* @author <a href="mailto:zhangting@taobao.com">张挺</a>
* @since 2010-4-6 11:12:33
//Implement interfaces with a closure
// a readable puts chars into a CharBuffer and returns the count of chars added,这个5是返回值-_-b
def readable = { it.put("12 34".reverse()); 5} as Readable
// the Scanner constructor can take a Readable
def s = new Scanner(readable)
assert s.nextInt() == 43
interface X {
void f();
void g(int n);
void h(String s, int n);
x = {Object[] args -> println "method called with $args"} as X
x.h("hello", 2)
//Implement interfaces with a map
impl = [
i: 10,
hasNext: { impl.i > 0 },
next: { impl.i-- },
iter = impl as Iterator
while (iter.hasNext())
println iter.next()
//You only need to implement those methods that are actually called,
//but if a method is called that doesn't exist in the map a NullPointerException is thrown.
x = [f: {println "f called"}] as X
//x.g() // NPE here
//Be careful that you don't accidentally define the map with { }
x = { f: {println "f called"} } as X
def loggerInterface = Class.forName('my.LoggerInterface')
def logger = [
log: {Object[] params -> println "LOG: ${params[0]}"; if (params.length > 1) params[1].printStackTrace() },
close: { println "logger.close called" }