• master_ip_failover

    !/usr/bin/env perl

    use strict;
    use warnings FATAL => 'all';

    use Getopt::Long;

    my (
    $command, $ssh_user, $orig_master_host, $orig_master_ip,
    $orig_master_port, $new_master_host, $new_master_ip, $new_master_port

    my $vip = '';
    my $key = '0';
    my $ssh_start_vip = "ifconfig ens33:$key $vip netmask up";
    my $ssh_stop_vip = "/sbin/ifconfig ens33:$key down";

    'command=s' => $command,
    'ssh_user=s' => $ssh_user,
    'orig_master_host=s' => $orig_master_host,
    'orig_master_ip=s' => $orig_master_ip,
    'orig_master_port=i' => $orig_master_port,
    'new_master_host=s' => $new_master_host,
    'new_master_ip=s' => $new_master_ip,
    'new_master_port=i' => $new_master_port,

    exit &main();

    sub main {

    print "
    IN SCRIPT TEST====$ssh_stop_vip==$ssh_start_vip===
    if ( $command eq "stop" || $command eq "stopssh" ) {
        my $exit_code = 1;
        eval {
            print "Disabling the VIP on old master: $orig_master_host 
            $exit_code = 0;
        if ($@) {
            warn "Got Error: $@
            exit $exit_code;
        exit $exit_code;
    elsif ( $command eq "start" ) {
        my $exit_code = 10;
        eval {
            print "Enabling the VIP - $vip on the new master - $new_master_host 
            $exit_code = 0;
        if ($@) {
            warn $@;
            exit $exit_code;
        exit $exit_code;
    elsif ( $command eq "status" ) {
        print "Checking the Status of the script.. OK 
        exit 0;
    else {
        exit 1;


    sub start_vip() {
    ssh $ssh_user@$new_master_host " $ssh_start_vip ";
    sub stop_vip() {
    return 0 unless ($ssh_user);
    ssh $ssh_user@$orig_master_host " $ssh_stop_vip ";

    sub usage {
    "Usage: master_ip_failover --command=start|stop|stopssh|status --orig_master_host=host --orig_master_ip=ip --orig_master_port=port --new_master_host=host --new_master_ip=ip --new_master_port=port ";

  • 相关阅读:
    vue 定义全局函数和变量
    NOIP2018 游记
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    NOIP2017 游记
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/xivzhou/p/14962367.html
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