• 2010年9月04日_周六_Mobile Developmnet Environmnet_1



    //Mobile SDK Essentials.必不可少的;本质的)



    Once you have created an ArcMap document and published it as a mobile enabled map service you can then consume the data it serves in a Mobile SDK application. These solutions are created within Visual Studio using the Mobile SDK libraries and other components of the .NET Framework such as ADO.NET etc. With these tools you can create powerful GIS based focused applications for windows platforms and devices such as PocketPC's and Smartphones.

    This and following sections within the documentation will help you to get started developing Mobile solutions by the use of walkthroughs and specific examples for common functions, such as querying spatial information.

    一旦你创建一个ArcMap文档并将它发布为一个Mobile 地图服务,你就可以在一个Mobile SDK应用中使用这些服务提供的数据。 这些解决方案是在VS中使用Mobile SKD类库和其他.NET框架下的组件比如:ADO.NET等等创建的。使用这些工具你可以创建强大的基于GIS的应用程序,他们可以用于基于windows平台和设备,比如:PocketPC和智能手机。

    这些题目和在下面文档中的地图将会帮助你入门ArcIGS Mobile 解决方案的开发,主要是通过walk throuths和具有普通功能的特殊的例子,比如:查询和空间信息。


    Setting up the development environment

    If you are new to developing device based applications you may not be familiar with the development environment for creating, debugging and testing mobile applications. Before you can begin working with mobile solutions you should establish the required development environment on your computer. This section discusses these requirements.

    In order to create Mobile SDK solutions should install and configure the following software in this order:



    为了创建Mobile SDK 解决方案,应该按照下面的次序安装并配置下列软件:

    Visual Studio 2005

    You should install Visual Studio 2005 Standard or above on your computer before installing the Mobile SDK. You can develop device based applications in either C# or VB.NET so install the language you are most familiar with. There are no restrictions or benefits in developing with either language when specifically developing Mobile SDK applications.

    Visual studio includes the .NET Framework 2.0 for windows and the .NET Compact Framework 2.0 for devices which are required for Mobile SDK development and deployment. These libraries need to be installed on any client platforms that will run a mobile SDK application. This is covered in more detail within Deploying ArcGIS Mobile applications

    在你安装Mobile SDK 之前,你应该在你的计算机上面安装VS2005标准版或者更高的版本。 你可以使用C#或则VB.NET语言开发基于设备的应用程序。 因此安装你最熟悉的开发语言。 对于使用哪种语言进行开发,当明确开发Mobile SDK应用的时候,任何一种语言都没有限制也没有优点。

    VS包括用于windows.NET Framwork 2.0和用于设备的.NET Compack Framwork 2.0,他们都是用于Mobile SDK开发部署。这些类库都将要安装在任何将要运行mobile SDK应用的客户端平台。详细信息查看Deploying ArcGIS Mobile applications

    Activesync 4

    Activesync acts as a gateway between your windows based computer and attached devices such as PDA's and Smartphones. It allows you to synchronize information such as email, applications and data between the two platforms. It is an essential part of developing device based applications while debugging and testing.

    While developing Mobile SDK applications the connection setting, found under the Activesync File menu, may affect how the device connects through your computer to the ArcGIS Server map service. Generally for intranet hosts, select the 'Work' network to make a successful connection while for Internet hosts try the 'Internet' setting. You can test connectivity on the device by using a browser to connect to the server web service. The latest version of Activesync should be installed and can be found at the Microsoft Windows Mobile site.

    Activesync 作为基于windows的计算机和它连接的设备比如:PDA和智能手机之间的通道。她允许你在这个两个平台之间实现信息同步,比如:email,应用程序和数据。她是在开发基于设备应用程序,当进行调试和测试的时候必不可少的。

    当开发Mobile SKD应用的时候,Activesync文件菜单下的连接设置可能对设备如何通过你的计算机连接ArcGIS Server Map服务产生影响。一般来说,对于Intranet的用户选择”work”网络来连接成功的连接,对于internet 用户尝试使用internet设置。 你可以通过使用浏览器连接web 服务服务器来测试是否连接成功。应该安装最新版本的Activesync,并且它可以在Microsoft Windows Mobile站点中找到

    Mobile SDK

    The Mobile SDK should be installed on your computer after Visual Studio 2005 to ensure that the mobile toolbox components and other integration features are installed correctly.

