• 第十五章、面向对象编程


    第四部分 面向对象编程与泛型编程
    第15章 面向对象编程 
    15.1 面向对象编程:概述 
    15.2 定义基类和派生类 
    15.3 转换与继承 
    15.4 构造函数和复制控制 
    15.5 继承情况下的类作用域 
    15.6 纯虚函数 
    15.7 容器与继承 
    15.8 句柄类与继承 
    15.9 再谈文本查询示例 
    第15章 面向对象编程 471
    15.1 面向对象编程:概述 472
    15.2 定义基类和派生类 473
    15.2.1 定义基类 474
    15.2.2 protected成员 475
    15.2.3 派生类 476
    15.2.4 virtual与其他成员函数 479
    15.2.5 公用、私有和受保护的继承 482
    15.2.6 友元关系与继承 486
    15.2.7 继承与静态成员 486
    15.3 转换与继承 487
    15.3.1 派生类到基类的转换 487
    15.3.2 基类到派生类的转换 489
    15.4 构造函数和复制控制 490
    15.4.1 基类构造函数和复制控制 490
    15.4.2 派生类构造函数 490
    15.4.3 复制控制和继承 494
    15.4.4 虚析构函数 495
    15.4.5 构造函数和析构函数中的虚函数 497
    15.5 继承情况下的类作用域 497
    15.5.1 名字查找在编译时发生 498
    15.5.2 名字冲突与继承 498
    15.5.3 作用域与成员函数 499
    15.5.4 虚函数与作用域 500
    15.6 纯虚函数 502
    15.7 容器与继承 503
    15.8 句柄类与继承 504
    15.8.1 指针型句柄 505
    15.8.2 复制未知类型 507
    15.8.3 句柄的使用 508
    15.9 再谈文本查询示例 511
    15.9.1 面向对象的解决方案 513
    15.9.2 值型句柄 514
    15.9.3 Query_base类 515
    15.9.4 Query句柄类 516
    15.9.5 派生类 518
    15.9.6 eval函数 520
    小结 522
    术语 523
    // 第15章 面向对象编程 
    // 15.1 面向对象编程:概述 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // calculate and print price for given number of copies, applying any discounts
    void print_total(ostream &os, const Item_base &item, size_t n)
      os << "ISBN: " << item.book() // calls Item_base::book
       << "	number sold: " << n << "	total price: "
      // virtual call: which version of net_price to call is resolved at run time
       << item.net_price(n) << endl;
    // 15.2 定义基类和派生类 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // 15.2.1 定义基类
    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    using namespace std;
    // Item sold at an undiscounted price
    // derived classes will define various discount strategies
    class Item_base
        string isbn; // identifier for the item
        double price; // normal, undiscounted price  
        Item_base(const string &book = "", double sales_price = 0.0):
          isbn(book), price(sales_price){}
        string book()const { return isbn; }
        // returns total sales price for a specified number of items
        // derived classes will override and apply different discount algorithms
        virtual double net_price(size_t n)const
        { return n *price; }
        virtual ~Item_base(){}
    int main()
      return 0;
    // 15.2.2 protected成员
    //派生类只能通过派生类对象访问其基类的 protected 成员,
    //派生类对其基类类型"对象"的 protected 成员没有特殊访问权限。
    void Bulk_item::memfcn(const Bulk_item &d, const Item_base &b)
      // attempt to use protected member
      double ret = price; // ok: uses this->price
      ret = d.price; // ok: uses price from a Bulk_item object
      ret = b.price; // error: no access to price from an Item_base
    // 15.2.3 派生类
    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    using namespace std;
    // Item sold at an undiscounted price
    // derived classes will define various discount strategies
    class Item_base
        string isbn; // identifier for the item
        double price; // normal, undiscounted price  
        Item_base(const string &book = "", double sales_price = 0.0):
          isbn(book), price(sales_price){}
        string book()const { return isbn; }
        // returns total sales price for a specified number of items
        // derived classes will override and apply different discount algorithms
        virtual double net_price(size_t n)const
        { return n *price; }
        virtual ~Item_base(){}
    // discount kicks in when a specified number of copies of same book are sold
    // the discount is expressed as a fraction used to reduce the normal price
    class Bulk_item: public Item_base  // 类派生列表
        // redefines base version so as to implement bulk purchase discount policy
        double net_price(size_t)const; // 重定义派生类中的虚函数
        size_t min_qty; // minimum purchase for discount to apply
        double discount; // fractional discount to apply
    // if specified number of items are purchased, use discounted price
    double Bulk_item::net_price(size_t cnt)const
      if(cnt >= min_qty)
        return cnt *(1-discount) *price; // price从基类取,protected,可以取到
        return cnt *price;
    int main()
      return 0;
    // 15.2.4 virtual与其他成员函数
    // function with an Item_base reference parameter
    double print_total(const Item_base &, size_t);
    Item_base item; // object of base type
    // ok: use pointer or reference to Item_base to refer to an Item_base object
    print_total(item, 10); // passes reference to an Item_base object
    Item_base *p = &item; // p points to an Item_base object
    Bulk_item bulk; // object of derived type
    // ok: can bind a pointer or reference to Item_base to a Bulk_item object
    print_total(bulk, 10); // passes reference to the Item_base part of bulk
    p = &bulk; // p points to the Item_base part of bulk
    ***  每个派生类对象都拥有基类部分。 ***
    // calculate and print price for given number of copies, applying any discounts
