• 几条特殊的SQL语句

    1, 有case情况。

    select trunc(exf_payment_receipt.work_date),exf_payment_receipt.exchange_code,
    exf_payment_receipt.bill_no,exf_payment_type.name, exf_payment_receipt.total_money,
    case exf_payment_receipt.status when '0' then '正常' else '已撤销' end,
    case exf_payment_receipt.flag when '0' then '未对账'
                                  when '1' then '对账相符'
                                  when '2' then '财政多出'
                                  when '3' then '本行多出'
                                  when '4' then '金额不符'
                                  else '状态不符' end
    from exf_payment_receipt, exf_payment, exf_payment_type
    where exf_payment_receipt.exf_payment_id = exf_payment.id
    and exf_payment_type.code = exf_payment.payment_type_code ;

    2, 数据更新   从一个表更新一条记录到另一个表中。infodept表比org_info表多出 datekey列。
    insert into infodept  select '20130731',* from org_info;

    3,按照理财产品 渠道 处理。

    select L.deptid,L.cpdm,L.clrq,D.deptname,
    sum(case when L.jyqd ='柜面渠道' then 1 else 0 end) as cnt1,
    sum(case when L.jyqd ='柜面渠道' then L.amount else 0 end) as amt1,
    sum(case when L.jyqd ='网银渠道' then 1 else 0 end) as cnt2,
    sum(case when L.jyqd ='网银渠道' then L.amount else 0 end) as amt2
    from lccpmx L,infodept D 
    where L.deptid=D.deptid and D.datekey=L.clrq
    and  (D.branch1='0000' or D.branch2='0000' or D.branch3='0000'or D.branch4='0000') and L.cpdm='1332'
    group by L.deptid,L.cpdm,L.clrq,D.deptname
    ORDER BY L.deptid ;


    insert into paymentbusinessincome_q(datekey,year,quarter,deptid,zfjsamt,zjamt,yysramt)

    select '2013-03-31' as datekey,'2013' as year,'1' as quarter,deptid,
    sum(case when subjid in ('602101') and datekey='2013-03-31' then crcbal-decbal else 0 end) as zfjsamt,--支付结算业务收入
    sum(case when subjid in ('6021') and datekey='2013-03-31' then crcbal-decbal else 0 end) as zjamt, --中间业务收入
    sum(case when subjid in ('6051') and datekey='2013-03-31' then crcbal-decbal else 0 end)+ -- 1 其他业务收入
    sum(case when subjid in ('6061') and datekey='2013-03-31' then crcbal-decbal else 0 end)+ ---2 汇兑收益
    sum(case when subjid in ('6101') and datekey='2013-03-31' then crcbal-decbal else 0 end)+ -- 3 公允价值变动收益
    sum(case when subjid in ('6111') and datekey='2013-03-31' then crcbal-decbal else 0 end)+ -- 4 投资收益
    sum(case when subjid in ('6021') and datekey='2013-03-31' then crcbal-decbal else 0 end)- --B 手续费及佣金收入
    sum(case when subjid in ('6421') and datekey='2013-03-31' then decbal-crcbal else 0 end)+ --5 =B-A B手续费及佣金净收入 A 手续费及佣金支出
    sum(case when subjid in ('6011') and datekey='2013-03-31' then crcbal-decbal else 0 end)-
    sum(case when subjid in ('6411') and datekey='2013-03-31' then decbal-crcbal else 0 end) as yysramt --6=D-C 利息净收入 D 利息收入 C 利息支出
    from decrsubjtotal where datekey='2013-03-31'
    and deptid in (select deptid from infodept where datekey='2013-03-31' and (branch1='0000' or branch2='0000' or branch3='0000' or branch4='0000'))
    group by deptid;

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/xrhou12326/p/3287298.html
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