• MySQL Crash Course #17# Chapter 25. 触发器(Trigger)

    推荐看这篇 mysql 利用触发器(Trigger)让代码更简单

    以及 23.3.1 Trigger Syntax and Examples

     感觉有点像 Spring 里的 AOP

    我们为什么需要触发器? -- 因为我们希望当某件事情发生的时候另外一些事情自动发生。。

    例如 在向某张表插入数据的时候,同时向另外一张表插入数据。

    “向某张表插入数据” 就是事件(导火线),而“向另外一张表插入数据” 就是我们希望自动发生的事情(被触发的事情)。

    可是为什么不自己手动“ 先向某表插入数据,再向另外一张表插入数据”呢?


    1. 实现某种业务逻辑,就像下了订单一定要减库存对吧? 但是这个活是上层应用程序做还是数据库做是个问题。
    2. 关注点分离。触发事件可以是一些琐碎、业务无关的安全性检查之类的,这个概念可以参考 Spring AOP

    下面 COPY 几个 demo 备用。


    SELECT * FROM information_schema.`TRIGGERS`;


    DROP TRIGGER newproduct;


    CREATE TRIGGER newproduct AFTER INSERT ON products
    FOR EACH ROW SELECT 'Product added';

    -- -  每当向 products 插入数据的时候都执行 SELECT 'Product added' ,// 原话打印

    - - -- FOR EACH ROW 对于插入的每一条记录都这么做

    --- --  PS. 触发器只能创建在实表上,不能创建在虚表上(视图)

    -- - - - 每张表至多支持 6 个触发器 AFTER BEFORE 2 * 3 UPDATE DELETE INSERT = 6      PS. 这个有错。

    -  ---我尝试了一下居然运行不出来 。。 。 所以,以上规则可能在新版本有变化。。

    mysql> CREATE TRIGGER newproduct AFTER INSERT ON products
        -> FOR EACH ROW SELECT 'Product added';
    ERROR 1415 (0A000): Not allowed to return a result set from a trigger


    1. 触发器不能被覆盖 override ,要修改的话,只能先删除旧的、再创建一个新的。
    2. 在 BEFORE触发器 → SQL语句 → AFTER 触发器这个执行流程中,任何一步出现错误都将不再往下执行。

    关于 OLD 和 NEW 关键词

    Within the trigger body, the OLD and NEW keywords enable you to access columns in the rows affected by a trigger. OLDand NEW are MySQL extensions to triggers; they are not case-sensitive.

    In an INSERT trigger, only NEW.col_name can be used; there is no old row. In a DELETE trigger, only OLD.col_name can be used; there is no new row. In an UPDATE trigger, you can use OLD.col_name to refer to the columns of a row before it is updated and NEW.col_name to refer to the columns of the row after it is updated.

    A column named with OLD is read only. You can refer to it (if you have the SELECT privilege), but not modify it. You can refer to a column named with NEW if you have the SELECT privilege for it. In a BEFORE trigger, you can also change its value with SET NEW.col_name = value if you have the UPDATE privilege for it. This means you can use a trigger to modify the values to be inserted into a new row or used to update a row. (Such a SET statement has no effect in an AFTERtrigger because the row change will have already occurred.)

    In a BEFORE trigger, the NEW value for an AUTO_INCREMENT column is 0, not the sequence number that is generated automatically when the new row actually is inserted.


    By using the BEGIN ... END construct, you can define a trigger that executes multiple statements.

    mysql> delimiter //
    mysql> CREATE TRIGGER upd_check BEFORE UPDATE ON account
           FOR EACH ROW
               IF NEW.amount < 0 THEN
                   SET NEW.amount = 0;
               ELSEIF NEW.amount > 100 THEN
                   SET NEW.amount = 100;
               END IF;
    mysql> delimiter ;


    DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS afterDeleteStudent;
    CREATE TRIGGER afterDeleteStudent
        DELETE FROM SC WHERE SC.stu_id = OLD.id;
    END // 
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/xkxf/p/8919828.html
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