    void print_total(ostream &os, const Item_base &item, size_t n)
      os << "ISBN: " << item.book() // calls Item_base::book
       << "	number sold: " << n << "	total price: "
      // virtual call: which version of net_price to call is resolved at run time
       << item.net_price(n) << endl;
    Item_base base;
    Bulk_item derived;
    // print_total makes a virtual call to net_price
    print_total(cout, base, 10); // calls Item_base::net_price
    print_total(cout, derived, 10); // calls Bulk_item::net_price
    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    using namespace std;
    // Item sold at an undiscounted price
    // derived classes will define various discount strategies
    class Item_base
        string isbn; // identifier for the item
        double price; // normal, undiscounted price  
        Item_base(const string &book = "", double sales_price = 0.0):
          isbn(book), price(sales_price){}
        string book()const { return isbn; }
        // returns total sales price for a specified number of items
        // derived classes will override and apply different discount algorithms
        virtual double net_price(size_t n)const
          cout << "this is Item_base." << endl; // just for test
          return n *price; 
        virtual ~Item_base(){}
    // discount kicks in when a specified number of copies of same book are sold
    // the discount is expressed as a fraction used to reduce the normal price
    class Bulk_item: public Item_base  // 类派生列表
        // redefines base version so as to implement bulk purchase discount policy
        double net_price(size_t)const; // 重定义派生类中的虚函数
        size_t min_qty; // minimum purchase for discount to apply
        double discount; // fractional discount to apply
    // if specified number of items are purchased, use discounted price
    double Bulk_item::net_price(size_t cnt)const
      cout << "this is Bulk_item." << endl; // just for test
      if(cnt >= min_qty)
        return cnt *(1-discount) *price; // price从基类取,protected,可以取到
        return cnt *price;
    void print_total(ostream &os, const Item_base &item, size_t n)
      os << "ISBN: " << item.book() // calls Item_base::book
       << "	number sold: " << n << "	total price: "
      // virtual call: which version of net_price to call is resolved at run time
       << item.net_price(n) << endl;
    int main()
      Item_base base;
      Bulk_item derived;
      // print_total makes a virtual call to net_price
      print_total(cout, base, 10); // calls Item_base::net_price
      print_total(cout, derived, 10); // calls Bulk_item::net_price
      return 0;
    // ::net..
    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    using namespace std;
    // Item sold at an undiscounted price
    // derived classes will define various discount strategies
    class Item_base
        string isbn; // identifier for the item
        double price; // normal, undiscounted price  
        Item_base(const string &book = "", double sales_price = 0.0):
          isbn(book), price(sales_price){}
        string book()const { return isbn; }
        // returns total sales price for a specified number of items
        // derived classes will override and apply different discount algorithms
        virtual double net_price(size_t n)const
          cout << "this is Item_base." << endl; // just for test
          return n *price; 
        virtual ~Item_base(){}
    // discount kicks in when a specified number of copies of same book are sold
    // the discount is expressed as a fraction used to reduce the normal price
    class Bulk_item: public Item_base  // 类派生列表
        // redefines base version so as to implement bulk purchase discount policy
        double net_price(size_t)const; // 重定义派生类中的虚函数
        size_t min_qty; // minimum purchase for discount to apply
        double discount; // fractional discount to apply
    // if specified number of items are purchased, use discounted price
    double Bulk_item::net_price(size_t cnt)const
      cout << "this is Bulk_item." << endl; // just for test
      if(cnt >= min_qty)
        return cnt *(1-discount) *price; // price从基类取,protected,可以取到
        return cnt *price;
    void print_total(ostream &os, const Item_base &item, size_t n)
      os << "ISBN: " << item.book() // calls Item_base::book
       << "	number sold: " << n << "	total price: "
      // virtual call: which version of net_price to call is resolved at run time
       << item.net_price(n) << endl;
    int main()
      Item_base base;
      Bulk_item derived;
      Item_base *baseP = &derived;
      // calls version from the base class regardless of the dynamic type of baseP
      double d = baseP->Item_base::net_price(42);
      return 0;
    // 15.2.5 公用、私有和受保护的继承
    // 迄今为止,最常见的继承形式是 public。
    // using...
    class Derived : private Base {
        // maintain access levels for members related to the size of the object
        using Base::size;
        using Base::n;
        // ...
