- .NET DotNetOpenAuth
- OAuthServer a simple OAuth server 2.0 developed in C# to provide OAuth authentication for Active Directory Users.
- Thinktecture IdentityServer
- Java
- MitreID (with OpenID Connect)
- Apache Oltu
- Spring Security OAuth
- Apis Authorization Server (v2-31)
- Restlet Framework (draft 30)
- Apache CXF
- Tokens: Java library for conveniently verifying and storing OAuth 2.0 service access tokens.
- Light OAuth2 - The fastest, lightest and cloud native OAuth 2.0 microservices
- PHP OAuth2 Server and Demo
- PHP OAuth 2.0 Auth and Resource Server and Demo
- PHP OAuth 2.0 (AS with SAML/BrowserID AuthN, with management REST API)
- PHP OAuth2.0 for Silex and Demo
- PHP OAuth2.0 for Symfony and Demo
- Nette OAuth2 provider for Nette framework and Nette REST API bundle
- Python
- HHS OAuth2 Server (Healthcare Focused)
- Python OAuth 2.0 Client + Server Library
- Python Social Auth is an OAuth and OAuth2 client for a multitude of services.
- Django OAuth Toolkit (DOT) is an OAuth2 Provider for Django built upon oauthlib
- HHS OAuth2 Server a health-centric Django project based on DOT
- Flask-OAuthlib is an OAuth2 Client/Provider for Flask built upon oauthlib
- NodeJS
- NodeJS OAuth 2.0 Provider
- Mozilla Firefox Accounts. A full stack Identity Provider system developed to support Firefox Marketplace and other services
- OAuth2orize: toolkit to implement OAuth2 Authorization Servers
- Ruby
- Erlang
- Go
- Fosite: Extensible security first OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect SDK for Go.
- osin: Golang OAuth2 server library
- Golang OAuth 2 Server framework
- gin-oauth2: middleware for Gin Framework users who also want to use OAuth2
- C
- Glewlwyd a lightweight OAuth2 server providing JSON Web Tokens and supports authentication with database or LDAP backend for users and clients.
- Objective C
- Swift
- Java
- Scala
- Python
- sanction
- rauth
- Authomatic
- Flask-OAuthlib is an OAuth2 Client/Provider for Flask built upon oauthlib
- Ruby
- Javascript
- Node.js
- Perl
- .NET
- Qt/C++
- Lua/Corona SDK
- Dart
- Go
- ActionScript
- PowerShell
- Elm