    Once installed you should see an ArcGIS Mobile Controls tab within your Visual Studio toolbox containing the Mobile SDK controls. Additionally when compiling your application, Visual Studio will check for and add the additional Mobile SDK core library component to the solution. If you remove and reinstall Visual Studio 2005 from your computer you should reinstall the Mobile SDK to reestablish the integration.

    The libraries for each platform, windows and device based, consists of two dll's. For windows these libraries are ESRI.ArcGIS.Mobile.dll and ESRIMobile92.dll located within the ArcGIS\Dotnet directory. The compact framework versions are ESRI.ArcGIS.Mobile.dll and ESRIMobile92CE.dll located within the ArcGIS\Dotnet\WindowsCE directory. During development you normally do not have to worry about referencing these libraries in your solution as the Visual Studio integration takes care of referencing and linking.

    安装VS2005后,mobile SDK应该安装到你的计算机中,用于保证mobile 工具箱组件和其他集成要素能够正确安装。

    一旦安装成功,你应该在VS工具箱中看到一个ArcGIS Mobile 控件标签。 里面包含了Mobile SDK控件。另外,当你编译你的应用的时候,VS将会检查并添加额外的Mobile SDK核心类库组件到你的解决方案中。如果你重新卸载并重新装了你的计算机上面的VS2005,那么你需要重新安装Mobile SDK来重新创建这个集合。

    用于每个平台、windows和基于设备的类库都包含有连个DLL,对于windows,他们是ArcGIS\DOTNET目录下的ESRI.ArcGIS.Mobile.dll and ESRIMobile92.dllcompact framework 版本是位置ArcGIS\DOTNET\WINDOWSCE 目录下面的ESRI.ArcGIS.Mobile.dll and ESRIMobile92CE.dll。开发的过程中,你通常不需要担心引用这些类库到你的解决方案中,应为VS integration关注着这些引用和连接;

    Mobile SDK's

    Microsoft offers Software Development Kits that allow you to develop applications for Windows Mobile 5 PocketPC's and Smartphones. Most newer devices are based on Windows Mobile 5.0 so you should download and install these developer kits to add new libraries and emulator images to Visual Studio. The kits can be downloaded from the Mobile Developer Center SDK site.

    微软提供了软件开发包,允许用户开发用于windows mobile 5 pocketPC’s和智能手机的应用程序。 大多数的设备是基于windows Mobile 5.0,所以你应该下载和安装这些软件开发包,将新的了利库和模拟器镜像安装到VS 这些软件开发包可以从Mobile Developer Center SDK site处下载

    Getting started with Mobile SDK development

    The easiest way to start developing Mobile solutions is to learn by example. The section Building your first mobile application contains walkthroughs to create a simple viewing application for each of the supported platforms. You should at least work through the windows example to understand the basic components and the minimum code necessary to create a mobile application.

    More complex applications such as field editing solutions build on concepts introduced in the walkthroughs, adding more support components and other parts of the .NET Framework. The developer samples also contain numerous examples within different application areas. Most of these examples assume a basic knowledge of the .NET language including concepts from ADO.NET.

    最容易的开发mobile 解决方案入门是学习例子。Building your first mobile application部分包含了创建一个任何支持的平台下的简单的viewing应用的步骤。 你应啊至少work through the windows 例子,理解创建一个mobile 应用所需要的基本的组件和最少量的代码。

    更发杂的应用比如:根据在walkthrough中介绍的概念所创建的野外编辑解决方案,添加更多的支持组件和其他.NET框架中的部分开发者例子也包含若干个不同应用区域的例子。所有的这些例子都假定对.NET 语言有基本理解,包括ADO.NET概念的理解

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/xingchen/p/1824448.html
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