    // 15.2.6 友元关系与继承
    // 15.2.7 继承与静态成员
    // 15.3 转换与继承 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      Item_base item; // object of base type
      Bulk_item bulk; // object of derived type
      // ok: uses Item_base::Item_base(const Item_base&) constructor
      Item_base item(bulk); // bulk is "sliced down" to its Item_base portion
      // ok: calls Item_base::operator=(const Item_base&)
      item = bulk; // bulk is "sliced down" to its Item_base portion
      Item_base base;
      Bulk_item *bulkP = &base; // error: can't convert base to derived
      Bulk_item &bulkRef = base; // error: can't convert base to derived
      Bulk_item bulk = base; // error: can't convert base to derived
      Bulk_item bulk;
      Item_base *itemP = &bulk;  // ok: dynamic type is Bulk_item
      Bulk_item *bulkP = itemP;  // error: can't convert base to derived
    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    using namespace std;
    // Item sold at an undiscounted price
    // derived classes will define various discount strategies
    class Item_base
        string isbn; // identifier for the item
        double price; // normal, undiscounted price  
        Item_base(const string &book = "", double sales_price = 0.0):
          isbn(book), price(sales_price){}
        string book()const { return isbn; }
        // returns total sales price for a specified number of items
        // derived classes will override and apply different discount algorithms
        virtual double net_price(size_t n)const
          cout << "this is Item_base." << endl; // just for test
          return n *price; 
        virtual ~Item_base(){}
    // discount kicks in when a specified number of copies of same book are sold
    // the discount is expressed as a fraction used to reduce the normal price
    class Bulk_item: public Item_base  // 类派生列表
        // redefines base version so as to implement bulk purchase discount policy
        double net_price(size_t)const; // 重定义派生类中的虚函数
        size_t min_qty; // minimum purchase for discount to apply
        double discount; // fractional discount to apply
    // if specified number of items are purchased, use discounted price
    double Bulk_item::net_price(size_t cnt)const
      cout << "this is Bulk_item." << endl; // just for test
      if(cnt >= min_qty)
        return cnt *(1-discount) *price; // price从基类取,protected,可以取到
        return cnt *price;
    void print_total(ostream &os, const Item_base &item, size_t n)
      os << "ISBN: " << item.book() // calls Item_base::book
       << "	number sold: " << n << "	total price: "
      // virtual call: which version of net_price to call is resolved at run time
       << item.net_price(n) << endl;
    int main()
      Item_base item1; // object of base type
      Bulk_item bulk1; // object of derived type
      // ok: uses Item_base::Item_base(const Item_base&) constructor
      Item_base item2(bulk1); // bulk is "sliced down" to its Item_base portion
      // ok: calls Item_base::operator=(const Item_base&)
      item1 = bulk1; // bulk is "sliced down" to its Item_base portion
      Item_base base;
      Bulk_item *bulkP = &base; // error: can't convert base to derived
      Bulk_item &bulkRef = base; // error: can't convert base to derived
      Bulk_item bulk = base; // error: can't convert base to derived
      Bulk_item bulk;
      Item_base *itemP = &bulk;  // ok: dynamic type is Bulk_item
      Bulk_item *bulkP = itemP;  // error: can't convert base to derived  
      return 0;
    // 15.4 构造函数和复制控制 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    using namespace std;
    // Item sold at an undiscounted price
    // derived classes will define various discount strategies
    class Item_base
        string isbn; // identifier for the item
        double price; // normal, undiscounted price  
        Item_base(const string &book = "", double sales_price = 0.0):
          isbn(book), price(sales_price){}
        string book()const { return isbn; }
        // returns total sales price for a specified number of items
        // derived classes will override and apply different discount algorithms
        virtual double net_price(size_t n)const
          cout << "this is Item_base." << endl; // just for test
          return n *price; 
        virtual ~Item_base(){}
    // discount kicks in when a specified number of copies of same book are sold
    // the discount is expressed as a fraction used to reduce the normal price
    class Bulk_item: public Item_base  // 类派生列表
        Bulk_item(const std::string &book, double sales_price, 
          std::size_t qty = 0, double disc_rate = 0.0): 
          Item_base(book, sales_price), min_qty(qty),discount(disc_rate){}
        // 派生类的初始化列表  
        // redefines base version so as to implement bulk purchase discount policy
        double net_price(size_t)const; // 重定义派生类中的虚函数
        size_t min_qty; // minimum purchase for discount to apply
        double discount; // fractional discount to apply
    // if specified number of items are purchased, use discounted price
    double Bulk_item::net_price(size_t cnt)const
      cout << "this is Bulk_item." << endl; // just for test
