#多线程实例 from time import sleep,ctime import threading #多个函数 def talk(content,loop): for x in range(loop): print('Start talk:%s %s' %(content,ctime())) sleep(3) def write(content,loop): for x in range(loop): print('Start write:%s %s' %(content,ctime())) sleep(5) #定义多个线程 threads=[] t1=threading.Thread(target=talk,args=('线程1开始',2)) threads.append(t1) t2=threading.Thread(target=write,args=('线程2开始',2)) threads.append(t2) #运行线程 if __name__=='__main__': for x in threads: x.start() for x in threads: x.join() #线程守护,保证每个线程都运行完成 print('over %s' %ctime())
Python中有两种锁,一个锁是原始的锁(原语), 不可重入,而另一种锁则是可重入的锁即递归锁。而是thread模块中,只提供了不可重入的锁,而在threading中则提供这两种锁。
import thread import time lock = thread.allocate_lock() def Count(id): global num; while True: lock.acquire() if num <= 10: print "Thread id is : %s The num is %s " % (id, str(num)) num = num + 1 else: break lock.release() else: thread.exit_thread() if __name__ == "__main__": num = 1 thread.start_new_thread(Count, ('A',)) thread.start_new_thread(Count, ('B',)) time.sleep(5)
import threading import time lock = threading.Lock() def Count(id): global num; while True: lock.acquire() if num <= 10: print "Thread id is : %s The num is %s " % (id, str(num)) num = num + 1 else: break lock.release() if __name__ == "__main__": num = 1 t1 = threading.Thread(target=Count, args=('A', )) t2 = threading.Thread(target=Count, args=('B', )) t1.start() t2.start() time.sleep(5)
import threading import time lock = threading.RLock() def CountNum(id): global num lock.acquire() if num <= 10: print "Thread id is : %s The num is %s " % (id, str(num)) num = num + 1 CountNum(id) lock.release() if __name__ == "__main__": num = 1 t1 = threading.Thread(target=CountNum, args=('A')) t1.start() time.sleep(5)
#多进程实例 from time import sleep,ctime from multiprocessing import Process #多个函数 def talk(content,loop): for x in range(loop): print('Start talk:%s %s' %(content,ctime())) sleep(2) def write(content,loop): for x in range(loop): print('Start write:%s %s' %(content,ctime())) sleep(3) #定义多个线程 processes=[] p1=Process(target=talk,args=('进程1开始',2)) processes.append(p1) p2=Process(target=write,args=('进程2开始',2)) processes.append(p2) #运行线程 if __name__=='__main__': for x in processes: x.start() for x in processes: x.join() #线程守护,保证每个线程都运行完成 print('over %s' %ctime())
from multiprocessing import Process,Lock # 线程的锁是为了防止共享数据产生错误,从而加锁保重每次操作数据只有一个线程 # 进程的锁是为了在共享屏幕时不会出错,比如打印时不会打乱了 def f(l,i): l.acquire() try: print('hello world',i) finally: l.release() if __name__ == '__main__': lock = Lock() for num in range(10): Process(target=f,args=(lock,num)).start()