• Python笔记2(作业)

      1 '''
      2 goods = [{"name":"电脑","price":1999},
      3          {"name":"鼠标","price":10},
      4          {"name":"键盘","price":20},
      5          {"name":"耳机","price":199}
      6         ]
      8 money=input()
      9 shopping_car = [name=电脑,count:3]#append  不想买按Q退出
     11 1,展示商品
     12     1、电脑 1999
     13     2、鼠标 10
     14     3、键盘 20
     15     4、耳机 199
     16     1、输入的是全部数字,范围1-n(动态)len
     17 扩展:
     18 想买几个
     19 购物车列表展示
     20 购买成功,打印购买的商品列表
     21 '''
     23 goods = [{"name":"电脑","price":1999},
     24          {"name":"鼠标","price":10},
     25          {"name":"键盘","price":20},
     26          {"name":"耳机","price":199}
     27         ]
     28 shopping_car=[]#购物车
     29 purse=0#钱包余额
     30 print('欢迎选购商品')
     31 print('商品展示')
     32 goods_id=1#商品列表中商品序号
     33 for i in goods:
     34     print(goods_id,'',i["name"],' 价格:',i["price"],'')
     35     goods_id+=1
     36 flag = True#标志位
     37 while flag:
     38     id=input('请输入您要购买的商品的序号:').strip()
     39     while not(id.isdigit()and int(id)>0 and int(id)<=len(goods)):
     40         print('注意:输入商品的序号必须是整数,并且在1到',len(goods),'范围之间')
     41         id=input('请重新输入您要购买的商品的序号:')
     42     else:
     43         id=int(id)-1#输入id与商品列表中的索引位置相差一个
     44     count=input('请输入您要购买的商品的个数:').strip()
     45     while not(count.isdigit() and int(count)>0):
     46         print('注意:输入商品的数量必须是大于0的整数')
     47         count=input('请重新输入您要购买的商品的序号:')
     48     else:
     49         count=int(count)
     50     shopping_car.append({'name':goods[id]["name"],'数量':count,'总价':goods[id]["price"]*count})
     51     print('您的购物车商品如下:')
     52     shopping_car_id=1#购物车列表中商品序号
     53     for i in shopping_car:
     54         print(shopping_car_id,'',i["name"], ' 数量',i['数量'],'' ,' 总价:',i['总价'],'')
     55         shopping_car_id+=1
     56     choise=input('继续添加商品请输入Y,结算请输入S,否则退出选购商品?')
     57     if choise == 'Y':#继续选购商品
     58         flag = True
     59     elif choise == 'S':#结算购物车商品
     60         total_money = 0#购物车商品总价
     61         for i in shopping_car:
     62             money = i['总价']
     63             total_money += money
     64         print('您的购物总金额为:', total_money, '')
     65         print('您的钱包的余额为:', purse, '')
     66         while purse<total_money:
     67             sum = input('您钱包余额不足,请充值:')#充值金额
     68             while not (sum.isdigit()):
     69                 print('注意:输入的充值金额必须是整数')
     70                 sum = input('请重新输入您的充值金额:')
     71             else:
     72                 purse =purse + int(sum)
     73                 print('您钱包的余额为:',purse, '')
     74         choise = input('进行支付请输入Y,继续进行选购商品请输入S,否则退出选购商品?')
     75         if choise=='Y':
     76             if (purse >= total_money):#
     77                 purse=purse-total_money
     78                 print('支付成功,您钱包的余额为',purse,'')
     79                 m=1
     80                 print('订单详情'.center(30,'*'))
     81                 for i in shopping_car:
     82                     print(m, '', i["name"], ' 数量', count, '', ' 总价:', i['总价'], '')
     83                     m+=1
     84                 print('订单总额:',total_money,'')
     85                 print('*'*34)
     86                 shopping_car.clear()
     87                 choise = input('重新选购商品请输入Y,否则退出选购商品?')
     88                 if choise == 'Y':
     89                     flag = True
     90                 else:
     91                     print('再见,记得常来逛逛哦!')
     92                     flag = False
     93             elif choise=='S':
     94                 flag = True
     95             else:
     96                 print('再见,记得常来逛逛哦!')
     97                 flag = False
     98     else:
     99         print('再见,记得常来逛逛哦!')
    100         flag = False
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/xingye-mdd/p/8871013.html
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