• BOM编程之window对象的open函数、close函数、opener函数


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     9   <title>BOM编程之window对象的open函数</title>
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    12     <script type="text/javascript">
    13     /*
    14         1.document是DOM对象,并且是DOM总的顶级根对象(当前网页文档)
    15         2.window是BOM对象,并且是BOM中的顶级根对象(当前浏览器窗口)
    16         3.window对象有一个open()函数,可以开启新窗口
    17     */
    18         function openbaidu(){
    19             window.open("http://www.baidu.com")
    20             //open函数的第二个参数是设置目标位置,和超链接的target属性相同
    21             /*
    22             window.open("http://www.baidu.com","_self");//不产生新页面,在原有页面上跳转
    23             window.open("http://www.baidu.com","_blank");
    24             window.open("http://www.baidu.com","_parent");
    25             window.open("http://www.baidu.com","_top");
    26             */
    27         }
    28     </script>
    29     <input type="button" value="百度" onclick="openbaidu()">
    31  </body>
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     9   <title>BOM编程之window对象的close函数</title>
    10  </head>
    11  <body>
    12     <script type="text/javascript">
    13         function openWin(){
    14             window.open("31.BOM编程之window对象的close函数的子窗口.html")
    15         }
    16     </script>
    17     <input type="button" value="打开一个子窗口" onclick="openWin()">
    19  </body>
    20 </html>
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     9   <title>BOM编程之window对象的close函数的子窗口</title>
    10  </head>
    11  <body>
    12     <script type="text/javascript">
    13         function closeWin(){
    14             if(window.confirm("确定要关闭吗?")){
    15                 window.close();
    16             }
    17         }
    18     </script>
    19     <input type="button" value="关闭子窗口" onclick="closeWin()">
    21  </body>
    22 </html>


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     9   <title>BOM编程之window对象的opener属性</title>
    10  </head>
    11  <body>
    12     <script type="text/javascript">
    13         var username="zhangsan"
    14         function sayHello(){
    15             alert("hello world")
    16         }
    17         alert(username)
    18         //等同于window.alert(username)
    19         sayHello()
    20         //等同于window.sayHello()
    21         function openchildwin(){
    22             window.open("32.BOM编程之window对象的opener属性的子窗口.html")
    23         }
    24     </script>
    25     <input type="button" value="打开子窗口" onclick="openchildwin()">
    27  </body>
    28 </html>
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     9   <title>BOM编程之window对象的opener属性的子窗口</title>
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    11  <body>
    12     <script type="text/javascript">
    13         function openparentwin(){
    14             var win32=window.opener//win32指的是32那个窗口的window,所以那个窗口可以访问什么win32就可以访问什么,可以实现父子通讯
    15             alert(win32.username)
    16             //var win32=window.opener
    17             //win32.sayHello()
    18         }
    19     </script>
    20     <input type="button" value="访问父窗口内容" onclick="openparentwin()"/>
    22  </body>
    23 </html>
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/xiuxiu123456/p/8513366.html
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