• 小程序查看评价的缩放(循环里面有循环)

     1 <view class="content" wx:for="{{content}}">
     2     <view class="opinion">
     3       <view class="title">
     4         <image src='{{staticImg}}home/evaluation/store.png' class='store'></image>
     5         <text class='style'>{{item.style}}</text>
     6         <text class='price'>¥{{item.price}}</text>
     7         <view class='place'>{{item.place}}</view>
     8       </view>
     9     </view>
    11       <view class='middle'>
    12           <view class='score'>
    13               <text class='value'>评分</text>
    14                 <view class="block">
    15                     <view class='num' wx:for="{{assImg}}">
    16                       <image src='{{item.src}}' class='wjx'></image>
    17                     </view>
    18                 </view>
    19               <text class='total'>{{item.total}}分</text> 
    20               <text class='date'>{{item.date}}</text>
    21           </view>
    22           <view class="detail">
    23             <view class='describe'>{{item.describe}}</view>
    24             <view class="specific">{{item.specific}}</view>
    25         <view class='show'>
    26             <view class='cont'  wx:for="{{item.src}}">
    27               <image src='{{item}}' data-index='{{index}}' bindtap='previewImg' class="bask"></image>
    28             </view>
    29       </view> 
    30     </view>
    31   </view>
    32 </view>
      1 page{
      2   font-family: "微软雅黑";
      3   background-color: #f0f0f0;
      4 }
      5 .content{
      6   width:100%;
      7   overflow: hidden;
      8   background-color: #fff;
      9   margin-bottom: 17rpx;
     10 }
     11 .title{
     12   width:707rpx;
     13   height:133rpx;
     14   background-color: #f0f0f0;
     15   margin-top:13rpx;
     16   margin-left:20rpx;
     17   position: relative;
     18 }
     19 .store{
     20   width: 100rpx;
     21   height:100rpx;
     22   position: absolute;
     23   top:15rpx;
     24   left:15rpx;
     25 }
     26 .style{
     27   width:300rpx;
     28   font-size: 30rpx;
     29   font-weight: 700;
     30   color: #000;
     31   position: absolute;
     32   left:132rpx;
     33   top:16rpx;
     34 }
     35 .price{
     36   width:100rpx;
     37   font-size: 30rpx;
     38   font-weight: 700;
     39   color:#c00;
     40   position: absolute;
     41   left:610rpx;
     42   top:16rpx;
     43 }
     44 .place{
     45   width: 300rpx;
     46   font-size: 26rpx;
     47   position: absolute;
     48   left:136rpx;
     49   top:84rpx;
     50 }
     51 .middle{
     52    width:707rpx; 
     53   overflow: hidden;
     54   margin-left:20rpx;
     55   background-color: #fff;
     56 }
     57 .score{
     58   width:707rpx;
     59   height:74rpx;
     60   position: relative;
     61 }
     62 .value{
     63   width:80rpx;
     64   height:74rpx;
     65   line-height: 74rpx;
     66   float: left;
     67   font-size: 30rpx;
     68 }
     69 .block{
     70    width:160rpx;
     71     height:35rpx; 
     72     position: absolute;
     73    top:24rpx;
     74    left:75rpx;
     75 }
     76 .wjx{
     77   float: left;
     78   width:30rpx;
     79   height:30rpx;
     80 }
     81 .total{
     82   width:80rpx;
     83   height:35rpx;
     84   font-size: 30rpx;
     85   color: #c00;
     86   position: absolute;
     87   left:230rpx;
     88   top:20rpx;
     89 }
     90 .date{
     91   width:200rpx;
     92   height:30rpx;
     93   font-size: 26rpx;
     94   color: #888888;
     95   position: absolute;
     96   left:555rpx;
     97   top:24rpx;
     98 }
     99 .detail{
    100   width:630rpx;
    101   overflow: hidden;
    102   margin-left: 102rpx;
    103 }
    104 .describe{
    105   font-size: 26rpx;
    106   color: #888888;
    107   line-height: 43rpx;
    108   text-overflow: ellipsis;
    109   overflow: hidden;
    110   white-space: nowrap;
    111 }
    112 .specific{
    113   width:600rpx;
    114   font-size: 26rpx;
    115   line-height: 48rpx;
    116   overflow : hidden;
    117   text-overflow: ellipsis;
    118   display: -webkit-box;
    119   -webkit-line-clamp: 3;
    120   -webkit-box-orient: vertical;
    121 }
    122 .show{
    123   /* margin-top:rpx; */
    124   margin-bottom: 15rpx;
    125 }
    126 .con{
    127   width:100rpx;
    128   height: 100rpx;
    129   float: left;
    130   display: inline-block;
    131 }
    132 .bask{
    133   width:100rpx;
    134   height:100rpx;
    135   margin-top: 15rpx;
    136   margin-right: 15rpx;
    137   margin-bottom: 15rpx;
    138    float: left;
    139 }
     1 const app = getApp()
     2 Page({
     4   data: {
     5     staticImg: app.globalData.staticImg,
     6     // 评价中的五角星(四颗星)
     7     assImg: [
     8       { src: "/pages/home/evaluation/img/rwj.png" },
     9       { src: "/pages/home/evaluation/img/rwj.png" },
    10       { src: "/pages/home/evaluation/img/rwj.png" },
    11       { src: "/pages/home/evaluation/img/rwj.png" },
    12       { src: "/pages/home/evaluation/img/wj.png"},
    13     ],
    14     // 评价中的五角星(五颗星)
    15     assRImg: [
    16       { src: "/pages/home/evaluation/img/rwj.png"},
    17       { src: "/pages/home/evaluation/img/rwj.png"},
    18       { src: "/pages/home/evaluation/img/rwj.png" },
    19       { src: "/pages/home/evaluation/img/rwj.png" },
    20       { src: "/pages/home/evaluation/img/rwj.png" },
    21     ],
    23     content:[
    24       {
    25         style:'标准洗车-五座轿车',
    26         price:' 17',
    27         place:'合肥青龙潭路店',
    28         total:'4.0',
    29         date:'2018-06-27',
    30         describe:'服务态度好,洗车干净,洗车速度快',
    31         specific:'很不错的一次洗车体验,下次还会光顾的',
    32         src:[
    33             '/pages/home/evaluation/img/Bask.png',
    34             '/pages/home/evaluation/img/Bask.png',
    36           ],
    37       },
    38       {
    39         // url1: '/pages/home/evaluation/img/store.png',
    40         style: '自助小保养',
    41         price: '442',
    42         place: '合肥青龙潭路店',
    43         total: '4.0',
    44         date: '2018-06-27',
    45         describe: '服务态度好,洗车干净,洗车速度快',
    46         specific: '很不错的一次洗车体验,下次还会光顾的很不错的一次洗车体验,下次还会光顾的很不错的一次洗车体验,下次还会光顾的很不错的一次洗车体验,下次还会光顾的很不错的一次洗车体验,下次还会光顾的',
    48       },
    50     ],
    52   },
    54   //图片放大 
    55   previewImg: function (e) {
    56     console.log(e)
    57     console.log(e.currentTarget.dataset.index);
    58     var index = e.currentTarget.dataset.index;
    59     var imgArr = this.data.content[index].src;
    60     wx.previewImage({
    61       current: imgArr[index],     //当前图片地址
    62       urls: imgArr,               //所有要预览的图片的地址集合 数组形式
    63     })
    64   }
    67 })

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/xinheng/p/9511276.html
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