l.__next__())# 取值 print (l.__next__())# 取值
def fib(max): n,a,b =0,0,1 while n<max: yield b a,b =b,a+b n+=1 return 'done' # next 取Return的值 res=fib(5) while True: try : x=next(res) print ('res:',x) except StopIteration as e: print ('generator return value',e.value) break
特性 1.某一函数当做参数传入另一个函数中 2.函数的返回值包含n个函数,n>0
def bar(): print( 'in the bar') def test(func): print(func) res=func() return res #返回内存地址 test(bar) #嵌套函数 def foo(): print('in the foo') def bar(): print('in the bar') bar() foo() #局部作用域与全局作用域的访问顺序 def foo(): x=1 def bar(): x=2 def test(): x=3 print(x) test() bar() foo()
import time def timer(func):#timer(test1) def deco(): start_time=time.time() func() stop_time=time.time() print('the func run time%s:'%(stop_time-start_time)) return deco @timer def test1(): print ('in the test1') time.sleep(1) @timer def test2(): print('in the test2') time.sleep(1) test1() test2()
__author__ = 'fulimei' import time def consumer(name): print ("%s准备吃包子啦! "%name) while True: baozi= yield print("包子%s来了,被%s吃了"%(baozi,name)) def product(name): c=consumer('zhangsan') c1 = consumer('lisi') c.__next__() c1.__next__() b1="韭菜" c.send(b1) print("开始准备做包子啦") for i in range(3): time.sleep(0.1) c.send(i) c1.send(i) product("fulimei")
info ={ 'user':'fulimei', 'password':'asd123', } f=open("test.txt",'w') f.write(str(info)) f.close() #-----读取文件的数据 f=open("test.txt",'r') data=eval(f.read()) print(data) f.close() print(data['password'])
#json序列化-将字典格式的呢日写入文件中 import json info ={ 'user':'fulimei', 'password':'asd123', } f=open("test.txt",'w') f.write(json.dumps(info)) f.close() #序列化,将文件中的内容读取出来 import json f=open("test.txt",'r') data=json.loads(f.read()) print(data) f.close() print(data['password']) #反序列号的读文件内容 import pickle f=open("test1.txt","rb") data=pickle.loads(f.read()) print(data) print(data['age']) f.close()