      if(cnt >= min_qty)
        return cnt *(1-discount) *price; // price从基类取,protected,可以取到
        return cnt *price;
    void print_total(ostream &os, const Item_base &item, size_t n)
      os << "ISBN: " << item.book() // calls Item_base::book
       << "	number sold: " << n << "	total price: "
      // virtual call: which version of net_price to call is resolved at run time
       << item.net_price(n) << endl;
    int main()
      // arguments are the isbn, price, minimum quantity, and discount
      Bulk_item bulk("0-201-82470-1", 50, 5, .19);
      return 0;
    class Bulk_item: public Item_base
        Bulk_item(const std::string &book, double sales_price, std::size_t qty = 0,
          double disc_rate = 0.0): Item_base(book, sales_price), min_qty(qty),
        // as before
    // 15.5 继承情况下的类作用域 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // 15.6 纯虚函数 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // 15.7 容器与继承 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // 15.8 句柄类与继承 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // 未完成 
    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    #include <vector>
    #include <algorithm>
    #include <stdexcept>
    using namespace std;
    // Item sold at an undiscounted price
    // derived classes will define various discount strategies
    class Item_base
        string isbn; // identifier for the item
        double price; // normal, undiscounted price  
        virtual Item_base *clone()const
        {  return new Item_base(*this); }
        Item_base(const string &book = "", double sales_price = 0.0):
          isbn(book), price(sales_price){}
        string book()const { return isbn; }
        // returns total sales price for a specified number of items
        // derived classes will override and apply different discount algorithms
        virtual double net_price(size_t n)const
          cout << "this is Item_base." << endl; // just for test
          return n *price; 
        virtual ~Item_base(){}
    // discount kicks in when a specified number of copies of same book are sold
    // the discount is expressed as a fraction used to reduce the normal price
    class Bulk_item: public Item_base  // 类派生列表
        Bulk_item* clone() const
        { return new Bulk_item(*this); }
        Bulk_item(const std::string &book, double sales_price, 
          std::size_t qty = 0, double disc_rate = 0.0): 
          Item_base(book, sales_price), min_qty(qty),discount(disc_rate){}
        // 派生类的初始化列表  
        // redefines base version so as to implement bulk purchase discount policy
        double net_price(size_t)const; // 重定义派生类中的虚函数
        size_t min_qty; // minimum purchase for discount to apply
        double discount; // fractional discount to apply
    // if specified number of items are purchased, use discounted price
    double Bulk_item::net_price(size_t cnt)const
      cout << "this is Bulk_item." << endl; // just for test
      if(cnt >= min_qty)
        return cnt *(1-discount) *price; // price从基类取,protected,可以取到
        return cnt *price;
    void print_total(ostream &os, const Item_base &item, size_t n)
      os << "ISBN: " << item.book() // calls Item_base::book
       << "	number sold: " << n << "	total price: "
      // virtual call: which version of net_price to call is resolved at run time
       << item.net_price(n) << endl;
    // use counted handle class for the Item_base hierarchy
    class Sales_item
        // default constructor: unbound handle
        Sales_item(): p(0), use(new std::size_t(1)){}
        // attaches a handle to a copy of the Item_base object
        Sales_item(const Item_base &);
        // copy control members to manage the use count and pointers
        Sales_item(const Sales_item &i): p(i.p), use(i.use)
        { ++ *use; } 
        ~Sales_item() { decr_use(); }
        Sales_item &operator = (const Sales_item &);
        // member access operators
        const Item_base *operator->()const
              return p;
              throw std::logic_error("unbound Sales_item");
        const Item_base &operator *()const
              return  *p;
              throw std::logic_error("unbound Sales_item");
        Item_base *p; // pointer to shared item
        std::size_t *use; // pointer to shared use count
        // called by both destructor and assignment operator to free pointers
        void decr_use()
            if(-- *use == 0)
                delete p;
                delete use;
    // use-counted assignment operator; use is a pointer to a shared use count
    Sales_item &Sales_item::operator = (const Sales_item &rhs)
      ++ *rhs.use;
      p = rhs.p;
      use = rhs.use;
      return  *this;
    Sales_item::Sales_item(const Item_base &item):
    p(item.clone()), use(new std::size_t(1)) { }
    int main()
      vector < Item_base > basket;
      Item_base base;
      //Bulk_item bulk; 
      Bulk_item bulk("0-201-82470-1", 50, 5, .19);
      return 0;
    // 15.9 再谈文本查询示例 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    //// 这章没有充分理解,因为与STL相关性不大,故先略


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/xin-le/p/4087970.html
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