匿名反馈,分值为 1..9 分。
1 content depth = 7.31
How satisfied are you with the content depth?
2 topic coverage = 7.39
How satisfied are you with the topic coverage?
3 slides= 7.62
您对投影片 (PPT) 的满意程度
How satisfied are you with the slides?
课程的总体满意度 (Overall Satisfaction)
4 course overall= 8
How satisfied are you with the course overall?
5 instructor overall= 8.08
How satisfied are you with the instructor overall?
6 recommend to others= 7.69
您是否会向您的学校/同学推荐本课程? 9 是大力推荐。1 是一般不会推荐
How likely are you to refer the course to your school/colleagues or your schoolmates? 9 is very likely, 1 is very unlikely.
7 related courses participating= 7.62
您自己是否愿意参加后续的系列相关课程? 9是只要有可能一定参加 1是基本不会再参加
How likely are you to attend related courses and trainings? 9 is very likely, 1 is very unlikely.